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Rejected 76561198047103426 MeePwn (BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Ombladon20cm, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    1 . I'm copying info block

    | steamname: MeePwn
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43418849
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047103426
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MeePwn5
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198047103426

    (tip: you can click the "copy info" link to the right of it, and use CTRL-V on the forum)

    2 . When you are marked as alternate accounts what evidence you can give ??

    Now i'm copy paste my other thread Please don't close this as well

    - Using alternate account !!

    Good Do you realize that i'm having over 400 friends ? Account since August 2011 , over 5000 trades done , over 5700 transactions made , over 40 games and over 100 + Succesfull Paypal trades done already !!!

    I sold over 4000 keys + keys already via paypal !!!

    Do you really want to know how i'm doing so many keys in so little time ??

    Because of using real money buying Valve items from store not a big secret after all !!!

    I'm not looking through my list to see who is impersonating me ... just trading and playing games !!!

    All my buyers ( Over 20 - 30 Can share their paypal evidence that i made with them and all went good )

    They can also write here if they had some problems with me !!!

    But when you are doing 100 - 200 trades / day , you really don't have time to watch all of you'r impersonators !!!

    Please make something and retrive my " Good boy " Status !!! I really need sourceop forum !
  2. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Please disclose all other accounts belonging to you and all that can be linked to you, even if not yours (bro/dog/fish).

    Lying is an auto-deny.
  3. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    I have no other accounts !! , This were people that i was trading in past , because of bad trade or High prices or anything that he was unhappy tryed tu ruin me or idk !!

    One question , SR Mark some1 as scammer / caution / altternate accounts by what kind of principles ?

    I mean what evidence made SR banning me ?
  4. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    We do not discuss our investigation techniques publicly as it would serve as a manual for scammers to avoid detection.
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  5. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    Ok so i guess that is the final reply of the SR ... i'm on life banned !!!

    No problem because i really don't care since i'm doing my job with over 20 - 30 buyers that are regular buyers and now i don't need anymore sourceop or other sites!!!

    s✿✿✿s Happens !!!

    Nice job since you chatched " Bad guys " !!!
  6. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    Please Steam Rep ... i did nothing wrong i am verry respected seller in this community , i'm doing trades from long time to build my account !!!

    Why this should happen ?? I did not scammed persons !!! I'v done many paypal trades and also a lot of them going first for 100 + keys ... You can check on sourceop !!

    I'v did nothing wrong , because of impersonators now i have to pay ??

    Why don't you leave me alone, Nobody complains about me !! Everyone talking really nice about me !!

    I also helped a lot of people , Casting on youtube free giveaways !! http://www.youtube.com/user/v3n0mmusiq

    Done so much for this community and now i lived to see me marked on steamrep !! You guys took everything from me my whole life !!!

    I'v spent so much to fall now in the bad section !! Please steam rep respond !!
  7. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    Apologize letter :

    Dear SteamRep , I know that it wasn't like the best thing that can happen to someone , but this is not like a major mistake ( ex: Scamming, Phising Links, Scam attempt, Paypal chargeback ), but anyone can make some mistakes sometimes , i know my duty that being a good person in community makes a better place , Cheating or doing anything wrong comes with pennalties !

    But can you forgive ? Can steam make forgive me for what problems i created ? ... Can i have a second chance ?

    It's nothing that i can do , but i hope an apologize to community helped !!

    Thx to all friendslist that support me and say to not give up ..

    Thx Steamrep for making a better place.
  8. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

  9. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    It is my brother account he used to play Counter strike and dota with some mates from my and his account ...

    Since we are in the same room we are playing through a router that's mean we have the same ip
  10. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    I think you are not going to tell the truth.

    Wait for an appeal admin.
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  11. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    I can provide trade history for both accounts to see what i did in the last time or i can record a video for the all the trade history from my brothers accounts and one trade history from my account

    To check if i really scammed or did anything worng it's that ok ?
  12. Ombladon20cm

    Ombladon20cm New User

    Sry for bother but how much times does it takes ??
  13. Teeny Tiny Cat

    Teeny Tiny Cat SteamRep Admin Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @Ombladon20cm,

    Your appeal has been reviewed and it has been rejected for the following reason(s):

    - Lack of sufficient evidence to overturn the original judgement
    - Lying or other fraud during the appeal
    - Cannot clearly differentiate your account from being an alternate or shared account with a scammer.

    Despite your appeal being rejected, it's recommended that you avoid future situations that might appear to be fraud with Steam trading. Sometimes people reported to Valve by its users can get their accounts trade banned by Steam Support.

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