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Declined 76561198043687397 (pronnes)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Shuckle, Aug 5, 2012.

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  1. Shuckle

    Shuckle New User

    steamID: Deep_Blue_2
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:32547165
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025360058
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Deep_Blue_2
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025360058

    steamID: pronnes
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41710834
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043687397
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043687397

    Halten Sie Ihr Passwort geheim.
    Sonntag, 5. August 2012
    22:50 - pronnes: hi
    22:50 - Shuckle: Hey
    22:50 - pronnes: send
    22:50 - Shuckle: You said I should add you, you "offered" on my unusual
    22:50 - pronnes: trade i will show you
    22:51 - pronnes: 1st offer
    pronnes hat Ihre Handelsanfrage akzeptiert.
    22:51 - pronnes: rdy>
    22:51 - pronnes: ?
    22:52 - pronnes: this is offer
    22:52 - pronnes: one
    22:52 - Shuckle: Hm, you could buy maybe a bills with that
    22:52 - pronnes: 2nd
    22:52 - pronnes: offer
    22:52 - pronnes: is games
    22:52 - pronnes: choose 2 games from the shop
    22:53 - Shuckle: Hm
    22:53 - Shuckle: But there is a price max?
    22:53 - pronnes: 60$
    22:55 - Shuckle: Thats a good offer
    22:55 - Shuckle: But I really have to think about it
    22:55 - pronnes: i need
    22:55 - pronnes: an unusual
    22:55 - pronnes: i must
    22:55 - pronnes: have it
    22:55 - pronnes: to tomorrow
    22:55 - Shuckle: Why?
    22:55 - pronnes: for
    22:55 - pronnes: my bff
    22:55 - pronnes: birtday
    22:56 - Shuckle: Good idea
    22:56 - pronnes: birthday
    22:56 - pronnes: he gived me unusual but i got scammed
    22:56 - pronnes: his favorite
    22:56 - Shuckle: Oh
    22:56 - pronnes: class is engineer
    22:56 - pronnes: favorit effect for it orbiting fire
    22:57 - Shuckle: Okay, I think Ill take the games
    22:57 - Shuckle: But I dont know which games
    22:58 - Shuckle: My two favorites are GTA IV complete collection and sleeping dogs
    22:58 - pronnes: how much
    22:58 - pronnes: they both cost
    22:58 - Shuckle: I only know €
    22:58 - pronnes: ok say in €
    22:58 - Shuckle: 80€
    22:58 - pronnes: can you add something
    22:58 - pronnes: ?
    22:59 - Shuckle: Hm, I think I will choose a cheaper game
    22:59 - pronnes: ok
    22:59 - pronnes: say its name
    22:59 - Shuckle: I dont know which game
    22:59 - Shuckle: Let me think about it
    22:59 - pronnes: ok
    22:59 - pronnes: you are from?
    22:59 - Shuckle: Germany
    23:00 - pronnes: my friend is from germany
    23:00 - pronnes: :D
    23:00 - Shuckle: Arma II, Operation Arrowhead? Is that okay?
    23:00 - Shuckle: Oh thats nice!
    23:00 - pronnes: ok
    23:00 - pronnes: but he
    23:00 - pronnes: camed in bulgaria
    23:00 - Shuckle: So, arma II and Sleepong dogs, is that okay?
    23:00 - pronnes: sorry for my bad englishD:
    23:00 - pronnes: ok
    23:00 - Shuckle: No problem dude
    23:00 - Shuckle: I can understand every word you say
    23:01 - pronnes: ahhh
    23:01 - pronnes: s✿✿✿
    23:01 - pronnes: they are untradable
    23:01 - Shuckle: The games?
    23:01 - pronnes: i can gift them directly
    23:01 - pronnes: yes
    23:01 - Shuckle: How do you do that?
    23:01 - pronnes: i have little rep and i can add some items for proof
    23:02 - Shuckle: Its okay
    23:02 - pronnes: after the trade you will give them
    23:02 - pronnes: to me
    23:02 - pronnes: back
    23:02 - Shuckle: I trust you
    23:02 - Shuckle: I will
    23:02 - pronnes: is it ok?
    23:03 - Shuckle: Maybe..
    23:03 - Shuckle: Can you add your unusual? Its not like I wont trust you, but I dont want to be scammed
    23:03 - Shuckle: I swear to god I will give it bck
    23:04 - pronnes: pronnes: he gived me unusual but i got scammed
    23:04 - pronnes: a man
    23:04 - pronnes: scammed me
    23:04 - Shuckle: Yes, but I will gie you mine
    23:04 - Shuckle: They are atleast the same worth
    23:04 - pronnes: i dont have unusual
    23:04 - pronnes: just right now
    23:04 - Shuckle: You have one, I saw your backpack
    23:04 - Shuckle: And I wont scam you
    23:05 - Shuckle: Do you have a mic?
    23:05 - pronnes: Brown Sugar
    23:05 - Shuckle: Brown Sugar?
    23:05 - pronnes: his
    23:05 - pronnes: name
    23:05 - pronnes: Brown Suga
    23:05 - pronnes: r
    23:05 - Shuckle: Oh
    23:05 - pronnes: the man
    23:05 - pronnes: who scammed me
    23:05 - Shuckle: Do you have reported him?
    23:05 - pronnes: i dont have unusual
    23:06 - pronnes: these
    23:06 - pronnes: ar emy items
    23:06 - Shuckle: Dont you have a bubbling billycock?
    23:06 - pronnes: :(
    23:06 - pronnes: no
    23:06 - Shuckle: Hm, then gie me all you items
    23:06 - Shuckle: So, tht they are nearly worth my unusual
    23:07 - Shuckle: I will give the back, really
    23:07 - pronnes: without
    23:07 - pronnes: the weps
    23:07 - pronnes: they are useless
    23:07 - Shuckle: Oh, thank you
    23:07 - Shuckle: Do you have a mic?
    23:07 - pronnes: no
    23:07 - pronnes: it
    23:07 - pronnes: crashed
    23:07 - pronnes: yesterday
    23:07 - Shuckle: Aw, s✿✿✿
    23:08 - pronnes: see my profile
    23:08 - pronnes: i have rep
    23:08 - pronnes: :)
    23:08 - Shuckle: Yes, me too
    23:08 - pronnes: i saw it
    23:08 - Shuckle: Please dont scam me, please
    23:08 - pronnes: no problem im not a scammer
    23:08 - Shuckle: I hope so
    23:09 - pronnes: awit
    23:09 - pronnes: a sec
    23:09 - pronnes: now
    23:09 - Shuckle: Of course
    pronnes ist Offline.

    Screenshot - 05.08.1.jpg
    Screenshot - 05.08.2.jpg
    Screenshot - 05.08.3.jpg

    Here he offered me to add him, I did so and this is the chat
  2. Shuckle

    Shuckle New User

  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Can you provide a screenshot of your trade history to show non receipt of the agreed upon game(s)
  4. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Archiving report - No additional feedback from the victim.
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