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Rejected 76561198056940123 bannana (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by bannana, Apr 22, 2012.

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  1. bannana

    bannana New User

    steamID: bannana
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:48337197
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056940123
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/293854032
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056940123

    Apparently, I have been banned for a scam on a bet. Regarding this issue, I feel that personally the claims made against me are invalid and irrelevant. First off, the opposite party had nothing to do with the current issue, thus engaging in such assumption with little to no insight is unfair and biased. Given the fact that he had not been there at the time, in my opinion, this is an act of personal predjudice and not out of the goodwill of others.Secondly, the supplied evidence was minute and did not give the least explanation of the event that happened, giving me the notion that the act of the admins was of much haste. The only thing I can do to prove my innocence is by giving a personal testimonial as this has happened months ago. The rules of my bet was fairly simple and clear. First to 3 kills, no health packs, 3 attack classes, the winner takes the loot. The stakes was a Bill's hat and he had entered a Genuine warhelm and a strange rocket launcher into the bet. The problem arises when as I was standing still out on the battlefield, I started explaining the rules to him trying to make it as easy as possible, however, disregarding anything at all, starts firing rockets at me instantly. Soon after I respawned, I tried to reason with him telling him that the match has not started yet and the kill did not count. Yet again, he continued to fire at me before I could even finish my sentence. In this case, he would have gotten 2 kills in his view. The next time, I stayed in the base and explained to him clearly what this was all about and he agreed. As we started to duel, I had 2 kills on him before he killed me, amounting to a score of 2 kills to 1. Instead, knowing that he was losing, insisted that I had lost thereby, including the previous 2 unfair kills into his score. I disagreed and told him that it did not count as I was trying to type and was not actually playing. Now, not saying anything at all, coming fully prepared out of his base, tries to assault me in the air. Unknowing that he had actually taken a screenshot after his kill beforehand, I killed him in the air, winning the bet. I left shortly after giving him a couple of tips on playing as the soldier. Given in this case in my point of view, the evidence that he supplied would mean nothing as the bet that he lost rightfully belonged to me and i had won.

    I understand that this may not exactly fit in to your busy schedule but I would really appreciate it if this case would be more thoroughly analyzed before making such conclusions based on a one sided argument. I thank you for reading this. Goodbye.
  2. bannana

    bannana New User

  3. bannana

    bannana New User

    Could I get some attention on this? So far i have been banned on TF2Outpost, TF2TP and various other sites due to this issue
  4. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    SR admins are extremely overloaded, and there are lots of appeals to be done before yours. Please be patient.
  5. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    taking this appeal.
  6. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Deflected when questioned about inconsistencies in his story, lied, then proceeded to call me out for bad spelling/grammar other personal insults and stopped answering questions, denied, if you think you got an unfair appeal you can have another appeal admin review it.

    Secret Content - Do Not Disclose:

