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Accepted 76561198052057204 (Ascention # Sherlock Holmes)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Johnny :3, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Johnny :3

    Johnny :3 New User

    steamID: Johnny :3
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49327406
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058920541

    steamID: Ascention # Sherlock Holmes
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45895738
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052057204
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198052057204

    this guy was a friend of mine for a short time, he made me trust on him, he gave me his unusual hats for brokering. after all of this he wanted my max head and i trusted him. now he deleted me and blocked me. proof of screenshots are below but they are in Turkish language.

    Theres The Talk

    Johnny :3: bak
    Johnny :3: ne aldım
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes takas isteğinizi kabul etti.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bakam
    Johnny :3: senmısın cem
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: evt
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bune be
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: 3 buds
    Johnny :3: bu
    Johnny :3: hat
    Johnny :3: haberın varmı :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: valahamı
    Johnny :3: valla.
    Johnny :3: sor herkeze
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: hımm
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: h o
    Johnny :3: eyv
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: güzel duruomu
    Johnny :3: evet :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: reis
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sende
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tf2 poker nıght varmı
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sat bana yaw
    Johnny :3: yok valla
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tmm
    Johnny :3: cem
    Johnny :3: şu
    Johnny :3: şeyi kullanıyonmu
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ?
    Johnny :3: pipo sakalını
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: evt
    Johnny :3: hay
    Johnny :3: Şu
    Johnny :3: liberty i
    Johnny :3: bana versene eris :D
    Johnny :3: sende rocket jumper var zzatne
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yaw :D
    Johnny :3: hadi laa <3
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ben kullanıom
    Johnny :3: -_-
    Johnny :3: hacı
    Johnny :3: şu
    Johnny :3: essentials la
    Johnny :3: buds ı ver bi
    Johnny :3: foto
    Johnny :3: cekcem
    Johnny :3: max le
    Johnny :3: bakaıym nasıl duruyo
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimdışı.
    Durumunuz çevrimdışı olarak ayarlandı.
    Steam ile bağlantınız kesildi, yeniden bağlandığınızda sohbete otomatik olarak katılacaksınız.
    Yeniden bağlantı kurdunuz ve sohbete katıldınız.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimiçi.
    Johnny :3: reis
    Johnny :3: buds la essentials ı ver nbi
    Johnny :3: resım cekcem
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: söle reis
    Johnny :3: max le
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: reis sonra yapak az işim var
    Johnny :3: ya
    Johnny :3: sen
    Johnny :3: dondugunde verırım
    Johnny :3: oyunda bıle degılsın
    Johnny :3: ayıb edıyosun ya
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tmm
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: neyi
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes sizinle takas isteğinde bulunmuştu fakat zamanında yanıt vermediniz.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: trade at
    Johnny :3: buds la essentials ı
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: essential
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: siyah
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: aldım
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: iyi etmişim demi :D
    Johnny :3: ne kadar verdin üst
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: suç maskeli
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: boyaydı
    Johnny :3: he
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: üste
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1 tava
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 2 tava vardı
    Johnny :3: olyuna
    Johnny :3: girdiginde
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: boya 2 key zaten
    Johnny :3: iste
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: siyah
    Johnny :3: veririm
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tmm
    Johnny :3: bilge de takılıyom
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: takıl
    Johnny :3: şımdı
    Johnny :3: hadi grşrz
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: keyfine göre
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: fetih
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: filmine bakıom abimle izlicez :D
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :pĞ
    Johnny :3: REİS
    Johnny :3: süper oldu
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :p
    Johnny :3: resim
    Johnny :3: atıyom
    Johnny :3: bak
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: siyah essential iyi ettim yaw
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: kara geçtim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 2 key
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1sn profilini açam
    Johnny :3: fotoğraflarıma bak
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ovv
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: şu kafandaki
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: siyah renk olsa
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: güzel olur
    Johnny :3: siyah
    Johnny :3: boya bulsam
    Johnny :3: boyayacam
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 2 key la
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: boya
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: siyah
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: eşya yokki
    Johnny :3: satıp alayım :/
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: oyun sat
    Johnny :3: oyunda kalmadı
    Johnny :3: max aldım işte
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: zenginsin D:
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: keşke buds alsaydın
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 3 adet
    Johnny :3: max i şuan 3 buds a
    Johnny :3: satarım
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 2 sini
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: satardın
    Johnny :3: istesem zaten
    Johnny :3: a a
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bozdururdun diom :))
    Johnny :3: ama
    Johnny :3: satmam
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: niye
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yaw
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: max benım
    Johnny :3: hayalimdeki hat
    Johnny :3: bunu
    Johnny :3: yapmak ıcın
    Johnny :3: cok uğraştım
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: hee
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ozaman farklı
    Johnny :3: anamın babamın üzerine yemin iötimki
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: benim hayalimdekide
    Johnny :3: bununla trade yapmıyacam dıye
