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Archived 76561198034552179 (Blarx)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by TangoAK, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. TangoAK

    TangoAK New User

    |steamID: TangoAK
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:6106321
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972478370
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kattila
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197972478370?t=1357517018

    |steamID: Blarx
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37143225
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034552179
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198034552179


    Description: Scammed me Humble THQ Bundle.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    9. tammikuuta 2013
    14:35 - Blarx: hey
    14:35 - TangoAK: Hi
    14:35 - Blarx: you want sleeping dogs?
    14:35 - TangoAK: Yes
    14:35 - Blarx: i got a key,what do you got?
    14:35 - TangoAK: Pick your combo for Sleeping Dogs:
    Humble Bundle 7 BTA
    Alan Wake Tradable
    XIII Century Gold key
    Worms Grazy Golf key
    Titan Quest key
    multiple Dotas tradable
    14:35 - TangoAK: New Vegas
    14:36 - Blarx: new vegas tradable or not?
    14:36 - TangoAK: not
    14:36 - Blarx: alan wake and new vegas?
    14:37 - TangoAK: That is a little too much
    14:37 - Blarx: xD
    14:37 - Blarx: it was worth a try
    14:37 - TangoAK: :)
    14:37 - Blarx: =)
    14:37 - TangoAK: You can always try :D
    14:37 - Blarx: xD
    14:37 - Blarx: and i'll always do ;)
    14:37 - Blarx: then,give me a sec ^^
    14:38 - Blarx: what is the humble bundle 7?
    14:38 - Blarx: which games?
    14:38 - TangoAK: http://indiegamebundle.wikia.com/wiki/The_Humble_Indie_Bundle_7
    14:38 - Blarx: thx ^^
    14:38 - TangoAK: All games
    14:38 - TangoAK: and I have also Humble THQ Bundle without SR3
    14:39 - TangoAK: All games except SR3
    14:41 - Blarx: what about red faction guerrilla+darksider for sleeping dogs?
    14:42 - TangoAK: It is rf armageddon I don't have guerrilla
    14:42 - TangoAK: But I can do that
    14:42 - TangoAK: armageddon + darksiders
    14:43 - Blarx: deal ^^
    14:43 - Blarx: so,how do we do it?
    14:43 - Blarx: you 1 game,the key,then the other ?
    14:43 - Blarx: so,it is safe for both of us
    14:44 - TangoAK: Or you go first and I will then give you both. I have older profile, more rep and games. I won't risk my profile
    14:44 - TangoAK: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197972478370
    14:44 - TangoAK: You can report there
    14:45 - Blarx: well,i got scammed a few days,from a guy with over 800 games and i won't risk to get scammed again =(
    14:45 - TangoAK: I did that to person who scammed me and he cannot scam anymore with that profile
    14:45 - TangoAK: Oh
    14:45 - TangoAK: I'm sorry
    14:45 - TangoAK: Well you seem ok
    14:45 - TangoAK: I will first check your profile
    14:45 - Blarx: ok
    14:46 - TangoAK: Do you have profile at steamtrades?
    14:47 - Blarx: no,i haven't traded very much
    14:47 - Blarx: do i have to have a profile?
    14:47 - TangoAK: No
    14:47 - TangoAK: But it is better to have
    14:47 - Blarx: ok,i'll register ^^
    14:47 - TangoAK: If you are trading
    14:47 - TangoAK: Ok
    14:48 - Blarx: thanks for saying =)
    14:48 - TangoAK: np
    14:48 - Blarx: checked me? ^^
    14:49 - TangoAK: Can you give me link to your steamtrades profile?
    14:49 - Blarx: wait a sec
    14:50 - Blarx: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Kolmonov
    14:51 - Blarx: i seems like i am on steamtrade,without knowing xD
    14:51 - TangoAK: I will give you the whole thq bundle as I don't need those extra keys...
    14:51 - TangoAK: https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=BCwZXvA5kakc
    14:53 - Blarx: thanks ^^
    14:53 - Blarx: now the key
    Blarx is now Offline.
  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!