Victim: steamID: JerBear steamID32: STEAM_0:0:38692806 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: SOP Forum Account: JerBear Scammer: steamID: Snipe TR steamID32: STEAM_0:0:46964517 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Screenshots: Description: I encountered the trader via tf2tp and saw that he was wanting some weapons for a decal tool, I was interested and it was later revealed that he was F2P. Since the decal tool was untradeable he said he would gift it to me using gift wrap, but after explaining to him how gift wrap worked he then proceeded to say he needed the giftwrap for something else. Snipe then said he had a special feature in his TF2 that allowed him to gift items without giftwrap. I obviously knew what was going on and told him he would be reported, then he preceded to remove me from his friends. The screenshots above show the chat and pictures of his backpack showing no giftwrap and him being F2P. Sorry but I accidentally closed the chat and can not get a transcript, the screenshots are very clear though and can be easily read. I uploaded them the wrong way so they are out of order but that's about it.