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Rejected 76561198047875582 |Elite4| Ash Ketchum (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by |Elite4| Ash Ketchum, May 3, 2012.

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  1. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    steamID: |Elite4| Ash Ketchum
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43804927
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047875582
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pokeballer
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198047875582

    I was marked for impersonation, which is very true, however my friends ( |Elite4| Charmeleon, |Elite4| Cubone and |Elite4| Scyther) were marked for falsely +repping me, when in actual fact I have middlemanned for their trades in the past. I would also like to have my scammer status removed as I have never scammed anyone, and I do not plan on doing so in the future.
  2. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    I'd also like to add, I am very sorry to
    ¤ Core ( Chemical Lazy )

    for impersonating him, and I shan't ever try impersonating a middleman again.
  3. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Impersonating another person is a type of "scam" - hence that indeed means you qualify as being a Scammer. If you think "scamming" only qualifies if you have stolen something - you are mistaken. A "scam" encompasses anyone using deception to take advantage of another trader for a variety of reasons, impersonation and fake rep both being good examples of employing deception at traders. Your scammer fake rep friends are welcome to appeal on their own if they feel they were unjustly tagged.
  4. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    All right, I understand that I'm classified as a scammer. However, how could I remove the status? Would there be any amount of time I could be perfectly clean for to have the status removed, or is it permanent due to one thing that I have done wrong?
  5. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    I understand that the admins here are very busy but I would simply like an answer to my question to see if there is anything within my power I can do to speed up the process.
  6. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    No - we are training some new admins, and we short-handed for quite a while. We are taking them in order by date - unless there is a very minor one or something like that. Yours will be taken when your turn comes - sorry and thank you for your patience.
  7. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and for being so polite.
  8. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Ill pick this one up as I just finished a related case
  9. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    Here are screenshots of my trade history for further investigation, all of the people I have got things for free from are from raffles that take place at tf2r.com or my friends. (|Elite4| Charmander and |Elite4| Scyther) Feel free to ask everyone. Simple proof that I haven't scammed otherwise.

    Attached Files:

  10. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    Second lot of screenshots...

    Attached Files:

  11. |Elite4| Ash Ketchum

    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum New User

    Last one, I apologise for any inconvenience caused!

    Attached Files:

  12. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    1) Impersonation
    2) fakerep
    3) middleman injection scam
    4) lied during appeal

    appeal denied.

    Side note: Truly does not understand what he did was wrong or how much damage it could cause. Glad to deny such an appeal.

    Secret Content - Do Not Disclose:

    Tuesday, May 08, 2012
    5:37 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Oh hello!
    5:37 PM - GLaDOS: hi
    5:37 PM - GLaDOS: so why should we remove your tag?
    5:38 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I am completely ridding myself of anything to do with scamming, ever.
    5:38 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: It was a huge mistake and I am very, very sorry. ):
    5:38 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I am becoming a good trader now, I have my own store on reddit!
    5:39 PM - GLaDOS: irrelivant
    5:39 PM - GLaDOS: you impersonated and attempted to scam using someone elses rep
    5:39 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Well, how can I prove that I won't scam? ):
    5:39 PM - GLaDOS: you cant
    5:39 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: That is true, and I admitted to that.
    5:39 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Well is there any reason in having the choice to appeal? ):
    5:42 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I would do anything in my power to get rid of the scammer tag, simply because I know myself; and I accept the fact that it's not as simple as that you just believe me, but I will never scam again.
    5:45 PM - GLaDOS: you didnt just attempt to scam you wreacked a legitmate middlemans rep in the process
    5:45 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I know why the system is in place, I realise that I made a mistake now and it is my fault, nobody elses. I have taken responsibility, suffered the consequences and learn a lesson.
    5:45 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I know it was an incredibly bad thing to do, I completely understand.
    5:47 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I am terribly sorry to the middleman whose reputation I may have damaged, and I would be open to any suggestions that he gave as to what I could do to fix it.
    5:50 PM - GLaDOS: This was not an accidental scam, this was a premeditated and deliberate scam, I do take into account extenuating circumstances but none of that is apparent in this case
    5:51 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I know that, and I have admitted it. However I do not understand why the fact that I have attempted to scam once should mean that I am banned from sites such as tf2op and certain servers for life.
    5:52 PM - GLaDOS: because you do not understand how severe what you did really is
    5:52 PM - GLaDOS: If you were me, what would you do?
    5:52 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I do, however what permanent damage have I left?
    5:53 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: If I were you, not knowing anything of me, under the suspition that I could scam again, I would give me a week "probation," and after, if I do not scam or participate in any trades with scammers, I would change the tag to a caution/warning and keep a close eye on me.
    5:53 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: This is my personal response to the problem we have in our hands, however I respect whatever decision you make.
    5:55 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: If I were you and realised I scammed after the tag was changed, I would tag me back as a scammer and refuse any future appeals.
    5:56 PM - GLaDOS: First off thats a pathetic slap on the wrist of a punishment,
    5:57 PM - GLaDOS: nextly we do not have the manpower to watch over all the people who appeal to make sure they are behaving
    5:57 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: However what scammer status for life is proposing is something of an execution for stealing an apple.
    5:57 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Sorry, I didn't take that fact into consideration.
    5:57 PM - GLaDOS: you attempted a premeditated scam and impersonated a real trader
    5:57 PM - GLaDOS: letting you off would be reckless
    5:58 PM - GLaDOS: how many others have you scammed?
    5:58 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Letting some people off would be reckless, I beg to differ when talking about myself.
    5:58 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I can completely, honestly say that I have not scammed anybody else.
    5:58 PM - GLaDOS: post your full trade history
    5:58 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: In the steamrep thread?
    5:59 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: How can I find it, by the way?
    5:59 PM - GLaDOS: you go to your invintory
    5:59 PM - GLaDOS: then upper right says invintory history
    5:59 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Okay
    6:00 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Post it all?
    6:00 PM - GLaDOS: yes,,Also while you do that, post why you should be punished,
    6:00 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: In text or screenshots?
    6:00 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Screenshots?
    6:00 PM - GLaDOS: Screenshot for trade history
    6:01 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: This is going to take a while...
    6:02 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Oh gosh my trade history is 9 pages long
    6:02 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: and it takes roughly 7~ screenshots for 1 page
    6:03 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Should I uploade straight to the site?
    6:03 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: upload*
    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    6:03 PM - GLaDOS: w/e you choose.
    6:03 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Wow
    6:06 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: 90 screenshots coming your way soon enough
    6:07 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: It's fine if I go to sleep at the moment and finish after school tomorrow, isn't it?
    6:07 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: It's 00:07 here, I'm rather tired.
    6:08 PM - GLaDOS: upload the ones form may
    6:08 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: From may?
    6:08 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Alright.
    6:13 PM - GLaDOS: well?
    6:13 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Sorry for the wait, now about to upload
    6:14 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I have to upload all of my images to a site, do I not? D:
    6:14 PM - GLaDOS: an image hosting site or to sr
    6:15 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: how do I upload it to sr?
    6:15 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: OOH!
    6:15 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I see, sorry.
    6:15 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Uploading. :)
    6:16 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I can only upload 10 in total
    6:16 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: for 1 post
    6:16 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I'll do multiple posts if that's ok?
    6:16 PM - GLaDOS: just interested in may as i said
    6:16 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: It's 21 screenshots
    6:16 PM - GLaDOS: cant be that many
    6:16 PM - GLaDOS: :/
    6:16 PM - GLaDOS: ohh well
    6:16 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: ):
    6:16 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Sorry
    6:18 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: All done. :)
    6:19 PM - GLaDOS: so where are the trades that you middlemand for?
    6:20 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Before may. ):
    6:20 PM - GLaDOS: when?
    6:20 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Let me see...
    6:21 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Oh sorry, it is there!
    6:21 PM - GLaDOS: I want a screenshot of each time for each of them that you middlemand for
    6:21 PM - GLaDOS: its where?
    6:21 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: The trade in which |Elite4| Charmander gave me the TS Bill's hat
    6:22 PM - GLaDOS: that was after the fakerep was left
    6:22 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Ok I'll admit,I didn't middleman before the fake rep.
    6:22 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: ):
    6:23 PM - GLaDOS: so you lied to me just now,
    6:23 PM - GLaDOS: so we got impersonation, fakerep and mm injection scam and lying
    6:23 PM - GLaDOS: alright, appeal denied
    6:23 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I wasn't going to get my tag removed no matter what?
    6:23 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: You were determined on making me keep it.
    6:23 PM - GLaDOS: lying does not help
    6:24 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: You do not understand that making it so hard to appeal gives people no motivation to stop scamming.
    6:24 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: If people could get rid of their scammer status, many more would stop scamming.
    6:25 PM - GLaDOS: check my past appeals, I have granted many
    6:25 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Not because the people are sorry, however!
    6:25 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Not because they have scammed, and will no longer.
    6:26 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Simply because by some mistake they never did in the first place.
    6:26 PM - GLaDOS: I have granted many appeals for f✿✿✿ups
    6:26 PM - GLaDOS: this was no f✿✿✿up
    6:26 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: In my head, and opinion, it was.
    6:27 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: And as I never plan on doing the same thing again, of course it was a mistake.
    6:27 PM - GLaDOS: on top of all the offences, you lied to me
    6:27 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Sorry that lying is suddenly the worst crime in the universe.
    6:28 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Sorry that lying so I could become an honest trader is such a bad thing.
    6:28 PM - GLaDOS: you dont care about your tag, and dont understand that it affects more then just you
    6:28 PM - GLaDOS: at least your friend was honest
    6:28 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: If I didn't care about my tag, I wouldn't appeal.
    6:28 PM - GLaDOS: he has a chance
    6:28 PM - GLaDOS: you dont
    6:28 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: You're a horrible person, you give nobody a chance.
    6:29 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I will be very surprised if he gets his tag removed.
    6:29 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I never had a chance.
    6:29 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: From the beginning, all you wanted me to do is make a mistake so you could reject me.
    6:29 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Simple as.
    6:29 PM - GLaDOS: either way, go take a few weeks off and think about what you do, and once you realize how much damage it really causes you will know why your appeal was denied
    6:29 PM - GLaDOS: best of luck to you
    6:29 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: It has caused very, very little damage.
    6:30 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: The middleman's rep hasn't been dented.
    6:30 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I haven't taken any items from anyone.
    6:30 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Nobody is traumatised from the matter.
    6:30 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: It was a small mistake which caused absolutely no harm, and I am expected to pay far too harshly for it.
    6:31 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: The fact that steamrep makes it so hard to appeal is the reason that many scammers continue scamming.
    6:32 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Since you're going to ignore me because I have a perfectly valid reasonable point, I'm going to leave.
    6:33 PM - GLaDOS: not ignoring you, just watching what you say, your appeal is over anyhow,
    6:33 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I know, due to the fact that steamrep has unfair moderators that don't want to un-tag anyone!
    6:34 PM - GLaDOS: iknowright?
    6:35 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Thanks for giving me the motivation to keep on scamming!
    6:35 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: And guess what, there's nothing you can do about it!
    6:35 PM - GLaDOS: correct.
    6:35 PM - GLaDOS: ohhwel
    6:35 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I was going to turn over a new leaf, but since I can't join any decent trading servers there's no point!
    6:35 PM - GLaDOS: spokenlike a true scammer
    6:35 PM - GLaDOS: go you!
    6:36 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Wooo, time to get some more free keys!
    6:36 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I uncrated an unusual about a month ago!
    6:36 PM - GLaDOS: cool,
    6:36 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Great how far scamming can get you.
    6:37 PM - GLaDOS: one day, hopefully you will grow up
    6:37 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: I probably would've if my tag got appealed!
    6:37 PM - |Elite4| Ash Ketchum: Thanks for denying me the chance to grow up man!
    |Elite4| Ash Ketchum is now Offline.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2014
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