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Declined 76561198050678184 (Daddy Yankee)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Azn_™, Jan 7, 2013.

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  1. Azn_™

    Azn_™ New User

    |steamID: Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42241712
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044749153
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/D0uble_D
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044749153

    |steamID: Daddy Yankee
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45206228
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050678184
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198050678184

    http://i.imgur.com/L77Xn.png?1 [Dirty medal]
    http://i.imgur.com/kqhzT.png?1 [Scammer Inventory]
    http://i.imgur.com/RC4NT.png?1 [Inventory History]
    http://i.imgur.com/TDXU1.png?1 [Chat]
    http://i.imgur.com/kvs2r.png?1 [Profile]
    http://i.imgur.com/DBffC.png?1 [The Trade]

    Description: As any regular trader would. I was on tf2tp.com searching for a misc. for my solider and other classes. As I saw Daddy's trade. I later contacted him and we did the trade. As i was looking for in the trade a description that read "Not usable in crafting" I was not there, I felt this guy was very legit. Soon as I clicked the trade button the trade did not go through as fast as i thought. I just said "waiting on the other player". I got worried for a second and then when I got the item it said "Not usable in crafting" I got very mad and contacted him. Soon he ran.

    Monday, January 07, 2013
    8:46 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Hey
    8:46 PM - Daddy Yankee: hi
    8:46 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Will you do for only 1 bills hat for the mdeal?
    8:46 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Mine is painted
    8:46 PM - Daddy Yankee: color ?
    8:46 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Gold
    8:47 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Or will you do 8 keys?
    8:47 PM - Daddy Yankee: bill's + 1 any hat
    8:47 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Sorry i can do bills only
    8:47 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: 1:1
    8:48 PM - Daddy Yankee: please 1 min
    8:48 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Im going to leave soon
    8:51 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Hey
    8:51 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: Im repotring you
    8:51 PM - Edd_™ #B-day 10th of January: for quick swithcing
    8:52 PM - Daddy Yankee: ?
    Daddy Yankee is now Offline.
  2. Daddy Yankee

    Daddy Yankee New User

    Only, replayed the medal, she did not look right. And again, it was you who told me to return, so it was your fault, you now errs and comes reports, if so the world was finished! Stop and think about it!!
  3. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, in the evidence you showed there's not anything about quickswitching and also it's your own responsibility to check if the items traded are dirty or not.

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