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Evidence Provided 76561198036207950 Aleski

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Min Headroom, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Min Headroom

    Min Headroom New User

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/765611908036207950/ - Aleski

    Victim: Min Headroom
    CustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zetafromtremulous
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:28669954

    Scammer: Aleski
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:37971111
    SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036207950/

    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): http://forums.sourceop.com/members/9808-Aleski

    Three screenshots of the chat.

    Description: Here's the skinny. I got this Strange Kritz, which I put on Outpost. He added me on what appeared to be an alternate account. I'm relatively new to high level trading, so I was somewhat cautious. He linked me to a SourceOP rep thread, and told me to read it. I saw good things, so I decided to go through with it. He told me to give it to him, and he would buy a crate I put on Market for $82. I gave him the item, and put the crate on market. Then, without saying a word, he blocked and unfriended me. No money. No nothing. I guess I made a stupid mistake. I'm relatively new to higher level trading, and I was taken as a fool. I posted in his rep thread to warn others about this guy. I also submitted a report to Valve, with the hope that my item would be returned. However, I don't count on it. I've never been scammed like this before, and it makes me very steamed. I was a real idiot.
    Here's a pastebin link to the chat.

    Raw Code:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Min Headroom: Hey there.
    Aleski: Hello!
    Min Headroom: You added me, I presume?
    Aleski: I'm interested in your S. Kritz and i have a nice offer.
    Min Headroom: I see.
    Min Headroom: Well, what's your offer?
    Aleski: I offer 82$ on paypal money or steam wallet funds !
    Aleski: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/30599-Aleski-s-Reputation-Thread
    Aleski: Here it's my reputation theard
    Min Headroom: Hmm.
    Min Headroom: I can't access the page because I'm not registered.
    Aleski: Ohh
    Min Headroom: If you don't mind me asking, but how do you intend to transfer wallet funds?
    Min Headroom: I thought there was no way to do it
    Aleski: By using steam market
    Min Headroom: Steam market?
    Min Headroom: Wait, so I would put something on steam market, you buy it, and I give the you kritz?
    Aleski: Yes!
    Min Headroom: That would explain spikes in item price on the market...
    Min Headroom: I always wondered why a crate would go for $50
    Aleski: Haha , people using crates /weps ..to buy expensive items!
    Min Headroom: Well, let me have a look at the rep thread.
    Min Headroom: Then I'll get back to you
    Aleski: Great , thanks !
    Aleski: You can sign in throught steam , it's more simple.
    Min Headroom: Yeah, I just noticed that
    Min Headroom: Sorry to take a while, the website is being slow
    Min Headroom: that or my wifi is bad
    Aleski: For me works fine , i think it's your wifi
    Min Headroom: Well, looking through the thread I see nothing but good things.
    Min Headroom: This is my first time doing this sort of this so I'm a bit nervious
    Aleski: Thanks !
    Min Headroom: but I'm to go with it
    Aleski: No problem  , i have done over 500$ cash trades made so i have enought experience!
    Aleski: Do you have a reputation thread ? or something like that ?
    Min Headroom: No, I'm afriaid not
    Min Headroom: I'm very green to high level trading
    Min Headroom: I just unboxed this kritz
    Aleski: I see,  in most cash trades reputation thread decides who goes first ! That's why i have asked you for a reputation thread.
    Min Headroom: Okay, that makes sense.
    Min Headroom: Well, I'm sorry I don't have one.
    Aleski: Because i got way more reputation than you and over 500$ cash trades made i'm going to ask if you like to go first !
    Min Headroom: Okay, so does this mean I'll be giving you the kritz first?
    Aleski: Yes!
    Aleski: After the trade have been completed , you will put a crate on steam market with price (82$)
    Min Headroom: Okay.
    Aleski: I'm ready !
    Min Headroom: All right, give me a moment.
    Min Headroom: I'm a bit nervious, like I said.
    Min Headroom: I also mispelled that
    Aleski: No problem ,also i video record this trade, you are ok with this ?
    Min Headroom: Yeah, sure.
    Aleski: It's to prevent any tentative of scamming !
    Aleski: Great !
    Min Headroom: Okay, that's fine.
    Min Headroom: So when I set the crate price
    Min Headroom: do I put the buyer pays to 82 or the "you receive" to 82
    Aleski: Buyer( that's me ) pays 82$
    Min Headroom: and I receive 71.31
    Min Headroom: Okay.
    Aleski: Yep, i will cover the fees so will recive exactly 82$
    Aleski: Not 71.31$
    Min Headroom: Okay, that sounds good.
    Min Headroom: So, I'm going to give you the kritz.
    Aleski: Yes!
    Aleski has accepted your request to trade.
    Min Headroom: Okay.
    Min Headroom: I'm adding a crate series 57 to store.
    Aleski: Great , have you put crate on trade ?
    Aleski: Okay
    Min Headroom: Price 82$
    Aleski: Teel me when you are done
    Min Headroom: It's up.
    Aleski: Give me 1 min to find it
    Aleski: I find it , i will buy right now
    Min Headroom: Okay.
    Aleski is now Offline.
    Aleski is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Min Headroom: Excuse me.
  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    | steamname: Min Headroom
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:28669954
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017605637
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zetafromtremulous
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198017605637

