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Archived 76561198051617467 (*[SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg*)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Brony_Kitten, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Brony_Kitten

    Brony_Kitten New User

    |steamID: Raptor Jesus + Pocket Purrer
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42899377
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046064483
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RaptorJesusHazAProfile
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046064483

    |steamID: [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:45675869
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051617467
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198051617467

    *No chat log because this happened to one of my steam buddys. :p, but my brother contacted him and he got something.*
    Victim's trade history: http://imgur.com/LHMFt

    Description: My friend was trying to buy a haunted metal scrap to craft another halloween skull. He gave him a refined metal to provide for gift wrap, and he ran with the gift wrap. Luckily my friend's we're there and able to get this guy's profile.

    *Transcript of my brother contacting the scammer*
    The Computer Nerd: [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: what i am trying to idle 00:50:47
    The Computer Nerd: Hey 00:50:52
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: hey 00:50:57
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: wat u want 00:51:02
    The Computer Nerd: Im just saying since you ran off with my friends refined metal, you are getting a steamrep report from 3 witnesses and a profile report from 2. 00:51:20
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: hello 00:51:21
    The Computer Nerd: Have a nice day kiddo 00:51:24
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: well i didnt run off my tf2 crashed 00:51:41
    The Computer Nerd: Then trade him the metal 00:51:48
    The Computer Nerd: Or steamrep reports await 00:51:56
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: u cant trade the metal 00:52:02
    The Computer Nerd: ....
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: u can only freakin gift it 00:52:11
    The Computer Nerd: Gift it to him 00:52:12
    The Computer Nerd: like you said 00:52:14
    The Computer Nerd: or give his ref back 00:52:25
    [SN!P3RZ] [F-F0UR TW] charsboyg: i never said i would... i just said it was wrapped 00:52:33
    The Computer Nerd: .... 00:52:45
    You can't trust anyone in TF2 nowadays, can you? :L
  2. The Computer Nerd

    The Computer Nerd New User

    Yeah. This guy scammed my buddy out of his refined metal that he worked pretty hard to get ;/. Really pissed me off and I got the best chatlog I could of the guy but I know it's not much.
  3. Brony_Kitten

    Brony_Kitten New User

    Any news on this? It's been 2 days
  4. XE_ManUp

    XE_ManUp Retired Staff

    Sorry - there is not enough evidence here to do anything with. We would need screenshots of the trade agreement. We will, however, archive this for records in case he/she does this again.