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Rejected 76561198053538881 xHawk (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by xHawk #KAOS², Jul 13, 2012.

  1. xHawk #KAOS²

    xHawk #KAOS² Caution on SteamRep

    steamID: xHawk ツ // Vacation for 3 weeks.
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46636576
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053538881
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198053538881

    Well, Bethesta kinda explained everything in his treath:

    We had a deal in wich I would buy his Unusual Buckaroos Hat with the Bubbling Effect for 1 bills and an uncraftable sun on a stick. I told him I knew a collecter, who was interested to buy it (the sun on a stick). I told him, that a friend told me that over time, they could rise up to a bud. I think he took this as: ''my friend will buy it for a bud" or something... But anyway. A few days later he wanted to trade. I was at school and my little brother was playing on my acount. Bethesta was trying to trade it back. Wich I totally understand. We had a deal. And then all of a sudden. I was eating lunch at school, my little brother calls telling me someone keeps on messaging him on steam. Bethesta changed his name to ''Selling weps'' at that moment so I asked: ''what is his name?'' My brother said: ''Sellin weps'' so i said: ''You press the little arrow right next to his name and then you press block all comunications, go to friends, press the arrow again and click on remove this friends. Well, he did. Later that day I was checking my outpost trade (yes i was looking what this hat was worth by letting people offer.) and i saw he messaged it. I imidiatly added him and gave him everything back. Well, he deleted and blocked me now. (not that i really care) But i would love to use TF2WH Again. So help would be apraciated. Thanks!
  2. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    Reduced to caution.