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Rejected 76561198035502051 SR SCAMMER

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Supreme Pootis™, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    | steamname: ๖ۣۜProfessor Scam™
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37618161
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035502051
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/69001337
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035502051
    Well, its pretty simple. I made an alt maybe 2 years ago for my brother, forgot about it for a while, and now I seem to be banned for it. It says I was impersonating with intent to defraud, when in fact item history shows that it hasn't done any trades accept with me, where I used it to store some halloween items. The only thing that I've been able to turn up about impersonation is that the profile was once named Bottiger, a skial admin. I had nothing to do with this impersonation, and as shown in the trade history, that alternate account has never been used for scamming, or any trades really. I really hope you consider my appeal, as I've been a part of the TF2 community for as long as I had my steam account, and I wouldn't want to give it up to something like this.

    Attached Files:

  2. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

  3. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    The profile is now public. If you are wondering who Stormcrow is its my closest friend so I added him on there. Also I am not friend's with my main account because I felt I had no reason for it to be on my friend's list, as I didn't need it to store anything anymore and my laptop broke, so at that point it was just taking up space.
  4. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    While I'm still marked, may I do small trades such as hats for metal without getting anyone else in trouble, or do I have to wait until I am unmarked?
  5. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    Im going on vacation for a week so I wont be able to answer any questions you may have while Im gone, sorry.
  6. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    Okay, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'm going to update this report with the honest truth.
    I was not entirely truthful about my brother impersonating Bottiger.
    The account in question was made about a year or two ago so me and my brother could play, and was quickly forgotten, as my laptop had broken. The account had basically been sitting there not being used for anything except storing some items.
    The day where it all occurred was a terrible day for me. I had been extremely stupid and had lost all my riches in TF2. In a blinded rage, I had been attracted into the wrong crowd of people. They had offered to help me get an unusual if I had helped them with some things. They had told me to go onto an alt account and to impersonate an admin to help them scam. I was stupid, I was only focused on getting an unusual, so I had complied and impersonated Bottiger. I had been playing in a server with them, where they had plans to scam people using an auction scam. They had done no scamming yet, and neither had I, although the group had done some successful scams prior to my association with them. I was also talking to one of my friends at the time, and I realized how stupid I had been acting. That is when I proceeded to change my name to Generic and I did not talk to that group of people again. About a month later I had been marked as a scammer, which I had noticed when I tried to go on TF2OP. I was scared. I was nervous. So I lied, I'm sorry. I decided to try to hide the fact I had impersonated an admin, because the situation looked extremely bad for me. I used the stupidest trick in the book, to say it was my brother or some other sibling. I had given away items to my friends and basically gave up on TF2. So yes, I had lied. I am very sorry about this, but I know I can't be unmarked by some silly lies.

    Best Regards,
  7. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    I'll update this report one last time without all the dramatic stuff.

    Why I should be unmarked :
    -While impersonating Bottiger, which lasted at most like 10-15 minutes, I didn't trade/scam anyone
    -Referring above, for just impersonating, I have been punished long enough (7 months for a 15 minute-ish mistake I made)
    -No previous history of any scams/reports
    -I was a (somewhat) reputable player, as in I kept my word in spycrabs, etc.

    That is all. :p
  8. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

  9. gukingofheart

    gukingofheart New User

    Even if you won, and at least some of the general public agrees with you.... I like to truly know what it would take now for steamrep to Undo this.
    I really hope for the sake of the community they show that they're willing to correct a mistake.
    Some of my friends fear steamrep, and this is kind of why.
  10. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    Yeah, I provided all the points in the thread I linked, and I never lied once in my appeal. I may have "stretched the truth," but none of the things I said were lies.
    1.) I had nothing to do with the impersonation and didn't know about it - I was tricked into impersonating Bottiger.
    2.)They did promise me an unusual, but he was being friendly about it so I didn't think they were scamming.
    3.)The reason I said it was 15 minutes is because I truly thought it was 15 minutes, because I hadn't even used the alt account that much while under the name "Bottiger."
    So looks like the silly me before thought I was lying, when infact, I wasn't lying at all.
  11. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    I'm pretty sure I have provided sufficient proof that I am innocent, and if you guys still believe I am some guilty scamlord, served enough time to be unmarked. So my question is why hasn't an admin atleast replied besides daemon?
  12. Knucklejoe

    Knucklejoe New User

    While your story keeps changing, if only slightly, I do think that the intent to scam was there originally. However, when it came time to pull it off, it sounds like one of your other friends talked you out of it. From what I can see, no scam actually took place.

    Using an admin's name can get you banned from a community's servers, sure, but I'm not so sure it warrants a mark on here if no trade actually happened. Maybe a caution, but not a full mark. Then again, I don't know the full story and I'm pretty sure some of it is missing from this appeal.

    It's been a year, so your appeal should have been about ready to process. Except...

    From the Appeal Tips:
    This means you will probably be waiting for a bit longer. Asking to speed this up has actually slowed the process. That said, I wish you luck.
  13. GenericName

    GenericName New User

  14. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @Supreme Pootis™,

    Please read this topic: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-tips.66354/

    Please pay special note to points:
    #1: Be honest
    #2: Be Straightforward.
    #13: Who can appeal.
    #15: Bumping your appeal.
    #16: Time-frame of appeals

    Your topic in General discussion was closed, for you where trying to appeal there instead of here in the designated appeal thread.
    As for your semantic arguing and such, I'll refer to above linked #1 and 2.

    The new appeal: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-76561198044300031-generic-banned-by-sr.70080/
    I will archive it, the appeals admin will see it once this appeal is up, and know to speak with either account. This is so your place in the queue isn't forfeit and you would have to wait even longer for your appeal to be handled.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  15. BBQsauce

    BBQsauce New User

    He just attempted to shark an unusual conga claiming it was 3 keys, tryng to swap his demo unusual taunt for it....which is just a fraction of its value.

    So his behavior has not changed at all, no way this appeal should ever go through.

    image archive of discussion thread just in case the mod deletes it.
  16. Supreme Pootis™

    Supreme Pootis™ Banned on SteamRep

    Looks like my trap card was a bit too effective and your autism has increased to levels of 750k%. If you think I'd be dumb enough to actually try to shark someone who knew what backpack.tf is then that previous statement must be true. You left out the next 2 pages where I banished you to the Shadow Realm probably to hide your embarrassment. Long story short, you got memed kid.
  17. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @Supreme Pootis™,

    Your appeal has been reviewed and it has been rejected for the following reason(s):

    - Lack of sufficient evidence to overturn the original judgment
    - Lying during the appeal, losing benefit of doubt
    - Change of heart is not a valid reason to overturn a serious ban within the trade community

    Despite your appeal being rejected, it's recommended that you avoid future situations that might appear to be fraud with Steam trading. Sometimes people reported to Valve by its users can get their accounts trade banned by Steam Support.