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Pending 76561198042436073 MrTheamir *item switch scam

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Omgwtfbbqturkey, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User

    | steamname: Majestic_Turkey
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:58851213
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077968155
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198077968155

    | steamname: MrTheamir
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41085172
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042436073
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198042436073

    This guy added me based on my buy post on outpost for a strange festive mackeral for 3 keys. He then sweetened it by asking to buy a key for 7 ref to pad the trade and hope I wouldn't notice that he was putting in a regular mackeral instead of a festive strange. I noticed right away and at first I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that it was due to ignorance of a newbie, and he attempted to pretend that he didn't know it wasn't the right item. But then I looked up his trade. http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/16973782 He knew at the very least two days ago when he tried to sell it for a scrap. So he knew better.

    I posted in that trade so he added me again because now he's scared. Basically admitted that he tried to scam based on poverty:p Give me a break huh.

    Attached Files:

  2. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User

    looking at his post history he's been trading normal weapons for a month, he knows better.
  3. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User

    btw i did click the report button in the trade window, but i failed to screenshot it because at the time i was conflicted and giving him the benefit of the doubt.
  4. newa5

    newa5 New User

    Well if you look closely he did not try to scam you. He asked you if you were buying THE MACKEREL ( no prefixes ) for 3 keys and you said yes. He never said that his mackerel was special or anything therefore he was not lying. He's not scamming or anything else. It's your fault you didn't check the item before the trade.
  5. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    Sorry thats trying to skate by on language. I NEVER had a mackerel buy trade for 3 keys. I had a STRANGE FESTIVE MACKERAL trade for 3 keys which he added me through. He never had a mackeral trade up saying he was selling for 3 keys. He added and was deliberately vague on purpose, everyone would simply assume he was talking about selling me a strange festive mackeral, theres on reason to think otherwise, let alone for 3 keys. Its like leaving your car at the mechanics and then when you pick it up after you pay him he says "the car" is in the first parking space, but its not your car, but he tries to skate by on saying that he said "the car", thats bs and you know it. He was lying, trying to scam me out of 3 keys for a normal weapon. He has a month of outpost trades showing he knows values very well, selling strange items like grenade launchers for a key even, he's very familiar with pricing. Its funny that you sign up for this site and your first post is to defend this guy. If you had an unusual hat trade up and he added you and said "you want to buy the hat for a bud", you wouldn't expect him to throw in a craft hat instead of the unusual you bid on. Sorry you are bending over backwards..and your presence here is suspicious. You quite literally have zero trades on outpost
    You have no reason to be posting on steamrep other than if you are associated with him in some way.

    Btw I've caught you red handed, you are the scammers idle account,and he's been transferring his value to you in fear.

    The few items you have, all the refined you have belonged to him just 20 hours ago.

    Nice try scammer, now your pattern of deceptive behavior is even more obvious.
  6. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User

    throw these in too
    both your keys are from him, his only keys he had when I first met him.

    And don't try to say you traded him legitimately, he has nothing of value in his backpack worth paying 3.5 keys for. Even the most valuable items he has now relatively speaking, the name tags are worth less than 1 refined each, so its obvious he decided to store the bulk of his wealth in his alt because he knows he's done wrong.
  7. [CDC]Vahner

    [CDC]Vahner New User

    Exactly. Do you even have a life? You have no evidence what so ever. You should get banned for failing to ban someone i have nothing to say, newa5 said it all.
  8. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    Another 1 post wonder with 1 game on his account comes to defend a scammer
    And yes another one with metal from the guy

    And yet he's not on your friends list, I wonder why, to hide the trail of course, but why would you be here otherwise?

