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Declined 76561198049288550 (Dλft)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Spyromancer, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. Spyromancer

    Spyromancer New User

    Attempted Victim:
    |steamID: Elizabeth Peppercock
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37815818
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035897364
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/spyromancer
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035897364

    Attempted Scammer:
    |steamID: Dλft
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44511411
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049288550
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198049288550


    Random add wanting my Winter Wonderland Wrap. We opened trade, and he immediately suggested to pay with a $5 Steam wallet code. I refuse and ask for rep, he points to his profile full of meaningless +rep comments (and later admits two were from friends who received a f. Mackerel from him, screened "first two" in case he deletes them). Didn't offer anything in trade window. Pretty fishy to me.
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    5:37 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Yes?
    5:37 PM - Dλft: your selling a winter wounder land
    5:37 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: mmhm
    You cannot trade with Dλft because they are not logged in.
    5:38 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Says you're not logged in :s
    5:38 PM - Dλft: really
    5:38 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: yup
    You cannot trade with Dλft because they are not logged in.
    5:38 PM - Dλft: wait ill log in and out
    5:38 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: You cannot trade with Dλft because they are not logged in.
    5:38 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: kk
    Dλft is now Offline.
    Dλft is now Online.
    5:40 PM - Dλft: back
    Dλft has accepted your request to trade.
    5:41 PM - Dλft: hey could i pay with a $5 steam wallet code?
    5:41 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: I don't accept codes unless you're willing to go first
    5:41 PM - Dλft: oh well sorry then
    5:42 PM - Dλft: ive done this lots of times before
    5:42 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: That's lovely.
    5:42 PM - Dλft: so you one want to do it?
    5:42 PM - Dλft: *dont
    5:42 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: If you send me the code first I'd be okay.
    5:43 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Unless you have some good rep to show for your trustworthiness I'm just going to be treating this as a scam attempt
    5:43 PM - Dλft: how about you ready i ready and when we both click trade i'll give you the code?
    5:43 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: pfffft
    5:43 PM - Dλft: look at my profile
    5:43 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Profile rep is utterly meaningless
    5:43 PM - Dλft: you said if you have good rep...
    5:44 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: I'm probably going to report this to steamrep if you don't start show me rep that isn't easily faked.
    5:44 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Or, you could send me the code first
    5:44 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Your choise
    5:44 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: *choice
    5:45 PM - Dλft: how am i doing the wrong thing here the first to guuys are my friend that i gave them a festive fish each so they reped me the rest are real
    5:45 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: So you're admitting to having fakerep on your profile
    5:45 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Nice
    5:45 PM - Dλft: no
    5:46 PM - Dλft: my friends reped me for helping them out how is that faking
    5:46 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Look, you have nothing that's making me trust you.
    5:46 PM - Dλft: you dont have to do this trade you know
    5:46 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: And fake rep is giving rep when no trade took place
    5:46 PM - Dλft: it did
    5:46 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: That's a classic scammer fallback isn't it
    5:47 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Kinda like the guy who scammed me out of a headcase said.
    5:47 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: I'm not going first or sending anything until I have the money in my steam wallet
    5:47 PM - Dλft: well no deal cya sorry for wasting your time
    5:47 PM - Dλft: have a good one
    5:48 PM - Elizabeth Peppercock: Right, we'll see how SR admins handle this. Stay out of trouble.
    5:48 PM - Dλft: lolyou cant do s✿✿✿ have'nt done anything wrong cya
    Dλft is now Offline.
  2. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Sorry, but there really isn't enough evidence here to do anything. I cannot prove the fake rep either, and I did some investigating. Sorry mate, better luck next time.
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