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Archived 76561198037210652 (The Brave little kitten)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by AJwr, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. AJwr

    AJwr New User

    Victim: Unknown

    steamID: The Brave little kitten
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:38472462
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037210652
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mattdueskkar
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198037210652

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
    Description: Hello, this is a report for a shark/scam, not sure if those are applicable but here goes. This is my friend, and I chatted him about something and he said "Look at my backpack." So I looked, and noticed he had 2 Bills and an unusual. So I asked him how he got the unusual and he said "A bud. :3" I asked him how he got the bud, and he said what was in the chat boxes. The problem is, I don't know who he scammed, and I am just a concerned friend.

    The Brave little kitten: i have 2 bills
    The Brave little kitten: and an unusual
    AJwr: cool whatcha pay
    The Brave little kitten: lol.
    The Brave little kitten: i like it
    The Brave little kitten: :D
    AJwr shudders
    The Brave little kitten: bubble blowing baby
    The Brave little kitten: :C
    AJwr: whatcha pay for em
    AJwr: or im guessing you uncrated the hat
    The Brave little kitten: bud.
    The Brave little kitten: '3
    AJwr: how ya get that
    AJwr: also i think you overpayed a bit
    The Brave little kitten: idgaf
    AJwr: but i've never traded an unusual so idk
    The Brave little kitten: i love beanies
    AJwr: how you get the bud
    AJwr: and bills
    The Brave little kitten: i got the bud
    The Brave little kitten: from trading a guy
    The Brave little kitten: a dirty fast learner
    The Brave little kitten: LOL
    AJwr: and he knew the bud was worth much more
    AJwr: but was just an idiot?
    The Brave little kitten: nah
    The Brave little kitten: i convinced him
    The Brave little kitten: that his bud was duped
    The Brave little kitten: LOL
    The Brave little kitten: i r evil
    AJwr: thta doesn't lower the price -_-
    The Brave little kitten: ik
    The Brave little kitten: :3
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User