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: essential siyahtı :D
    Johnny :3: scam yemek ıstemıyorum .D
    Johnny :3: zaten
    Johnny :3: biliyon
    Johnny :3: scamm le
    Johnny :3: 1 bud 1 bills
    Johnny :3: kaptırdım
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: aynen
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: kaptırmasan
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: süper hesap
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ederdin
    Johnny :3: :/
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ama :(
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: hayırlısı
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: reis
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ordan
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: alan adam
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: görecek
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sonun
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: da
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: allah görmüştür
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: onu
    Johnny :3: hacı ben senı rahatsız etmıyeyım
    Johnny :3: filmi izle sen
    Johnny :3: ben bilgedeyım :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tmm
    Johnny :3: he
    Johnny :3: bide
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yaw fragman var hep
    Johnny :3: pipoyu ver
    Johnny :3: :D
    Johnny :3: eyvallah
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: çabuk
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: alda
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tmm
    Johnny :3: tamam geldı
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: pipo tak resim çek
    Johnny :3: yüklenıyoor :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: foto nasıl
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: alıosun
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bende alacam
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sen takıldıktan sonra
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Team Fortress 2 oynuyor. Katılmak için tıklayın.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimdışı.
    Durumunuz çevrimdışı olarak ayarlandı.
    Steam ile bağlantınız kesildi, yeniden bağlandığınızda sohbete otomatik olarak katılacaksınız.
    Yeniden bağlantı kurdunuz ve sohbete katıldınız.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Team Fortress 2 oynuyor. Katılmak için tıklayın.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimiçi.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimdışı.
    Durumunuz çevrimdışı olarak ayarlandı.
    Steam ile bağlantınız kesildi, yeniden bağlandığınızda sohbete otomatik olarak katılacaksınız.
    Yeniden bağlantı kurdunuz ve sohbete katıldınız.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Team Fortress 2 oynuyor. Katılmak için tıklayın.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimiçi.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ordamısın
    Johnny :3: evet
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: az verde bende takılacam ibrahim
    Johnny :3: net gidip gelıyor :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: farkettim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: beni korkutmada üstüne yok
    Johnny :3: max i sonra verırım , daha hevesi üzerimde :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: la bi foto alim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bide pipoda vardı
    Johnny :3: Reis sonra verırım şımdı ben takılcamm
    Johnny :3: sonra söz bak
    Johnny :3: biliyon benı
    Johnny :3: bende senı bılıyorum
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :p
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bari
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: takim foto telefonla
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: alim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: verim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :(
    Johnny :3: şuanlık yoh :D
    Johnny :3: max in üzerine yemın ıçtım
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: PUFF :(
    Johnny :3: anne baba üzerine
    Johnny :3: trade e koymıyacam
    Johnny :3: senle
    Johnny :3: alakası yok
    Johnny :3: senı bılıyorum olm
    Johnny :3: senle alakası
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: TMM BENDE YEMİN İÇTİM
    Johnny :3: yok
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: abime hava atacaktım ibo 3 budsluk item taktırdı dicektim
    Johnny :3: tamam anlıyorum ama
    Johnny :3: trade e koymıyacagıma
    Johnny :3: yemın ıctım
    Johnny :3: öyle
    Johnny :3: düz yemın degil
    Johnny :3: ana baba üzerine içtim
    Johnny :3: senle
    Johnny :3: hic alakası yok
    Johnny :3: burda
    Johnny :3: babamda istese
    Johnny :3: onada veremem
    Johnny :3: vermem değil
    Johnny :3: veremem
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ne zaman foto çekim
    Johnny :3: çekme nolcak :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: off korkuom demionda
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :p
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: açık açık
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: a.q 1 buds 1 bill verdik
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1 buds esential verdim sana biliom güvendim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bana bahane atma :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yemin içtim
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bendede oluo vermeme korksuu sana alıştım :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sen ayıp sıçtın
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: bilgedemisin
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: evt
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: foto çekmeyi f12 mi
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: atim sende bak
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bende pro olmak istiom
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: senin gibi foto atmak :D
    Johnny :3: f12
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D:D:D:D:D:D sana bişi dicem
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bide bana güven meselesi yaptın yha :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: keşke senin gibi 2 arkadaşım daha olsa bu oyunda
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yha bu steam rozetleri nasıl yapıolar
    Johnny :3: olm
    Johnny :3: ben sana
    Johnny :3: güvenıyom
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ama elin vermio
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: eyw reis
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: foto f12
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: demi
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: hemen geri veriom
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: takıp çekip
    Johnny :3: evet
    Johnny :3: bitek
    Johnny :3: sana
    Johnny :3: güvenıp verıyorum bak
    Johnny :3: başka
    Johnny :3: kimswe yok
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tm
    Johnny :3: hadi
    Johnny :3: çek ver
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tmm
    Johnny :3: hadi la
    Johnny :3: çıkcam
    Johnny :3: f12 cek
    Johnny :3: sonra
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1sn
    Johnny :3: shift+tab
    Johnny :3: cektınmı
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Çevrimdışı.

