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Invalid 76561198045043625 (Gh05T-GuNN3R)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Dwarf_Ninjas, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Dwarf_Ninjas

    Dwarf_Ninjas New User

    |steamID: Dwarf_Ninjas
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:19476443
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999218615
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dwarf_Ninjas
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197999218615

    |steamID: Gh05T-GuNN3R
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42388948
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045043625
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045043625

    Picture of Chat: http://i.imgur.com/wRygJ.png
    Inventory: (Note the dirty hats/fedora) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045043625/inventory/
    TF2TP Original Trade: http://tf2tp.com/trade.php?trade=8443783
    TF2TP Trade afterthefact: http://tf2tp.com/trade.php?trade=8447551

    Ghost made an offer for the captain cocktails, but also had a fed fighting fedora which I was interested in. When he offered some additional hats (like dirty hats) and the fedora along with the cocktails, I told him I was only interested in the fedora. He put the two up there (taking the dirty hats off), but as I clicked okay and make trade, he pulled the fedora and left the cocktails and said "Scammer". From the trade dialog, he put the fedora back, then closed the trade. After that, he put the sniper rifle up for a trade.

    Price of Carbondo Sniper (From trade sites, not just spread sheet)
    Est: 1 key - 2 keys

    Price of Fedora:
    1.33 Ref
    Price of Cocktails:
    1.33 - 1.66 Ref.

    2:26 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: carbondo was worth 2 keys, and your cocktails is only worth 1.66
    2:26 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: so, "scammer"
    2:26 PM - Gh05T-GuNN3R: carbondo?
    2:26 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: not that I personally, care
    2:27 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: the sniper rifle I just traded you
    2:27 PM - Gh05T-GuNN3R: o
    2:27 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: the fed and the cocktails together would have been worth a key
    2:28 PM - Gh05T-GuNN3R: do you have a key or some itmes worth a key
    2:28 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: I have a lot of items
    2:28 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: still, from the trade, I just took a rather LARGE hit
    2:29 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: thought the fedora wass still included
    2:35 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: okay, reporting you
    2:35 PM - Gh05T-GuNN3R: why
    2:35 PM - Gh05T-GuNN3R: what did i do
    2:35 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: because you scammed me, you put the cocktails and the fed on for my sniper rifle, while still ripping me off, I would have gladely taken the hit for those two weapons
    2:35 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: hats*
    2:36 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: then you pull the fedora when I readied up.
    Gh05T-GuNN3R is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    2:36 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: Strange Carbon Sniper Rifle = 1.5 - 2.5 keys: 3.33 to 6.33 refined metal
    2:37 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: Cocktails: 1.33 refined metal
    Fed Fedora: 1.33 refined metal
    2:38 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: So, either trade the fordora as well, we trade back the two items, or get reported and possibly get a hold put on your account.
    2:43 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: I am going to assume your silence means no trades. In which case, good lucky trying to con anyone else
    Gh05T-GuNN3R is now Away.
    3:00 PM - Dwarf_Ninjas: Your silence speaks volumes, you are being reported.
    Gh05T-GuNN3R is now Offline.
  2. Dwarf_Ninjas

    Dwarf_Ninjas New User

    little status update: The user on TF2TP has tried to hide their account name by using the anonymous feature.
  3. Dwarf_Ninjas

    Dwarf_Ninjas New User

    Well, Open mouth, insert foot:

    Inconsistencies: http://imgur.com/Xyr3g,5jL0b

    As if this kid wasn't dumb enough, feigning he doesn't know me is his latest attempt to hide. You can see it in his newest trade, but for those who can't (friend of mine said she couldn't see the offers), I have posted them in a screen shot.

    Aside from the fact that I offered him and he accepted the trade from before, and posted the screenshot from above of us having a conversation. He is also STILL on my friends list. I'd say this is pretty open and shut.
  4. XE_ManUp

    XE_ManUp Retired Staff

    This is a matter of "sharking," and is not a scam. Report on AF2 or MCT.