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Accepted 76561198053214199 (Ŧleχivє)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by 7G | Robo Typhoon, Dec 26, 2012.

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  1. 7G | Robo Typhoon

    7G | Robo Typhoon New User

    |SteamID: 7G | Robo Typhoon
    |SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:23550643
    |SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007367014
    |CustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RoboTyphoon
    |SteamRepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198007367014

    |SteamID: Ŧleχivє
    |SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:46474235
    |SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053214199
    |SustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xsupatrupax
    |SteamRepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198053214199

    |Proof of the Trade: http://www.bluemelon.com/photo/3285453-T1200800.jpg
    |Proof of the $5 he sent me/his account: http://www.bluemelon.com/photo/3285454-T1200800.jpg
    |Proof that I haven't received payment: http://www.bluemelon.com/photo/3285455-T1200800.jpg

    Description: I apologize ahead of time, I didn't screenshot the chat, but I saved it in a text document, I hope that's acceptable and I give my word that any of the following chat is 100% unedited (re-reading this now is obvious scam signs, foolish of me). This guy actually added me after seeing a YouTube video I posted about another unusual hat I had uncrated, and we must have talked for a good amount of time, and he noticed I had an unusual bicorne, and made me an offer on it;

    12:16 PM - Ŧleχivє: how much you selling the Unusual Buccaneer's Bicorne
    12:16 PM - Ŧleχivє: for
    12:17 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: never really thought about it, you mean cash or keys or?
    12:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: Either or work
    12:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: works
    12:17 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: I probably wouldn't want to let it go for less than $100
    12:18 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: but yo, brb, food:D
    12:18 PM - Ŧleχivє: wait
    12:18 PM - Ŧleχivє: ill give you 105
    12:18 PM - Ŧleχivє: for the hat.
    Tle?iv? is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Tle?iv? is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    12:34 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: $105?
    12:34 PM - Ŧleχivє: yes
    12:35 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: well, I'll definitely think about it
    12:35 PM - Ŧleχivє: 135 right now?
    12:35 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: fffff
    12:36 PM - Ŧleχivє: ?
    12:36 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: I had a video I was planning to do with it and stuff haha, I dunno man
    12:36 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: let me see how things go with that, and I'll get back to you
    12:36 PM - Ŧleχivє: Dude.
    12:36 PM - Ŧleχivє: 150 right now.
    12:36 PM - Ŧleχivє: for that hat.
    12:36 PM - Ŧleχivє: last offer
    12:37 PM - Ŧleχivє: yes or no?
    12:37 PM - Ŧleχivє: you wont get an offer like that again.
    12:37 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: why do you need it now, why can't you wait?:3
    12:37 PM - Ŧleχivє: cause i want it now.
    12:38 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: LOL
    12:38 PM - Ŧleχivє: for my demo.
    12:38 PM - Ŧleχivє: yes or no? 150 right now?
    12:39 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: through paypal right?
    12:39 PM - Ŧleχivє: correct
    12:39 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: would you be willing to go first?
    12:39 PM - Ŧleχivє: Ummm.
    12:40 PM - Ŧleχivє: I would give you $5 so you know im serious about the trade
    12:40 PM - Ŧleχivє: then u give hat.
    12:40 PM - Ŧleχivє: and i give 145

    (Trying to keep it as brief as possible) - So after I was still hesitant;

    12:41 PM - Ŧleχivє: Drop dead promise
    12:41 PM - Ŧleχivє: i wont steal the hat and run.
    12:41 PM - Ŧleχivє: im not that kind of person
    12:42 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: me too man, lol:D
    12:42 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: how about I'll take $10 off if you got first?
    12:42 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: go*
    12:43 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: because I think, I have more rep than you, so
    12:44 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: ye, scratch that $10 off, I have more rep homie, you go first
    12:44 PM - Ŧleχivє: Dude.
    12:44 PM - Ŧleχivє: 170 and you go first.
    12:44 PM - Ŧleχivє: seriously last offer.
    12:45 PM - Ŧleχivє: i swear ill pay for the hat
    12:45 PM - Ŧleχivє: report me if i scam
    12:45 PM - Ŧleχivє: record the whole thing

    How ironic, aha. So the final offer was $170, he would send me $5 which he did, then I traded the hat, then he was supposed to send the payment, which obviously never happened.

    He then proceeded into forcing me to trade more items with him (paints) and if I didn't, he would 'defriend' me, and leave me to my own, which happened;

    2:12 PM - Ŧleχivє: Are you gonna trade the paint and i pay INSTANTLY after or not yes or no?
    2:12 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: I will yeah, after I receive my $165, then I'd have no problem whatsoever.
    2:12 PM - Ŧleχivє: i said yes or no
    2:12 PM - Ŧleχivє: right now
    2:12 PM - Ŧleχivє: yes or no
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: ?
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: YES OR NO DUDE
    2:13 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: obviously not, not unless the $165 magickly shows up in my account right now
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: lol
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: alright
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: well
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: im gonna defriend then
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: since u dont trust me,.
    2:13 PM - Ŧleχivє: But.
    2:14 PM - Ŧleχivє: I will not touch the transaction, i will leave it sent as is! and i hope you recieve your money
    2:14 PM - Ŧleχivє: Thanks alot.
    2:14 PM - Ŧleχivє: I showed all proof it sent
    2:14 PM - Ŧleχivє: No matter what you try to say.
    2:14 PM - Ŧleχivє: i showed in picture proof it sent
    2:15 PM - Ŧleχivє: if you report with chat logs im fine with that they will review my screenshots. and realise i did infact send the money.
    (He did send some screenshots of my name in the payment field and such, but nothing that constitutes a sent payement)
    2:15 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: Why do you sound worried? Why don't you just wait this out with me, and nobody will have any trouble, I don't see why you're being this way, doesn't make any sense.
    2:15 PM - Ŧleχivє: cause you dont trust me with this transaction
    2:16 PM - Ŧleχivє: and thats your fault.
    2:16 PM - Ŧleχivє: so.
    2:16 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: Obviously you don't trust me, because you expect me to go first, when my rep is ten times the amount of yours, if anyone shouldn't be trusted, it should be you.
    2:16 PM - Ŧleχivє: if you trade this paint to me and i send the $45 then ill sit here and cope with you and try to figure this out in depth
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: please rob
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: robo
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: accept this trade invite...
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: And i swear i have all your information typed in.
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: its ready to send
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: just trade the paint
    2:17 PM - Ŧleχivє: and we can talk this out.
    2:17 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: Man, I said no, I will not at this point, you're not respecting me right now
    2:18 PM - Ŧleχivє: no im not.
    2:18 PM - Ŧleχivє: Alright bye.
    Ŧleχivє is now Offline.

    Just for laughs, at one point I claimed I had received the payment;

    1:53 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: op, it showed up
    1:53 PM - Ŧleχivє: you got money?
    1:53 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: yeah man
    1:53 PM - Ŧleχivє: you got the money? :D
    1:54 PM - 7G | Robo Typhoon: NO, lool just seein what you'd say
    1:54 PM - Ŧleχivє: Swag, YOLO
    1:54 PM - Ŧleχivє: ohh

    I hope we can do something about this, I'm not entirely sure what will happen from here on out, but just let it be known, this guy knows what he's doing, and he's dangerous!
    (The uploads are just the screenshots of what I linked to).

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  2. 7G | Robo Typhoon

    7G | Robo Typhoon New User

  3. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin


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