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Invalid 76561198047603992 _V_i_O_(SR SCAMMER)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by _V_i_O_, Jul 18, 2012.

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  1. _V_i_O_

    _V_i_O_ Caution on SteamRep

    steamID: _V_i_O_
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43669132
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047603992
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198047603992
    Joined Steam: August 26, 2011 | Location:
    Profile Privacy: public | VAC: Good | Limited Account: 0
    Trade Ban Status: None | Hours Played (2 weeks): 135.9
    Online status: online - Online

    -this info was exactly copied from the scammer redmark profile over view so if something missing that would be my pleasure to put in .

    -now i noticed lately that i had a scammer redmark on my profile , also i noticed that report that was done by a rep accusing me on attempting to scam him using a fake middle man.

    1)first of all i would like to know how did that report was accepted , on what basis and what conditions.

    2)the report only shows a normal chat between a rep ,even that normal chat doesnt show any unusual performance ,no screenshots for a trade process , no screenshots for a scammed items,no screenshots for the fake middleman trade and his chat ,all what we can see is a normal chat with his friend and with the rep , there is no agreement on something or any clue about the hand written pulled off story by the rep about big cash $300 that he is talking about.

    3)i have alot of friends nearly 175 friends from them maybe some scammers ,how should i know ,as i knew lately that this profilehttp://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047035135 which the rep linked me to him is in my friend list and is a redmarked scammer ,well iam sorry to say this but iam not a god to know who is scammer and who is not from 175 added friends.

    4)as for the point of 2 ivex in his friend list, well certainly iam not the second ivex, certainly i dont know how to fake a middle man and from what i see, certainly i didnt trade anything or scammed anything or even agreed on anything about the $300 cash that the rep saying about and from what i can see, i intended to invite his friend in a group chat were i can talk to the rep and his friend together so we can make a deal about an unusual courir by the agreement of both as it seems that the rep doesnt have enough info about unusual courirs .Note: (i didnt ask for a middle man, i had keys and unusuals to trade with )

    5) THIS IS IMPORTANT. iam a very honarable trader , ihave alot of witnesses ,i have alot of +ve reps on my steam profile which ain't easy to get and i have a good inventory i think no need to buy his inventory (better inventory than his btw).

    6)well all i have to say is the reason were that rep reported me maybe because he mixed up between me and the real scammer or maybe because he saw the scammer in my friend list and it is absolutely clear that i didnt want to scam him as i wanted to invite his friend in a group chat ,other than that would be a useless ,meaningless report with no certain purpose and shouldn 't have been accepted from the beginning.

    7)THANK YOU IN ADVANCE and iam looking forward for a reply on this appeal , iam hoping for the redmark to be removed as this report is standing between me and my +ve reps.
  2. _V_i_O_

    _V_i_O_ Caution on SteamRep

    just little info i would like to add, how does the rep says that i told him not to talk with each other while he just screenshotted me with my chat with his friend as i told him to come in an a group chat ,isnt that WEIRD ??!!
  3. xXSnAkEeYeSXx

    xXSnAkEeYeSXx New User

    hey guys am the one who was accused of working with him this guy he used to be my friend befor all this we had a friendship cause we helped each other on trading and stuff and i treated him as a close friend, let me tell you how it began at the begining a guy called nightcat talked to me and tried to scam me with this same way fake middleman and stuff, and i was going to get scammed but i noticed that he wasn't my friend on his fake account and didnt get scammed, so i told _V_i_O_ of what happened to warn him from this guy if ever he talks to him and after i told him in a while he kept asking me how is it possible to copy some one info and he told me to do it and see if it's possible then he gave me this link steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974255099 and told me that he is his friend
    and told me to copy it so me being stupid that i didnt know that he is his friend i did copy it and then i showed him that
    it's possible so he can believe me , then he kept saying stuff like i do believe you now and that, so then after he told me to trade with him then at that point i got suspecious cause i didnt know why , so i asked him why should i do that , after that _V_i_O_ told me the truth that he isn't actually his friend and he wanted me to take the unusual and split the money 50% 50% at that point i was shocked cause i'll be charged of assosiating with a scammer so i told _V_i_O_ that i wont and told him to cancel every thing at once but the proplem is that when i added Ivex i already have talked to him so they took a screen shot of me on that profile and reported me even though i changed my profile back to normal , and he didnt have a proof about any trading proccess cause i didnt even trade with that guy i swear to god , and i didnt want to make any post cause i treated _V_i_O_ as my friend but after i saw what he posted here and how he sold me out then am sorry friend, but i have to say the truth now u already got me marked with you and now ur trying to run away by lying and saying that am a scammer here then this is the last time we will ever talk, and your already deleted from my friend list.
  4. xXSnAkEeYeSXx

    xXSnAkEeYeSXx New User

    i'll make a post now admins to explain about this incident please read it, thanks.
  5. _V_i_O_

    _V_i_O_ Caution on SteamRep

    intresting, but i would like to add two things you are missing here:
    1)do you have a proof about that pulled off story that you are saying about me telling you to copy and stealing items 50 ,50%
    2)who pulled who? iam so sorry man your reputation is already a major scammer and you got multiple reports about the fake middleman stuff, i just knew about it lately that is all, i actually never thought that one of my friends who supposed to be a good trader is a major fake middleman,and i didnt sell you ( you sold yourself).
    3)you say you deserve a last chance well , we all do, but you already got your last chance since this isnt the first time to be reported .
  6. _V_i_O_

    _V_i_O_ Caution on SteamRep

    oh one last thing i would like to add ,wow almost forgot :
    -you forgot to add this thread http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/7314 about how you can make a fake middleman all by yourself to scam other reps without the need of my help, then the question lies here is : Why do you need me to plan your fake middleman stuff, if you can do it by yourself and take all the 100% items as you assume ??!!
  7. _V_i_O_

    _V_i_O_ Caution on SteamRep

    wow ,second,let me put this straight , so you were saying that i gave you that profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974255099 which his name is iVEX i assume and told you to copy it so you can prove me that you can fake a profile and told you to start trading with him his unusual courir right ? well unfortunaly man you just compromised yourself as a true scammer and a lier saying lies ......that profile you just gave me doesnt have a dota 2 inventory to begin with, LoL .

    So,another question here is coming up for you to answer :-how did i tell you to copy a profile and take his unusual courir while that profile doesnt even have a dota 2 inventory to begin with ??!!

    -Just one request please:- enough of the lies ,dont try to take vengance on me because we were friends at some point, iam sorry to tell you this ,it's over man, get over with it.
  8. xXSnAkEeYeSXx

    xXSnAkEeYeSXx New User

    lol the other thread u just linked i didnt even try fake middleman with him i just copied 30% of his info cause i liked them since i needed a good announce for my profile , i dont think that there is any thing wrong with it if i've traded barely 30% of the cool words and i didnt copy neither name neither image nothing atall plus he doesn't have proves not even a prove that i even chatted with him also IVEX yes he doesn't have inventory and 0 items but u wanted me to trade him and said that he would trade an unusual with you maybe get it from his friend i dunno but that's what happened,
    dude end of chit chat if we are going down then we will go down together though it's all ur fault that i got marked from the first place but i guess it's my fault i've been a stupid and i didnt know what was going on but i have no regrets as long as you go down with me SCAMMER , but if i actually get another chance none of this would ever happen again cause now i know better and i'll take a better care and u'll never see my name in steamrep ever again and that's a promise , i have reputation that i dont want to loose , and if by any way i get mentioned on steamrep please do ban me all am asking is for 1 chance cause 1 chance is all we get please admins.
  9. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    invalid for non public profile.
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