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Evidence Provided 76561198046396435

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by omediodomonte38, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. omediodomonte38

    omediodomonte38 New User

    | steamname: omediodomonte38
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42612379
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045490487
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omediodomonte38
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045490487

    | steamname: M4XlM
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43065353
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046396435
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046396435

    Pictures of the chat:


    I dindn't save any image from the trade unfotunately

    Description: I offered in one of his trades to sell my Halloween Spells. He added me to talk. Then we trade I gave him the items normally. Then he asked for a refund and after insiting me I refunded him (I shouldn't do that). While I was putting the items in the trade he tried to put a wrong spell. But I noticed it. After some tries, he gave me the right spells and he promised to got back with a bunch of keys to buy my spells. But then he disappeared. Everything is in the images. The problem isn't that he run away because I have my spells, the problem is that he tried to give me fake spells twice. It will be better with an image from that trade but I forgot it. If anything is wrong is because is my first report, anyway I have read all the faqs, how tos, etc.

    Trascription of the chat:

    http://steamcommunity.com Nunca reveles tu contraseña a nadie.
    M4XlM: u selling spells?
    omediodomonte38: yep
    M4XlM: how much u want for spectral?
    omediodomonte38: well, I'd like to sell the three more expensive (chromatic, spectral and staining) as a set but lower than each alone
    M4XlM: u have them on that acc?
    omediodomonte38: nope i have them on an alt acc
    omediodomonte38: ?
    M4XlM: ill show u
    omediodomonte38: k
    Has aceptado la petición de intercambio de M4XlM.
    omediodomonte38: well let me ask my friend because they are from bought
    M4XlM: ok
    M4XlM: how fast can u do everything?
    omediodomonte38: xD, he is offline but i think he will come shortly, here in spain is lunch time xD
    M4XlM: in russia its 5:13
    omediodomonte38: 3:14 here, but it depends from the person I normally eat at 1
    M4XlM: o
    omediodomonte38: well i think we can do that just have to ask, and wait he trade with me, been In the alt account
    omediodomonte38: btw, you want the other spells? they are pretty cheap
    M4XlM se encuentra ahora en estado Conectado.
    omediodomonte38: do you want the other spells? they are pretty cheap
    M4XlM: ill offer everything when i c them okay?
    omediodomonte38: what?
    omediodomonte38: sorry i dont speak english very well
    M4XlM: ill offer when in trade
    omediodomonte38: oh k
    M4XlM: when i c the spells
    omediodomonte38: ahh c=see xD
    M4XlM: yeah :)
    omediodomonte38: are you going to sell them or paint you hats? just curiosity
    M4XlM: well i want the spectral honeslty to paint
    M4XlM: the rest im not really intrested in but ill buy them
    omediodomonte38: you can sell the others easily
    M4XlM: ill try :p
    omediodomonte38: I posted the trade 3 days ago and i
    M4XlM: how many u got?
    omediodomonte38: i got good offers
    M4XlM: of spectral
    omediodomonte38: i got 3 as a set and then the others
    M4XlM: 1 spectral paint?
    omediodomonte38: yep 1 spectral which i sell with chromatic and sinister
    M4XlM: k
    M4XlM: can u sell me cheap?
    omediodomonte38: he conectd
    omediodomonte38: he said we can do it, he is going to the alt 5 min and we do
    M4XlM: ok
    M4XlM: ill see what spells u got then
    omediodomonte38: ok i got them
    M4XlM ha aceptado tu petición de intercambio.
    omediodomonte38: thanks man
    M4XlM: thanks
    omediodomonte38: enjoy them
    M4XlM: wait
    M4XlM: can i refund?
    M4XlM: ill give u keys
    M4XlM: instead
    omediodomonte38: of what?
    omediodomonte38: instead of what? xD
    M4XlM se encuentra ahora en estado Conectado.
    omediodomonte38: ?
    Has aceptado la petición de intercambio de M4XlM.
    omediodomonte38: why?
    M4XlM: ill give keys instead
    M4XlM: please dude
    M4XlM: just do it
    omediodomonte38: i give you the items give me the keys
    M4XlM: i want a refund
    M4XlM: dude
    M4XlM: please
    M4XlM: wtf
    omediodomonte38: but why?
    M4XlM: because
    M4XlM: ill trade u in 30 min
    M4XlM: i offering a guy for max head
    M4XlM: dude please..
    M4XlM: i just need to trade him if he accepts ill get a max head if not ill trake the spells
    M4XlM: please....
    omediodomonte38: well, if you dont come back i'll report you to steam rep
    M4XlM: yeah..
    M4XlM ha aceptado tu petición de intercambio.
    M4XlM: o sorry
    omediodomonte38: ?
    M4XlM: btw
    M4XlM: u selling your bills?
    omediodomonte38: nope
    omediodomonte38: sacred items xD
    Has aceptado la petición de intercambio de M4XlM.
    omediodomonte38: lol
    omediodomonte38: giving me fake spells
    M4XlM: o s✿✿✿
    M4XlM: sorry
    M4XlM: yeahs
    M4XlM: wrong one
    M4XlM: they all lied up sorry
    M4XlM: i got 2 of the sames
    No puedes realizar un intercambio con M4XlM porque está actualmente realizando un intercambio con otra persona.
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    omediodomonte38: last chance
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    M4XlM: i keep send ing request and u xD
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    La petición de intercambio ha sido cancelada.
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    M4XlM: ok u sned
    omediodomonte38: send it
    M4XlM: send
    M4XlM: u sned
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    M4XlM ha aceptado tu petición de intercambio.
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    M4XlM había solicitado realizar un intercambio contigo, pero ha cancelado su solicitud.
    omediodomonte38: last chance now
    M4XlM: thanks man
    omediodomonte38: 30 min
    omediodomonte38: no more
    M4XlM: yeah
    M4XlM se encuentra ahora en estado Conectado.
    omediodomonte38: 20 min left
    M4XlM: yh
    omediodomonte38: 10 min
    omediodomonte38: 5 min
    M4XlM: ok
    M4XlM: in trade 1 sec
    M4XlM: i got he max head!!!!!
    M4XlM ha aceptado tu petición de intercambio
    M4XlM: i told you if i get it im not doing it…

    M4XlM se encuentra ahora desconectado

    Attached Files:

  2. Matymatymaty

    Matymatymaty New User

    Hi there.
    Could you post a screenshot of your Trade History?
  3. Matymatymaty

    Matymatymaty New User

    Scratch that, didn't notice no trade took place.
  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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