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Declined 76561198043086225 (Quick-remove)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [AnB] Ferox, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. [AnB] Ferox

    [AnB] Ferox New User

    steamID: {BKG} Derp | KK steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41410248 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043086225 customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hoewhioufdhiowaf steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043086225

    I met this guy on a trade server a while back so he closed trade before I got screenshots. At the time his name was snowee cone. He would trade people, including me at the time, who were selling bills, then offer a bud. He claimed that he knew the value but liked buds more. Just to see what he was going to do, we both clicked ready trade. He then re-clicked it, removed the buds, and would click ready again. I asked him where his bud was. He replied that it was a Steam glitch, that it happens all the time, and that they were still there. He then asked me, "you do want buds, don't you?" I just typed lol and he started a countdown before I could get screenshots or a trade-chat log. However, I told a friend about this and went to the guy's profile. My friend notified me that the guy has his own chat log of a previous scam attempt on his profile.


    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: ok 15:24:03
    snowee cone added Bill's Hat 15:24:07
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: is it ok if a offer a bills and some stuff?
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: like 15:24:18
    You added Bill's Hat 15:24:20
    You added Mildly Menacing Rainblower 15:24:29
    You added Mildly Menacing Bat 15:24:36
    You added Mildly Menacing Fists 15:24:37
    You added Spectacularly Lethal Knife 15:24:38
    You added The Gentleman's Ushanka 15:24:40
    snowee cone is ready 15:24:49
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: wait 15:24:49
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: I wnt white bills 15:24:54
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: Or are you not selling that 15:25:01
    snowee cone is not ready 15:25:20
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: ? 15:25:21
    snowee cone added Bill's Hat 15:25:23
    snowee cone added Bill's Hat 15:25:28
    snowee cone: you can get white bills easy for dis 15:25:41
    snowee cone removed Bill's Hat 15:25:44
    snowee cone removed Bill's Hat 15:25:44
    snowee cone is ready 15:25:50
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: But im still overpaying right now. 15:25:55
    snowee cone removed Bill's Hat 15:26:03
    snowee cone added Earbuds 15:26:12
    snowee cone is ready 15:26:14
    snowee cone is not ready 15:26:15
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: f✿✿✿ 15:26:20
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: XD 15:26:23
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: jk 15:26:24
    snowee cone is ready 15:26:26
    You are ready 15:26:38
    snowee cone removed Earbuds 15:26:51
    snowee cone is ready 15:26:52
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: nope.avi 15:26:56
    snowee cone: okay for buds 15:26:57
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: ? 15:27:06
    snowee cone is not ready 15:27:08
    snowee cone is ready 15:27:10
    snowee cone: i hate buds 15:27:14
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: YOu dont have the buds in trade -.- 15:27:23
    snowee cone: ya 15:27:27
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: nope 15:27:31
    snowee cone: its lagging 15:27:32
    snowee cone: just trade they will show 15:27:39
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: lol yeah right 15:27:49
    snowee cone: no joke 15:27:55
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: Put them back in 15:28:01
    {Ghost} C.A.G /]DJ[\: it said you removed them -.- 15:28:08
    snowee cone: ive had same thing happen to me got my items 15:28:09

  2. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Without screenshots, not much can be done.