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Invalid 76561198046155151 (Pepolla)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [B0$$]cookie_monsta, Oct 8, 2012.

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  1. [B0$$]cookie_monsta

    [B0$$]cookie_monsta New User

    |steamID: [B0$$]cookie_monsta
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49414816
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059095360
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059095360

    |steamID: Pepolla
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42944711
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046155151
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pepolla
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046155151

    I dont actually have screenshots since i panicked and closed the window, and also didnt know how to take screenshots on my pc. However, i do have tf2 trades and copied some text from the trade.
    copied text (not all, only a small section)
    assesment of hats...
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: -.-
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: could you retrade?
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: i seriously didnt notice that :\
    Pepolla: what?
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: i didnt realize is was a scotmans stove pipe
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: i thought it was a different hat D:
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: could you retradE?
    [B0$$]cookie_monsta: retrade?
    tf2 outpost:
    his trade with my hat: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/5043864 (click on the hat and you will find my name and his like this ---> Pepolla
    my tf2 trade, click on both festive knife and the unusual and you will see my name under his : http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/4760757
    current hat i hold(unless i sell it): http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/5014345 (click on the hat, you will see my name after pepolla

    I was interested in noble assesments of hats at the time, and i thought his hat was a noble (i was filled with joy and thought it was a noble, but its a scotsman stove pipe. I offered on his post, then soon he added me. We discussed on a price, and he kept underpricing my items and overpricing his. He put my batters and s.f. knife at 1 bud each, and his unusual at 2 buds. After the trade i asked for a retrade (didnt notice it was a scotsman stove pipe, but yet everyone i know is willing to retrade). I asked him if he could retrade, then he replied sketchly by saying "what?" and "no, i no retrade, unusual not for sale" and "we made a fair trade, so no retrade" and so on. After about a minute, he quickly unadded me.

    Of course it could be my fault, yet like i said everyone i know is willing to retrade. He also just ran and unadded me, without saying any kind of "goodbye", which is what scammers usually do. Also, he underpriced my items which is the part of the scam maybe to kind of trick me. I ended up having a really bad deal (spend about 1.4 buds on the knife and a bud on the batters, but the knife is rising and the batters is maybe 1.4 buds while the scotsman is 1.7 or so.
  2. Pepolla

    Pepolla New User

    Perdón por hablar en mi idioma pero me es algo necesario para explicarme mejor. Este usuario el cual me acusa de estafarle un casco de bateador de aspecto inusual con el efecto fuego orbitante y un cuchillo festivo de aspecto raro cuando yo había llegado a un acuerdo con el, sobre lo que íbamos a intercambiar. Este usuario no a mencionado siquiera mi oferta que fue el sombrero de copa escoces de aspecto inusual y 9 refinados. La supuesta conversación que este señor ha inventado no es la que realmente existió ya que no menciona ni siquiera las extrañas propuestas que el me hizo como que yo le devolviera sus cosas y después en otro intercambio nuevo el me daba 2 auriculares (un tanto extraño por su parte ya que eso sobre valoraría el valor real de la oferta inicial). Para terminar me gustaría decir que ademas de todo esto el usuario se a dedicado a ensuciar mi nombre llamándome estafador en otras paginas relacionadas con Team Fortress. Por favor me gustaría que se informasen antes de tomar alguna medida contra mi observando mi historial y mi reputación con otros usuarios de paginas servidores etc. que e intercambiado objetos y que han acabado bastante satisfechos conmigo. Para acabar le informo de que estoy dispuesto a darles toda la información que sea necesaria para aclarar esto. Gracias por su atención.
  3. lMintyl

    lMintyl New User

    Pardon my language, but speaking is something I need to explain better. This user which I am accused of batters helmet unusual aspect:unusual with orbiting fire effect and a knife festive look weird when I had come to terms with, about what we were going to share. This user has not even mentioned my offer was the Scottish hat unusual and 9 refined appearance. The alleged conversation that this man has invented is not really there and not even mention the strange proposals that I made ​​as I return her things and then again in another exchange gave me 2 handsets (somewhat strange their part because that would assess the real value of the initial offer). In closing I would like to say that in addition to all this the user has strived to smear my name calling me scammer in other pages related to Team Fortress. Please inform me like that before taking any action against me watching my record and my reputation with other users pages etc servers. that and exchanged objects that have ended quite satisfied me. To finish I inform you that I am willing to give them all the information necessary to clarify this. Thanks for listening.

    This is a language translation for "Pepolla".
  4. [B0$$]cookie_monsta

    [B0$$]cookie_monsta New User

    thanks for the translation. reading it however, it doesnt really make sense to me.. -.-
  5. [B0$$]cookie_monsta

    [B0$$]cookie_monsta New User

    well he did say something about his offer being 9 ref + the unusual. that's true. i dont really know what he means i traded and then again (along the lines of that). we never retraded, yet i was looking to retrade.
  6. Pepolla

    Pepolla New User

    lo siento mucho por usted pero no voy a devolverle nada el comercio fue legal yo le dije lo que le daba y usted acepto yo no le engañe diciendo que era otra cosa se lo dije todo bien claro que usted se confundiera solo fue culpa suya asi que deja de acusarme por que no llevas la razon .gracias
  7. [B0$$]cookie_monsta

    [B0$$]cookie_monsta New User

    I'm sorry for you but I will not return anything legal trade was what I said and you gave me not fool you accept saying it was another thing I told all clear that you only confuse her fault so stop accusing me for not wearing the right. thanks
    his translation on google translate
    it mostly makes no sense to me.. -.-
    but you never "made it clear" about anything
    i would say it was an attempted scam, and you succeeded- underpriced my items (knife and unusual) and your unusual is priced quite lower than 2 buds. prob not even 1.7(like no one buys this) and you tricked me. plus, i was busy so i thought it was a different unusual, but there is my only downfall.
    he even unadded me quickly, like most scammers do, and made the most ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed excuses.
    this guy needs to be banned, and i really want my items back though :\
    btw, this person needs to stop calling me a she lol
  8. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    This isn't really a scam, nor is there enough proof in the first place. Thanks anyway.
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