    Theres The Translated To Engilish:

    Johnny :3: look
    Johnny :3: what i bought
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is accepted ur trade request
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: where
    Johnny :3: that u cem?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yes
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: what is it
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: 3 buds item
    Johnny :3: this
    Johnny :3: hat
    Johnny :3: u know? :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: serious?
    Johnny :3: serious.
    Johnny :3: ask everyone
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: hımm
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: nice
    Johnny :3: thanks
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: it looks nice in game?
    Johnny :3: yes :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bro
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u have
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: tf2 poker night?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sell to me.
    Johnny :3: i dont have
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: okay
    Johnny :3: cem
    Johnny :3: u
    Johnny :3: using this?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ?
    Johnny :3: lord cockwain pipo
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yes
    Johnny :3: aww
    Johnny :3: give
    Johnny :3: liberty
    Johnny :3: to me bro :D
    Johnny :3: u have rocket jumper
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: aww :/
    Johnny :3: cmooon <3
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: im using
    Johnny :3: -_-
    Johnny :3: bro
    Johnny :3: this
    Johnny :3: essentials and buds
    Johnny :3: give to me
    Johnny :3: will take
    Johnny :3: photo
    Johnny :3: with max
    Johnny :3: how looks they
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is offline.
    Durumunuz çevrimdışı olarak ayarlandı.
    Steam ile bağlantınız kesildi, yeniden bağlandığınızda sohbete otomatik olarak katılacaksınız.
    Yeniden bağlantı kurdunuz ve sohbete katıldınız.

