Hello ! I just searchd some trades in TF2OUTPOST.com , and found 2 guys who doing fake offers , and they are INSANE OFFERS !! I just hope that no one will fall to that huge lie and will get scammed . The user "Pokerface" has did a trade when he selling the game Splinter Cell Conviction for Counter Strike Global Offensive , thats fine , just a stupid offer that no one should care . But after that , I entred to the one who OFFERED this offer (He is banned on SteamRep , TF2T scammer - http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198017919312) , and THE SAME THING happens there too !!! Pokerface offering 1BUD + 7 Keys for the game Killing Floor . Please , ban both on Outpost ! so they couldnt do anymore fake offers like that ! Scammer: steamID: Pokerface steamID32: STEAM_0:1:35496976 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031259681 customURL: steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198031259681 Some proofs - Here are the trades . please check them and you'll know on what im talking about : http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/4619042 http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/4594954 Some screenshot - http://i.imgur.com/GqQU3.png http://i.imgur.com/TPVsZ.png I hope this is "good enough" report . Thank you for your time , and have a great day !