    | steamname: Aleski
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37971111
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036207950
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198036207950

    Also please upload all of your screenshots via the "Upload a File" button, and provide a screenshot of your trade history showing the items traded.
  3. Min Headroom

    Min Headroom New User

    Oh, thanks for correcting me!
    Here are the attached screenshots. I guess you can tell I'm kind of a newbie. I guess that was how I was taken so easily. Things like what this guy did are so cowardly it drives me nuts. I reported the s✿✿✿ out of him, so I hope some action will be taken by Valve. Do they typically take care of trades gone bad like this?

    Attached Files:

  4. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Steam Support can trade ban this user for scamming you, but they can not return your items, since they only return items stolen via hijackings (keep in mind that this is not Steam Support).
  5. Min Headroom

    Min Headroom New User

    Yeah, I figured that out on my own. I just felt the need to popularize how much of a jerk this guy is. Maybe ward off a few of his other potential victims.
  6. Min Headroom

    Min Headroom New User


    There was more trickery afoot then I was aware.
    This account:

    Is in fact a clever duplicate of

    You'll notice that the scammer set his custom url to the Steam64 ID of the real Aleski. I took it upon myself to inform the real Aleski of what shenanigans went on.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Min Headroom: Excuse me.
    Min Headroom: I need to speak with you.
    Aleski is now Away.
    Min Headroom: I feel that perhaps you should be made aware that someone seems to be using your identity to scam people out of their items
    Min Headroom: http://steamcommunity.com/id/765611908036207950
    Min Headroom: This person has made his custom URL the same as your Steam64 id.
    Aleski is now Online.
    Min Headroom: He scammed me out of a valuable item, because I am not a clever man
    Min Headroom: but I have seen though his ruse
    Aleski (2): Oh wow
    Min Headroom: and felt that perhaps I should let you know what's going on.
    Aleski (2): Never thought someone would make a copy of me haha
    Min Headroom: Yeha
    Aleski (2): I'll report it to steam
    Min Headroom: They also used your SourceOP thread
    Min Headroom: I repoted him as well.
    Min Headroom: Almost reported you accidentally
    Aleski (2): Oh damn, I haven't used sourceop in yhears
    Min Headroom: Yeah, your trade thread.
    Min Headroom: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/30599-Aleski-s-Reputation-Thread/page2
    Aleski (2): Really sorry to hear that you got scammed man
    Min Headroom: I'm afraid I left a scathing review.
    Aleski (2): Idc, I don't use it anymore :P
    Aleski (2): But I'll definitely report a known scammer
    Min Headroom: Thanks, just letting you know
    Aleski (2): Thanks
    Min Headroom: I'll amend any reports I made that include your steam URL
    Aleski (2): I would really appreciate that haha
    Aleski (2): thank you
    Please do not report this guy, but feel free to report THIS guy.
  7. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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