    *My Internet Connection is lost and comed again*

    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is online.
    Johnny :3: bro
    Johnny :3: give me the buds and essentials
    Johnny :3: will take a photo.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: say bro
    Johnny :3: with max
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bro lets make later i have a little work now
    Johnny :3: man
    Johnny :3: when
    Johnny :3: u back i will give
    Johnny :3: u re not on TF2 Now
    Johnny :3: cmonn
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: which items
    *Ascention # Sherlock Holmes was send a trade request to u but u didnt answered to the trade.*
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: send trade
    Johnny :3: buds and essentials
    He's Gived the bud and essentials on there.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: essential
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: black
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i bought
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i made a good right?
    Johnny :3: u gived something to black?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: it was a Balaclavas are Forever
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: painted
    Johnny :3: good
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i gived
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1 frying pan
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i was have 2 frying pan
    Johnny :3: when u join
    Johnny :3: tf2
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: paint is 2 key
    Johnny :3: want ur items back
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: black
    Johnny :3: i will give
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Johnny :3: Im On Bilge
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: k
    Johnny :3: now
    Johnny :3: see u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: fetih
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: movie im looking i will watch with my big brother :D
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :pĞ
    Johnny :3: mate
    Johnny :3: its super
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :p
    Johnny :3: uploading a
    Johnny :3: picture
    Johnny :3: look
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i traded for black essentials and i maded good
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i earn 2 key
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: more
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: wait a sec opening ur profile
    Johnny :3: look my photos
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: woww
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: if max
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: is black paint
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: it will more good
    Johnny :3: i know looking for
    Johnny :3: a black paint if i find
    Johnny :3: i will paint
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: its 2 key , black paint
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: paint
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: black
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: i have no items
    Johnny :3: for sell :/
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: sell game
    Johnny :3: no games remained
    Johnny :3: i bought max
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u rich D:
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u should buy buds
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 3x
    Johnny :3: if i want i can get 3 buds
    Johnny :3: if i sell max :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u should 2
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: buds to sell
    Johnny :3: if i want :p
    Johnny :3: a a
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u will get more items i mean :)
    Johnny :3: but i will not
    Johnny :3: sell
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: why?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: aww
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: max is
    Johnny :3: my dream hat
    Johnny :3: i worked
    Johnny :3: so hard
    Johnny :3: to get it
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: oww
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: then different.
    Johnny :3: i sweared on my father & mother for
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: my dream was
    Johnny :3: i will not sell max again
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: black essentials
    Johnny :3: i dont wanna be scammed again.
    Johnny :3: u already
    Johnny :3: know
    Johnny :3: to a scammer
    Johnny :3: 1 bud 1 bills
    Johnny :3: i lost
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i know
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: if u wont scammed
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: it will be great
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :/
    Johnny :3: :/
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: but :(
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: well
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: bro
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: god was
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: see the
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: scammer
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: god was see the
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: scammer
    Johnny :3: bro i dont want to disturb u ,
    Johnny :3: watch ur film
    Johnny :3: im on bilge (server) :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Johnny :3: and
    Johnny :3: give
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: theres always fragman
    Johnny :3: lord cockwain pipo
    Johnny :3: :D
    Johnny :3: ty
    *He Gived Lord Cockwain*
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: fast
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: take it
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Johnny :3: ok it comed
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: take a picture with pipo
    Johnny :3: uploadinngggg :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes:how u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: taking a
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: photo
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i will take too
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes now playing Team Fortress 2. Click For Join..
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is offline.
    *My Internet Connection Losted On There*
    Durumunuz çevrimdışı olarak ayarlandı.
    Steam ile bağlantınız kesildi, yeniden bağlandığınızda sohbete otomatik olarak katılacaksınız.
