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Accepted 76561198047349710 (Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c])

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by BloodyFlame, Aug 21, 2013.

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  1. BloodyFlame

    BloodyFlame New User

    | steamname: Flame! 8)
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37591370
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035448468
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BloodyFlame
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035448468

    | steamname: Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43541991
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047349710
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DecimoVongoIa
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198047349710

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    18:34 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Hello
    18:34 PM - Flame! 8): hey
    18:34 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: I am interested in the bonk boy
    18:34 PM - Flame! 8): cool, what's your offer?
    18:34 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: I saw you're taking offers and i guess you're taking money too?
    18:35 PM - Flame! 8): I'd prefer it if you bought buds
    18:35 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Oay
    18:35 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: ill come back after i get buds
    18:35 PM - Flame! 8): how much money were you going to offer?
    18:35 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: around 800
    18:35 PM - Flame! 8): that sounds like a good amount
    18:35 PM - Flame! 8): so how many buds are you gonna end up getting?
    18:35 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Well good ammount for a good hat
    18:35 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: depends
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: from 20-23
    18:36 PM - Flame! 8): that's a perfect range
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Well id preffer if we would do that with money
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: bit
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: pain to buy it
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: but i want that hat
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: ;D
    18:36 PM - Flame! 8): yeah, but $800 would be a hell of a chargeback
    18:36 PM - Flame! 8): can't risk anything, you know?
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: I got rep
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: if that changes your mind
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: + we can use a mm
    18:36 PM - Flame! 8): how much?
    18:36 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: 12 pages of sourceop rep
    18:37 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: check my profile description
    18:37 PM - Flame! 8): maybe we can settle on mixed
    18:37 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: there is a link
    18:37 PM - Flame! 8): pure and some money
    18:37 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Well i got atm 1 buds :D
    18:37 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: as i said i sold my bp
    18:37 PM - Flame! 8): maybe around 10-ish pure and the rest in money?
    18:38 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Well ill gonna see what i can get
    18:38 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: but it could take a quite a bit
    18:38 PM - Flame! 8): yeah I'm sure we both have time right?
    18:38 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Yup
    18:39 PM - Flame! 8): have you bought any high-tier unusuals for paypal before?
    18:39 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Yes
    18:39 PM - Flame! 8): how much?
    18:39 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: i have done quite a few deals
    18:39 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: highest one was over 1.2 k
    18:39 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: if im not mistaking
    18:40 PM - Flame! 8): which hat was it?
    18:40 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: That wasnt a hat
    18:40 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: That was a bp
    18:40 PM - Flame! 8): I see
    18:41 PM - Flame! 8): too bad you're a scammer huh?
    18:41 PM - Flame! 8): http://steamcommunity.com/id/DecimoVongola/
    18:41 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: yeah
    18:41 PM - Flame! 8): legit dude
    18:41 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Too bad
    18:43 PM - Flame! 8): is this your alt?
    18:43 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Nop
    18:43 PM - Flame! 8): brave
    18:44 PM - Yoikuse S> Ref [.35c]: Thx
    Impersonating a trusted and reputable PayPal trader.

    Profile of Impersonator:
    Profile of Real One:
  2. Skyrider

    Skyrider Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks, he was already marked through another report. I've added the additional information to his profile.

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