Victim: steamID: Qaari steamID32: STEAM_0:0:14984777 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Scammer: steamID: Damer=243= steamID32: STEAM_0:1:44798467 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Short Description: Attempted to scam me out of over 19 keys by selling me an unusual headless horsemann's taker for 20 keys. The blueprint to make cost slightly over 2 refined, yet when confronted as to any negotiation or if I were to buy elsewhere he is adamant that I won't be able to get it for less than 20 keys. Told the user I would be reporting them and immediately dropped out of trade and subsequently off the trade server. Pics of a few chat logs posted.
Dude, what? You just went full ✿✿✿✿✿✿, This guy is telling the truth. Tradable head takers are really goddamn rare. Get your facts straight before reporting -.-
Okay my bad I didn't realise tradeable was rare but tbh I'd rather be SAFE than sorry. You only have to read other users reports to realise how people have handed over keys/money/metal etc and ended up majorly regretting it. I reported cos the user's actions spoke louder than their words. As soon as I told him that it could be crafted with 2 ref using crafting blueprint he INSTANTLY cancelled and was no longer on the server after trade had been cancelled. THAT'S the reason why I reported this user and it's pretty understandable I think if you guys were in my shoes that you'd think something was really suspicious about that. If admins conclude nothing wrong then that's cool, but like I said, better safe than sorry. P.S. It seems the user hasn't been online since my trade with him either.
Oh, also to take note of, no rep anywhere, not even on his own profile, a few weird comments on his Steam profile page, 77 items in his bp, no metal, not even a scrap, no keys, heck not even a strange wep, nearly every hat he owns is dirty apart from one, yet he suddenly has 2 unusual headless horsemann takers in his bp (One non tradeable and another tradeable)? If that doesn't set alarm bells off for you that this is definitely suspicious then feel free to trade with them, you have a link the user's profile, go crazy, heck if it's so rare just give the guy a bud for it. I'd rather make sure I don't associate myself with such suspicious trades and compromise my own account in any way.