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Rejected 76561198045978101 › BrOmega (sop)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by › BrOmega, Jul 3, 2013.

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  1. › BrOmega

    › BrOmega New User

    | steamname: � BrOmega
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42856186
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045978101
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/imascammerdontaddme
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045978101

    (tf2t/uhc) (are an extension of sop so getting sop fixed will fix the other two)

    Was reported as a scammer on facepunch for a post I made.

    I did in fact scam a scammer, A player tricked my friend into trading all his Genuine items on the lie that re-installing the games would give him a fresh set of the items he traded, when my friend told me I got mad so I looked into it and found he had an unusual, I had two hats with different effects, fire and flies, I traded with him and got him the flies instead of the fire, then using the newer better unusual I traded it down to get the items my friend had lost (Mind you this was years ago and has time has moved on so has the people I once played with).

    I know now what I did was wrong, hell I knew it a few days after my being marked as a scammer cause no one would even associate with me and I got kicked out of two communities I had been with for years. At this point and time though TF2 is Way behind me, I seldom rarely go on it. Dota 2 is my new goto (has been for over a year) and recently Sneeza made a new trade outpost directed towards tf2 ( http://www.dotaoutpost.com/ ) However it's linked to your system so it auto banned me which sucks, therefore what I would like to request is that my status of steamrep be lowered from scammer to Auctionon the grounds of

    1. I scammed a scammer, I wasn't trying to be a dick and promote myself through bad means I was trying to help a friend who was scammed.

    2. I know that was the wrong thing to do and I have learned my lesson from it.

    3. It's been a long time since this event and I feel I've endured enough embarrassment because of it. Especially being kicked out of two permanent TF2 communities

    4. I myself was a victim of a scam artist a few months ago and lost a tournament smeegol from last years international, one of the most coveted couriers in the game (Worth 100+ keys)

    Please allow me a chance at retribution, I ask for the caution level so I can prove I'm not an a✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer scumbag, I was just an idiot back then. I know now the best process is to report them on steam and on your website.
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    denied for already appealing, lying multiple times during investigating and appealing, and being already denied, no justifiable cause for a reappeal, sop tag forever stays.

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