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Invalid 76561198052091251 (sharker)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by cwg | Gerbetta, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. cwg | Gerbetta

    cwg | Gerbetta New User

    76561198052091251 (ᴾᴾᴹ SpyBot TF2-T)
    | steamname: The Pyroneer [:TLF:]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:54695412
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069656553
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198069656553

    | steamname: ᴾᴾᴹ SpyBot TF2-T
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:45912761
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052091251
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/alphasurf
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198052091251


    https://app.MALWARE-SUSPECTED-BOX-COM /s/3gmqvnp09sh7e2cul3pn
    https://app.MALWARE-SUSPECTED-BOX-COM /s/lsstrzhkjswilwwwr5hg
    https://app.MALWARE-SUSPECTED-BOX-COM /s/fu4tch69ieegiigzciq1


    SpyBot sent me a trade in the TF2-Trader Unusual Server. He had a ghosts charmer's chapeau and a green black hole phantom, he said he valued it at 15 buds, and he offered it on my 6 bud scout set if I add 6, he was very happy to be able to part with it even at a "loss" for him. I immediately flew up my red flag and told him to add me so I can get back to him after researching. I went to check the history on OutPost to find that he is banned because he "cussed out an admin" but his name isn't even searchable on OutPost. Searching tf2items.com got me nowhere, as he was the only person on the history for some reason. I checked backpack.tf (link for item history here: http://backpack.tf/item/1749183295 ) to see the history there, and learned that there was one previous owner, and his backpack is worth like $60, he has some craft hats, some stranges and a couple of keys, I knew right away that he got ripped off. I confronted SpyBot through Steam Chat, and he started acting suspicious, I asked him multiple times about the history, and every time he responded by pulling up the price of the Phantom, saying how it was such a good deal for me. He gladly told me he paid 5.5 buds for the Ghost's Charmer's, but when I asked how much he paid the guy for the Green Black Hole Phantom, he lashed out and said I shouldn't be asking his prices and that when he originally traded The Pyroneer, Pyrooner made up his own price (which he still has not said what the price was.) Based on Pyroneer's current backpack, I believe he was sharked of his phantom. I brought it up in the server for the current admins to hear, and SpyBot lashed out calling my a troublemaker and threatening to stab me if he ever sees me in real life. He told his side of the story to the server, and everyone said it sounds like he sharked the guy, and he left the server. I am going to be adding The Pyroneer to check to see what he sold the Phantom for, when he get's online next. I will update the thread when he accepts the request.

    I apologize, but I closed out the steam chat window, and SpyBot has blocked me, so I can't access it. I did take screenshots of the chat though, as seen above.
  2. Spectra

    Spectra New User

    If you read what cwg | Gerbetta wrote to me you can clearly see he was accusing me of sharking my phantom from the original owner just to get a better deal for himself. He tries to SHARK me! Here are two times he Tries to shark me. This is copied directly from our chat. The picture's he supplied above clearly show him trying to manipulate me into selling him my set at the price he wants to pay! Now because he is mad I wouldn't sell it to hm for what he wanted to pay he is going to try to say I am a shark and I should be banned when all the proof is here that he is the shark!

    5:14 AM - ᴾᴾᴹ SpyBot TF2-T: ill keep it
    5:14 AM - ᴾᴾᴹ SpyBot TF2-T: no biggie

    Here is the proof!

    This is copied directly from the chat and can be found in the pictures he supplied above.
    "5:16 AM - cwg | Gerbetta: im sorry, I can only pay what you paid for it which is 5.5 buds, I'd do my scout set for both, and thats it"
    Again copied directly from chat " 5:23 AM - cwg | Gerbetta: look, i'm done. You got that hat for next to free. You paid 5.5 for the charmers. My set is worth 6, you are still making profit. your call. I am alerting mudguts and mittens that you sharked it though, they don't approve of sharking and will have you banned" <- not only does he try to shark me but he is also black mailing me that if I do not sell it to him at his price he will try to get me banned!

    When I bought this item from the guy whom unboxed it I had no idea what it was worth. He told me the price and I paid what he wanted. If he wasn't happy why didn't he come here himself and report me as a shark? cwg | Gerbetta said he is going to add him so I bet he will tell the guy I sharked him and try to get him to ome file a complaint against me. This is not right.
  3. cwg | Gerbetta

    cwg | Gerbetta New User

    I am not trying to shark you, if you trade me trying to sell your stolen goods and get caught, and then block me and start talking trash against me, how does that look on your end? I said I'd sell my set for your charmer and phantom, which is fair, because you would have paid 6 buds for my set. I only sent him a friend request because I wanted to confirm his price he paid to you, and if you would have traded me both hats, I honestly would have given the man his phantom back, because I would have gotten my moneys worth from the chapeau, and wouldn't need the phantom. we'll let the steamrep admins decide if I am trying to shark you or not, but it is pretty apparent what's really going on here.
  4. Spectra

