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Invalid 76561198044015429 (Buttercup)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by brian1110413, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. brian1110413

    brian1110413 New User

    Just notifying some users of tf2 and league of legends
    scammers url- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044015429/
    Victims url- http://steamcommunity.com/id/234567890-876543
    trade made-
    proof of trade-
    recently i bought a league of legends account from a tf2 user wanting a earbuds for a lv 30 acc. He gave me his acc info- use- shnoofyramen1 pass: aznpyrd24. I asked for his email to make sure the trade is secure but he kept on saying he forgot. After playing one match it said to logoff and log in again as there was a user online. However the acc info had changed and by the time i got on steam he had already blocked me, placed his profile on private. Luckly i had a mutual friend with him which is how i found his acc url. Btw is there any wy of getting my buds back? im so devo that its gone...................
  2. $5 $lipknot

    $5 $lipknot New User

    Steam support ticket and your history has to be screen shots we can't view them. You support ticket make sure you black out any personal info.
  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    As I'm sure Steam Support told you, cross-platform trading is not only discouraged but very difficult to get evidence to prove. Without further evidence, I am unable to do anything here. I highly discourage you doing this again. Thank you for the report and I'm sorry we could not help you.