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Accepted 76561198044034023 Toepoke4 (SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Murray_from_The_Naki, Feb 2, 2012.

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  1. Murray_from_The_Naki

    Murray_from_The_Naki New User

    steamID: Murray_from_The_Naki
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41884147
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044034023
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198044034023

    Hello and thanks for your time. I'm sorry I have not heard of this site before today, or I would have used it on several occasions. I do not support scamming in any way at all. I myself have been scammed (in real life) on two occasions and was absolutely gutted. I once paid $1800 for a deposit for accomodation in New York, only to find out the whole thing was a scam. Anyway... I do support what you are doing.

    I believe I know why I have been labelled a Source OP Scammer for 'fake rep'. The other person involved was called Betty. We are being accused of giving 'fake rep' on our sourceop rep pages. I will start by explaining that 'Betty' and I are best mates. He was my best man at my wedding and we have known each other since we were 13 (I am now 27). We also live together in a flat and have lived together for the last 2 years. So we are not just a couple of randoms that met over the internet.

    So, the alleged 'fake rep'... I was just getting into the whole 'trading scene' and was buying keys off steam for $2.50 when Betty told me that I could get them off SourceOP for around $1.40. This sounded much better and I wanted an unusual hat so I was planning on uncrating a lot of crates. At the time I had zero rep so I asked Betty (who had a small amount of rep) to get me ten keys (to get me started and sort of see how it works). I paid Betty $15 for these keys. I actually remember paying him - we were in the Macdonald's Drive thru and I said "I'll get yours man, I owe you for those keys". I was planning on opening 10 crates with these keys. I do not remember who Betty bought these keys off, but if you look (As I'm sure you have the power to do) I believe you will see a trade where he bought ten keys around this time. After this I gave him the rep on his thread and he gave me rep on mine. Maybe this was a little bit misleading, but I did pay him $15 for ten keys so I didn't think we were doing anything wrong.

    Very shortly after this we were talking and decided that the best way to get some unusual hats would be to get 100 keys each (as you have a 1 in 100 chance of getting one) and unbox 100 crates all at the same time. We did this in an unusual trade server about... 3-4 weeks ago. We were both in the server at the same time and Betty unboxed 20, then I did 20, then him and so on until we were all out. I'm hoping that you have the power to check this as well? We had an agreement that if one of us got something really valuable and the other got nothing that we would share the winnings evenly. The ten keys that I bought from Betty were used in this 'unboxing spree' which is why we never actually physically traded them on steam. In the end I got 3 unusuals and Betty got 1, but his was a higher tier... We decided that I owed him 1 pair of buds to make up the deficit. I gave him one pair of buds about 2 weeks ago... we then decided about a week ago that actually we probably got about even values of unusuals and he gave me back the pair of buds. Before the unboxing spree I also gave Betty a large number of crates, so you could trace those trades, for more 'proof'.

    Since this trade I have done around 6-7 trades with reputable traders off sourceop using Paypal and large amounts of money and I have had no problems. I have bought keys, buds and hats. I am not trying to scam anyone or mislead people to trade with me so I can scam them. I genuinely bought ten keys off a friend of mine and gave him rep for it. Yes, this may be a little bit misleading at worst, and if I had then used this rep to try and scam people I could understand your point. But I haven't and don't intend on scamming anyone. I think my trading since this occasion has been honest and fair. And even the trade in question: Technically I did buy ten keys from him... I just paid him in real life and we were sharing our winnings anyway so didn't trade the keys on steam.

    I would ask that the SOP Scammer tag be reduced to a caution. I feel that a caution would be a fair result for a situation such as this. Please add me/contact me if you would like any more information or proof of any of this. If you want to add me on Facebook I am more than happy to show you my wedding photos with Betty as my best man and I can also show you photos of us when we were 15-16 yrs old.

    Thanks again for reading all this and sorry it's so long.

    Gordon (Murray_from_the_naki)
  2. rawrnerozero

    rawrnerozero New User

    Last guy made a similar thread like you got his appeal denied. So I don't know if SR Admin will accept this.
  3. Murray_from_The_Naki

    Murray_from_The_Naki New User

    Okay, well I hope common sense will prevail. I think labelling me as a scammer is wrong - as I have not scammed anyone. Even the rep that I did post, I did actually make the trade, just not over Steam. So it wasn't even fake! I have just tried to be as honest as I can and told the true story... Hopefully an admin will check out the details in my story and see that I am not trying to b*llsh!t...
  4. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Ill take this one as the others are dealing with a big case. Ill add you on steam in the next few hours. (or days)
  5. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    They are 2 parts to this, First being account ownership, and I'm satisfied they belong to different people.
    Then the rep comment itself, a different matter. And their is no way to prove any transaction took place and the circumstances of the transaction is questionable at best, even by your version of the story. So ill agree to downgrade the tags to cautions.
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