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Invalid 76561198052837855 (BDVS)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Lidsokit, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Lidsokit

    Lidsokit New User

    Not really a person more like a bunch of people in a group
    ( http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FreeTeamFortress2Weapons )

    |steamID: BDVS
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46286063
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052837855
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BDVS
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198052837855

    A while back, I was making this raffle, and I had to get off so I asked BDVS to collect all the entries, (Because there were about 40 people in the group chat begging to enter.) but he was afk. I then went to one of my more trusted friends, everglide, and asked him to help me instead of BDVS. BDVS then came back to his pc and saw what I said, but I also told him never mind I will get everglide to do it. During the time everglide and BDVS were arguing about something. So I think that me saying I would get everglide to do it enraged him to the point of taking entries even though I told him not to. After I got back I noticed that for some reason BDVS took entries from people. I told him to refund them (or give them to me), but he then took more time screaming at how he had to get off then he would have to give me a few items. Then he then went offline, When he came online he noticed that everglide reported him here... http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198052837855-bdvs.6152/#post-20365
    (I re-uploaded the picture here... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=97783648 )
    He then changed his attitude towards me, acting like he was my "friend" and telling me stuff on the lines of "Don't do that, we are good friends" and of the sort. After an hour or two everyone was refunded, and BDVS then changed his attitude back to normal. Being the a**hole he usually is. Unfortunately this "friend" got me purposely kicked out of the group I held this raffle in, and then to top that off he removed me from his friends list. So I've grown to learn that not everyone is your friend. That's why I refuse to cover for BDVS any more. I am reporting him for attempted scam.

    I believe that he only paid them back because of the fact that he was scared of being marked, and people who do that are still scammers. I believe that people who refund just to get immunity are not legit. They are liars. It's like stealing from a bank then when you find out you could go to jail you pay it back and smile at the crowd. Life doesn't work like that. This issue traumatized people, and a lot of people left the group spreading the word about how "FTF2W" is a scammer group. This incident is unfair because he had the integrity to steal in the first place.
  2. XE_ManUp

    XE_ManUp Retired Staff

    Sorry - but the one screenshot is not enough. It's an accusation, not proof that the person collected. We would need far more evidence to "prosecute." While I understand you are trying to do the right thing, we need more to go off of.