    Yeniden bağlantı kurdunuz ve sohbete katıldınız.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click For Join.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is now Online.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is now Offline.
    Durumunuz çevrimdışı olarak ayarlandı.
    Steam ile bağlantınız kesildi, yeniden bağlandığınızda sohbete otomatik olarak katılacaksınız.
    *My Internet Losted Again*
    Yeniden bağlantı kurdunuz ve sohbete katıldınız.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes şu an Team Fortress 2 oynuyor. Katılmak için tıklayın.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is Online.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u there?
    Johnny :3: yes
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: give items i will be play tf2
    Johnny :3: my internet going and coming
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i saw ^^
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: Ure Always Scaring me :D
    On There , I Gived The Buds and essentials and pipo. but he wanted my max too
    Johnny :3: will give max later im playing with it :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: cmon i will just take a photo
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: and there was a pipo
    Johnny :3: i will give later im playing with it for now
    Johnny :3: but i promise
    Johnny :3: u know me
    Johnny :3: and i know u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :p
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: just
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i will take with telehpone a picture
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: just 1 sec
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i will give back
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :(
    Johnny :3: for now , no :D
    Johnny :3: i sweared on max
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: PUFF :(
    Johnny :3: on my father & mother
    Johnny :3: i will not trade my max
    Johnny :3: its not
    Johnny :3: about u
    Johnny :3: i know u
    Johnny :3: theres no about with
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: Ok Im Sweared TOO
    Johnny :3: u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i will just show to my big brother will say johnny will give me 3 buds item :(
    Johnny :3: ok i understand u
    Johnny :3: but i sweared
    Johnny :3: for max
    Johnny :3: its not
    Johnny :3: a default swear
    Johnny :3: i sweared on mother & father
    Johnny :3: no about
    Johnny :3: with u
    Johnny :3: at there
    Johnny :3: if my father want too
    Johnny :3: i cant give
    Johnny :3: not wont give
    Johnny :3: i cant give
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: when i will take a photo then
    Johnny :3: dont take :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: off u not saying im scaring
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :p
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: açık açık
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: f✿✿✿ i gived 1 buds 1 bill before
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1 buds esential gived i trusted u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: do not find a cloak to me :p
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i sweared
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: the scaring feel was on to me too but i trusted and know u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: u did not trusted me
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D
    Johnny :3: u at bilge?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: yes
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: photo is f12?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i will upload a photo look too
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: i want become pro like u :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: want take photos like u
    Johnny :3: f12
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: :D:D:D:D:D:D want say u something
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: and u re saying me trust
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: my dream is find a 2 friends like u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: man the guys how making steam badges
    I Trusted And Want to give max on there. cuz he was trusted me and give me his unusual and i selled and gived him his items.
    Johnny :3: man
    Johnny :3: im
    Johnny :3: trusting u
    Johnny :3: :D
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: but u wont give
    * I GIVED Max's Severed Head On There to this guy. and he said my "eyw reis " it means thanks man but i didnt taked a photo when im gived the max cuz i was trusting him and i dont feel to need take a photo.
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: thanks man
    MAX At Ascention # Sherlock Holmes ATM!
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: photo is f12
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: right?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: im giving fast back to u
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: equip and take a photo
    Johnny :3: yes
    Johnny :3: im
    Johnny :3: trusting only
    Johnny :3: and giving my max to u
    Johnny :3: i will not give another
    Johnny :3: guy
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Johnny :3: cmon
    Johnny :3: take a photo and give
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: ok
    Johnny :3: cmon
    Johnny :3: im gonna log off
    Johnny :3: f12 take
    Johnny :3: later
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes: 1 sec
    Johnny :3: shift+tab
    Johnny :3: u taked?
    Ascention # Sherlock Holmes is OFFLINE.

    I Blocked out. and theres the pictures of talk.

    http://d1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4hls.png -> 1

    http://d1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4hm2.png -> 2

    http://d1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4hmb.png -> 3

    http://d1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4hml.png -> 4

    http://d1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4hrh.png -> 5

    http://f1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4j0d.png -> 6

    http://f1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4j0u.png -> 7

    http://f1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4j14.png -> 8

    http://f1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4j16.png -> 9

    http://f1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4j1d.png -> 10

    http://f1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4j24.png -> 11

    and there he blocked me and i taked the picture when i want to add as friend. http://g1207.hizliresim.com/z/v/b4mtk.png

    He's Profile was open at all but when he get max it maded it to "priviate"

    I Just want my items back...
  2. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff
