1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided 76561198048202736

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by -=|JFH|=-SkiP, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User

    | steamname: S̶ki₱® |ŴĀĐĐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:18927801
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998121330
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/skip_
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197998121330

    | steamname: murmaider <--- now changed to Sponge
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43968504
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048202736
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Miaao
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048202736


    I have been selling my buds and keys. murmaider contacted me as you can see in our complete and unedited chat. He was asked if he was Paypal verified, it's all in the chat. Also in the uploaded screenshots you can see my inventory history where he was given the earbuds. Also included is a screenshot of my outpost ad with the earbuds along with another screenshot of the history and ownership of these earbuds.
    Later on I receive emails from Paypal (another screenshot included) where he is now reversing payment.
    He later removed me from his friend's list and changed his name and profile picture.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: y0y0y0
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: sups
    murmaider: Hello, sir
    murmaider: You sell buds for paypal?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: That I am
    murmaider: I can buy both
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: Both what?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: you mean2?
    murmaider: 2 pair
    murmaider: W8 please 5 mins
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: k
    murmaider: I can buy 2 buds right now
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: ok .. are you verified on paypal?
    murmaider: yes
    murmaider: i going first
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: ok, it's in USD also
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: in the subject put in 2 Buds
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: and the message put in ....
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: This transaction is non-refundable. No physical shipment. Transaction made virtually and instantaneously using Virtual Items (intangible) for Team Fortress 2. The virtual item(s) were already received and there will be no chargebacks. You will also add your SteamID
    murmaider: gift, right?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: yes .. or friends and family
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: total is $89
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: [email protected]
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: lemme know once sent and i'll refresh .. then we finish up and I'll rep ya
    murmaider: kk
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }:  http://cdn.steamcommunity.com/economy/emoticon/d2tidehunter
    murmaider: Sent!
    murmaider: Check please
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: ok.. refreshin
    murmaider has accepted your request to trade.
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: :)
    murmaider: Can i buy 3 buds more?)
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: rep'n ya now
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: You can .. I have to pickup my daughter from work right now .. think you could wait like 30 min?
    murmaider: Please
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: unless you can do it quickly
    murmaider: Sell buds now
    murmaider: Yes
    murmaider: I can
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: ok .. no prob
    murmaider: 133, 5 $?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: yea
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: 133
    murmaider: sent!
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: refreshing
    murmaider has accepted your request to trade.
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: that was quick
    murmaider: Yeah)
    murmaider: Can i buy 3 more?
    murmaider: Please
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: the first was a test huh?
    murmaider: Too quick
    murmaider: Ok?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: another 3?
    murmaider: yeah
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: ok
    murmaider: sent
    You have accepted the trade request from murmaider.
    murmaider: Can i buy 3 buds more? lol
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: I have 2 left actually
    murmaider: You sell unusuals?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: I'm selling everything in my backpack ..
    murmaider: Can i buy 3 unusuals and 2 buds?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: But I really gotta hit the road .. my kid gets off at 4 .. and I'm already going to be 10min late
    murmaider: i can send you 180$ for all
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: I'll be back shortly
    murmaider: sell me 2 buds now
    murmaider: ok?
    murmaider: sending monet
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: not now
    murmaider: sent
    You have accepted the trade request from murmaider.
    murmaider: bye
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: ok .. lol .. that was fun
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: Take it easy man  .. i'll ttyl
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: I had to get on the road. I'll rep ya when I get back.  Think you could rep me when you get a chance?
    murmaider: Can u sell me unusuals and bills hats?
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: Later on... I'm in my car
    murmaider: Wow? Which car? :D
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: In my car.  On my mobile phone
    S?ki?® |WAÐÐ|™: {S>Buds & Keys }: Just curious why are interested in buying up everything
    murmaider is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Hello, would you happen to have a screenshot of the actual chat?
  3. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User


    I do not have an actual screenshot of it because it was too long so I right clicked, selected all and copied the entire chat and put it in this . This is the complete unedited chat.
  4. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User

    I am no longer part of JFH. I can't figure out how to change that name on here.
  5. Sickest

    Sickest New User

    such a shame, i hope you contacted valve regarding the matter, cause his profile has been stripped bare now, and prob moved all his stuff to an alt
    -=|JFH|=-SkiP likes this.
  6. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User

    murmaider has now changed his name to Sponge and also changed his profile picture to Spongebob.

    I now have additional information from the guy murmaider sold my buds to. I will upload screenshots of that conversation along with a screenshot of a Webmoney Receipt where murmaider resold my buds
  7. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User

  8. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    -=|JFH|=-SkiP likes this.
  9. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User


    Thank You

    I have contacted Paypal and basically what it comes down to is that they do not like to deal with "Digital Item Transactions" So reguarless if you use a trusted middleman it's still very easy to get scammed and there's nothing you can do. You're in Paypal's mercy. Ridiculous.

    Hopefully SteamRep will at least get him marked as a scammer.
  10. | ¾ W | roshumon-j90

    | ¾ W | roshumon-j90 New User

    This has happened to me also not as bad as i your case; only 12 keys, but i hope yours and mine gets solved.
  11. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User

    I have been sick to my stomach over this scam just to be scammed by one other guy. I haven't played TF2 since this has happened and dealing with Paypal is a JOKE. Understand that trading any digital item is not covered by Paypal and they will reverse any charge that is claimed to be unauthorized with very little question. So trusted or not .. middleman or not they have up to 45 days after the trade to just reverse their sale. It's sickening.

    We I just came back here to see if this guy was marked as a scammer yet and it still says "Ready For Review" ... Can this be bumped up for review please?
  12. -=|JFH|=-SkiP

    -=|JFH|=-SkiP New User

    Also, I am NOT "JFH" or have anything to do with them any longer and I logged in with Steam. Is there anyway to get this changed or the JFH removed?