    Spectra New User

    I blocked you beause you were black mailing me to sell it at your price and you were sharking me. I have nothing else to say to you so please do not bother me I do not have time for people like you.
  5. cwg | Gerbetta

    cwg | Gerbetta New User

    Do you have proof of me blackmailing you? I didn't say a word after what I have screen capped, except what was said in server, and all the admins that were on can vouch for me that I wasn't blackmailing. If you think I tried blackmailing you or sharking you based on my proof I provided in this thread, you are sure to lose this debate. You can't just say "I've had enough of this I'm done" and walk away from this. You STOLE from a new team fortress trader, you tried to LAUNDER sharked hats to me, you got CAUGHT, and now this is YOUR problem to deal with.
  6. Spectra

    Spectra New User

    Thursday, July 18, 2013
    6:43 AM - [KJG]duhServbot: This random f✿✿✿✿✿ in this server is telling me that you sharked the phantom -_-
  7. Spectra

    Spectra New User

    I quote you "Do you have proof of me blackmailing you? I didn't say a word after what I have screen capped, "

    Here is your proof! Here is proof to everyone that reads this that you LIE!

    Thursday, July 18, 2013
    6:43 AM - [KJG]duhServbot: This random f✿✿✿✿✿ in this server is telling me that you sharked the phantom -_-
    6:42 AM - [KJG]duhServbot: he's trying to report you on steamrep.....
    6:42 AM - ᴾᴾᴹ SpyBot TF2-T: i am on steam rep now replying
    6:43 AM - [KJG]duhServbot: this douche named cwg | gerbetta
  8. TheMaster

    TheMaster New User

    Lets not get into arguments guys, i don't even think steamrep allows reports of sharking, because it is technically not a scam, although immoral.
    Again, this is steamrep, not arguments forum.
    Sari likes this.
  9. cwg | Gerbetta

    cwg | Gerbetta New User

    Are you joking? How is that proof of anything? I added duhServbot because you blocked me in the first place, I was trying to contact you to give you this URL so you could defend your position in this case. All you've proven with that is that you've got some a✿✿✿✿✿✿ friends. That isn't even proof, there is no screenshot, anyone could have typed that out. But then again, it wouldn't be proving any points you are trying to make even if you DID have a screen shot.
  10. cwg | Gerbetta

    cwg | Gerbetta New User

    TheMaster, I looked in the stickies trying to find rules on this matter. It said nothing about sharking being against the rules of reporting. If steamrep decides not to act on this, then so be it.
  11. Spectra

    Spectra New User

    You said you havent said anything about this after the screen shots you took and yet you have.

    Who are you to go on my steam profile look up my friends add them and then tell them I sharked someone?

    Are you crazy?

    If you did't say anything after you took the screen shot then why did my friend send me these messages??

  12. Spectra

    Spectra New User

    I blocked you because I could tell something was wrong with you when you tried to black mail me into selling you my set and tried to shark me. You prove something is worng with you when you go on my steam profile and add my friends and talk crap to them! Now if i make my profile private then you will say I did it cause I am a scammer when the only reason I would do it is because of losers like you. Do us both a favor and get a life and a clue because you aren't worth my spit let alone my time! Now leave me and my friends the hell ALONE!
  13. cwg | Gerbetta

    cwg | Gerbetta New User

    Again, no blackmailing was done there. If you read the conversation in the picture you provided, you'll see I was polite and courteous to your friend, only asking him to deliver a message, so you can defend yourself here. If you didn't want me to have to add your friends to deliver that message, then you shouldn't have blocked me. let me sum up the last few posts you've made:

    [random insults and logical fallacies]
    [accuse me with a point]
    [failure to back up point]
    [default to ad hominem]
    [either disreputable proof or irrelevant image]
    [some more ad hominem]

    Seriously. I don't believe you know what blackmailing is. I'm beginning to believe you are just trying to troll people. In your next post, explain everything from your side of the argument. explain what happened in your eyes. In my first post on this thread where I explained things from my eyes, I didn't insult you or degrade you (I still haven't) therefore I would appreciate you return the same favor to me, and try not to call me names or anything like you have been doing.
  14. Not Batman

    Not Batman New User

    From What Ive been told by spybot/spectra (whichever he would rather be called) is that you came to him offering 5 buds for his set, and that when he declined you called him a shark. The person he bought it from agreed to said trade, and the accused had never told him that the hat was worth what he paid him, He simply asked what the other party wanted from it. At the time he had no idea what the hat itself was worth and was offering blindly. He didnt know that it was worth anymore then he paid for it. This does seem alot like blackmailing, just saying.
  15. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Please take this report over to MCT (manncotrading.com) or Harpoon Gaming (harpoongaming.com) as they handle all of our sharking reports for us. Thanks! :)