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Archived 76561198046500983 Night_Rage™® (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ✞✞ ☾§₤Ѧʛ☽ ₦ɨǥŀlҬ═ℝѧǥع ✞✞, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. | steamname: Night_Rage™®
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43117627
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046500983
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/24213
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046500983
    I have made one appeal before of the ban, and i didnt put it in correct format, sorry, the story in in the link i shall put up, as well as in this message. This was the story.
    "Hi, i was labeled a scammer, and i would like to get that off my steam account due to the fact that this label ruined my steam account. This is the story of what really happened:

    I was playing Team Fortress 2, and i got into a trade. I got a link from the person, i knew it was fake, so i copied it, Or Ctrl C, and got off for a while. My sister likes to play on my steam. She was 9, and didnt know how to use steam much. She got on my profile and did Ctrl V, enter, and the Ctrl V multiple times again, enter, and then finally went to play a game. After that, i got back on, and didnt notice the links or anything. A few months pass, and i finally notice, ingame, im a scammer, Which i thought was odd, So i check my mail i had ignored for steam, saw the links, and thought, Great. So i get a message from the person who reported me with the link, i check it out, and im just depressed. And i had to deal with the scammer for the past few months, I do not not exactly. I have the screenshot used in the report on me, and just to point out, I am 14, and i do not paste things multiple times. The Screenshot shows multiple pastes. I have confronted my sister and she has admitted to the pastes. Here is the link: http://i.imgur.com/8JK42.png

    I would also like to point out that if you need further, smaller details, message me on steam. Thanks for your Consideration."
    This is the link to the thread: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/1020520154364572-sr-scammer-appeal.21773/

    I had 2 friends post on the thread, one of them who knew my sister, saying that indeed, what i say were true, and they were deleted off the post. I was told that i would somehow need to prove it was my sister, which i do not know how i could possibly do at the time. She does in fact have a steam of her own, considering what has happened before.http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073378131/ I would really like to clear this up, due to the fact of the label in some servers, and so i can start trading again. I did not intend to do any means of phishing, nor did my sister, being the fact that she was 9 at the time, and had just started using a computer. Im very sorry to those who got the link, and very, very sorry for the time it has taken for this to be put up and made.
  2. NCPereira

    NCPereira New User

    It is your responsibility to keep your account safe. I hope you know that now.
  3. Indeed i do. Thanks for looking at this post :D