    You choose to associate yourself with someone duplicitous like that, it says something. When he resorts to such tactics it says something. And when you have to tell people to "get a life" when you or your "friend" were blatantly scamming, well it says something about you.
  9. MrTheamir

    MrTheamir Unconfirmed Reports

    Okay, am I, "the scammer", the only one who does not understand this? First of all: Newa and Vahner are not my alternative accounts, they are friends of mine whom I gotten into playing the game and trading. If you want check out the history. We were playing games at the same time which isn't possible from one PC as far as I know ( but appeatantly I don't know much ). After I saw that you posted this thread against me it's true that I gave Newa my items (not Vahner) that are worth something because I did not want to loose all the items I earned. If you want to punish anyone, punish me, leave them alone. They just wanted to offer friendly help. Which brings me to the second point. I still don't understand why I should be punished. I did nothing wrong. I thought you were buying the Mackerel for 3 keys (which does not make much sense) and I know it isn't worth 3 keys but as far as I'm aware offering to sell it for 3 keys isn't a crime. A crime is if I were to swap them or something which I didn't do. You have time to look at the item. And as far as I know a crime is to tell the WRONG value of the item, which I also didn't do. When I start a trade with someone, and I want to sell an item, I always ask "Are you buying the ______ for 1 scrap " or whatever the price was. Once again as far as I am aware I did nothing wrong or against the rules, and if I did, I am very sorry, for everyones time and effort I wasted. I'm ready to take all the punishment for breaking the rules ( even if I didn't know I did ). I'd just like to be explained why I am getting punished and please don't punish Newa and Vahner, they just wanted to help me.
    Thank you and sorry for the time wasted and damage caused, if there was any.
  10. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    Lol "friends", which explains why they were not on your friends list at the time of my postings. "removed" for appearances so they could post on here to defend you anonymously. Give me a break.

    You don't understand what you did wrong? Again, thats the problem, you are still being dishonest with everyone, taking zero responsibility for your actions. The dishonesty with you never stops. You had NO reason to add me if you weren't trying to sell a festive strange mackeral, I NEVER posted in one of your trades let alone for 3 keys for a regular item. You were being blatantly deceptive by saying just enough to claim you didn't know any better. As I said its like adding someone to buy your unusual hat, and just saying "here's your hat", and then plunking down the normal version the hat for the same price hoping they won't notice the colors different, its a blatant scam. And its sad you have two "friends" who think its a legitimate way to behave. I'm sure if I had scammed you out of an unusual by paying craft hat value for it you wouldn't be so happy to make excuses for me.

    Your trades PROVE you have pricing knowledge, 3 pages of trades, many stranges sold, trades with that specific normal item being sold for 1 scrap. Dont' feign ignorance and insult everyones intelligence. Don't punish your alts? I'd have to ask why not? Their moral compass seems no different from your own, and thats assuming they aren't alts.
  11. MrTheamir

    MrTheamir Unconfirmed Reports


    I said "I'm ready to take all the punishment for breaking the rules". I don't know what more you want from me. I just asked not to punish Newa or Vahner and I gave you an explanation why. And as far as I'm aware it's your job to check the weapons you are getting. Does this mean I can report everybody who gives me a weapons that says ( cannot be used in crafting )? Is this the same thing only with bigger values?
  12. [CDC]Vahner

    [CDC]Vahner New User

    If I'm on someones side it doesn't mean i am "his other account" what if someone posted something that stood on your side? I could say the same.
  13. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    Don't insult my intelligence Vahner. You engaged in deliberate deception, removing yourself from his friends list, its clear he hid his items in your backpack, and you misrepresented yourself trying to defend him here, not acknowledging had done anything wrong. Trust me, if you haven't done anything wrong you don't engage in that level of deception. The inability to take responsibility and continuous acts of deception tell us all we need to know about you and your "friend". You know very well if I had added you to sell something you posted a trade for and swapped it with an item that was 54 times less valuable you wouldn't be so happy to make excuses for such behavior.
  14. MrTheamir

    MrTheamir Unconfirmed Reports


    Stop insulting everyone. The only thing you do here is insult me and my friends and making conclusions out of mid air. You said that I did not have the item is fist place and now you are saying I swapped it. I DID NOT SWAP THE ITEMS and you have no proof I did so, just like all of your accusations. I think it's obvious who the liar is now. If anyone is insulting someones intelligence here that would be you.
  15. MrTheamir

    MrTheamir Unconfirmed Reports


    And also I appeal on the admins to punish you for the harassing of my friends and me and the false accusations as well as the insults.
    ~ You claim I did something without any proof.
    ~ You make up your story and change it as you go.
    ~ You harass and insult everyone who says something against you.

    The only person here that should be punished is you.
  16. newa5

    newa5 New User

    I've read the rules. He did nothing against them. Thing is, I have so many smarter things to do then explain myself to You, especially when it's your fault. So have a nice day and please stop spaming. Thank You and goodbye.
  17. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    Really, you sign up for this site while misrepresenting yourself to defend the indefensible. Trying to excuse dishonesty on language technicality...sorry that's just bogus, and you were rumbled, I figured out you removed yourself from friends list and he hid his valuable items in your backpack, and that's a pattern of behavior with you and your friend, or you and your alt. Deception and dishonesty.

    Wow man, wow, you not only fail to admit fault for your obvious wrong, you are so dishonest you are trying to twist this on me? I hit the report button INSIDE the trade window, valve has full record of the event. If I can find out that you hid your items in your friends accounts because you were scared you don't think valve can see your actions? You seem to be forgetting one simple thing, YOU came to me, I didn't come to you. You came to scam me and the proof and your behavior is damning, your inability to admit fault is revealing about your character, and now your attempt to try to flip this back on me? Thats just the final nail in your coffin, you just continuously damn yourself with your behavior.
  18. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    The only one insulted here is me. Not only are you in full denial that you did anything wrong when you tried to scam me by slipping in something 54 times less valuable, now you show you are not only unrepentant, but that you will resort to sleaze by claiming that you are the victim now? I'm sorry, you are unbelievable in every way possible.

    You did it because you were poor you said, sorry but you just can't take back the things you've done or said, you can ignore the facts all you want, but its still there.
  19. MrTheamir

    MrTheamir Unconfirmed Reports


    You know what. I said I was ready to take the punishment if I deserve it. I don't know what part of that you don't understand. And when I get punished I want the person who punishes me to eplain what I did wrong so I don't repeat it. And you. You obviously have some kind of problem. And you know what. For a day, you had me scared, I thought of the worst possible scenarios that could happen to me. I was scared so I gave newa my items. But you know what. I figured I have no reason to be scared because I did nothing wrong as far as I see. If I did, please excuse my behaviour and punish me. And as for you, don't think that you are in a better position just because you reported me and know the English language better. And one more thing, you are not trying to make the community better, you are what is wrong with it. But I will let the judges decide.To quote newa: "Thing is, I have so many smarter things to do then explain myself to You, especially when it's your fault. So have a nice day and please stop spaming. Thank You and goodbye".
    Have a nice day.
  20. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User


    You still fail to even acknowledge you did anything wrong, again the dance around the subject, you are not just brazen but unrepentant. The only thing that got you to do anything was fear, it wasn't based on any moral judgement or reconsideration of your actions. "I did nothing wrong as far as I see" Yea sorry no, you are proving time and time again that you knew what you were doing and even now continue to simply lie about it. You don't have anything "smarter" to do. You have 55 trades and 154 posts on outpost alone, you knew better than to try scamming, you knew the actual prices and you know that you were adding someone based on a trade where you had no business in at all, you didn't have any item close to that value let alone the item in question, you went in and found someone you thought you'd try to scam, and you thought you had "good enough english" so you wouldn't say anything blatantly incriminating. Sorry it doesn't work that way. You don't add someone out of the blue to trade and then slide in the wrong item and claim you made a mistake. You had nothing more than a normal mackeral which you were already selling for 1 scrap, you had ZERO reason to be looking for festive strange mackerals buy trades, let alone answering them and trying to con your way into 3 keys for a scrap item.

    So yes, you have nothing to explain, your posts say more than you know. You are not just a dishonest person to the core, you are unrepentant and think you can get away with anything by using tricks.