    Saturday, May 12, 2012
    8:54 PM - bannana: Hello
    8:54 PM - GLaDOS: hi
    8:55 PM - bannana: You added?
    8:55 PM - GLaDOS: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198056940123-bannana-sr-scammer.3304/
    8:55 PM - GLaDOS: yes
    8:55 PM - bannana: How can I help
    8:56 PM - GLaDOS: I assume you wanted to appeal?
    8:56 PM - bannana: Yes
    8:56 PM - GLaDOS: soo, explain what happened?
    8:56 PM - bannana: Didn't I already explain what happened on the appeals?
    8:57 PM - GLaDOS: I would like to hear form you,
    8:57 PM - GLaDOS: not your post
    8:57 PM - bannana: And I'm not exactly free to talk right now
    8:57 PM - bannana: Maybe in a few hours time
    8:57 PM - GLaDOS: alright, you can talk to me later then
    bannana is now Online.
    bannana is now Online.
    bannana is now Online.
    bannana is now Online.
    bannana is now Online.
    11:01 PM - bannana: hi
    11:01 PM - bannana: Just got back
    11:04 PM - bannana: Hello?
    11:06 PM - GLaDOS: hi
    11:06 PM - bannana: Are you able to talk about the ban issue right now?
    11:07 PM - GLaDOS: where did we leave off,
    11:07 PM - GLaDOS: ohh ya, explain what happened
    11:08 PM - bannana: just a sec
    11:08 PM - bannana: finishing off a trade
    11:10 PM - bannana: alright
    11:10 PM - bannana: anyways
    11:10 PM - bannana: thanks for taking up my appeal
    11:10 PM - bannana: though there are like people ahead of me in line
    11:11 PM - bannana: basically
    11:11 PM - bannana: this happened about a couple of months back i think
    11:11 PM - bannana: i was just on a trade server
    11:11 PM - bannana: near my region
    11:11 PM - bannana: Got really bored trading
    11:12 PM - bannana: So i have been hearing about these raffles going on all around the place
    11:12 PM - bannana: So i kinda decided that i wanna do it too
    11:12 PM - bannana: given that i have enough to spare
    11:12 PM - bannana: I knew i could trust these guys as i have attended multiple raffles and bets
    11:13 PM - bannana: and have even won some of them
    11:13 PM - bannana: this person i did the bet with
    11:13 PM - bannana: he was pretty enthusiastic about it
    11:13 PM - bannana: and we all agreed to find a server that has no people on it
    11:14 PM - bannana: to make it fair for both parties
    11:14 PM - bannana: as you can see from my appeal
    11:14 PM - bannana: what has transpired is a series of events that I cannot understand why i got the tag for
    11:15 PM - bannana: The person who made the report was Onlycross
    11:15 PM - bannana: in the past personally i have felt that he always had deep judgement against me
    11:15 PM - bannana: given that i do not give the ideal offers on his trades
    11:15 PM - bannana: also know as "lowballing"
    11:15 PM - bannana: i was inexperienced
    11:15 PM - bannana: did not know much
    11:16 PM - GLaDOS: I said I did not want to hear it form the appeal
    11:16 PM - GLaDOS: but for you to tell me
    11:16 PM - GLaDOS: what happened
    11:16 PM - bannana: that is exactly what happened
    11:16 PM - GLaDOS: then explain it to me
    11:16 PM - bannana: i was trying to explain to him the rules of the bet
    11:16 PM - bannana: but
    11:17 PM - bannana: he killed me before we even started
    11:17 PM - bannana: that is the main highlight
    11:17 PM - bannana: and he counted it in still
    11:18 PM - bannana: hello?
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: I will ask once more explain form the start
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: in specific detail
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: form teh start
    11:19 PM - bannana: basically
    11:19 PM - bannana: can i summarize my appeal
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: no
    11:19 PM - bannana: and why i should not have the tag
    11:19 PM - bannana: ?
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: explain everything to me
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: form the start
    11:19 PM - bannana: I mean
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: w/o leaving anything out
    11:19 PM - bannana: I did not violate any rules
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: are you listening
    11:19 PM - GLaDOS: ?
    11:19 PM - bannana: alright
    11:20 PM - GLaDOS: we arnt that far yet
    11:20 PM - bannana: but please tell me which rules we violated
    11:20 PM - GLaDOS: because you didnt expalin yet to me what happened
    11:20 PM - bannana: I have got a scammer tag for scamming on a bet
    11:20 PM - bannana: But i did not
    11:20 PM - bannana: because i legitimately won him
    11:20 PM - GLaDOS: im not going to take this appeal any further until you tell me everying in detail
    11:20 PM - bannana: with his consent
    11:20 PM - bannana: yes
    11:20 PM - bannana: i will give you the full information
    11:20 PM - GLaDOS: then start
    11:20 PM - bannana: So
    11:21 PM - GLaDOS: i dont care about anything else right now
    11:21 PM - bannana: I was derping around on a trade server
    11:21 PM - bannana: and i said on it
    11:21 PM - bannana: hey
    11:21 PM - bannana: anyone wants to duel?
    11:21 PM - bannana: a good amount of entry fee will be cool to stand a chance to win a bills hat
    11:21 PM - bannana: He came along
    11:21 PM - bannana: and said that he will do it
    11:22 PM - bannana: so we went to a server
    11:22 PM - bannana: and I did not lose the bet
    11:22 PM - bannana: so why did i get banned for scamming?
    11:22 PM - bannana: i clearly won
    11:22 PM - bannana: and we both agreed on it
    11:22 PM - bannana: is that what you wanted?
    11:22 PM - GLaDOS: Are you refuseing to cooperate?
    11:23 PM - bannana: No im not
    11:23 PM - bannana: im trying my best
    11:23 PM - GLaDOS: explain step by step moment by moment in detail
    11:23 PM - bannana: That is exactly what happned from the start
    11:23 PM - bannana: I have got a ban for losing a bet
    11:23 PM - GLaDOS: no
    11:23 PM - GLaDOS: the bet only
    11:23 PM - GLaDOS: i dont care about anything else
    11:23 PM - bannana: ok
    11:24 PM - bannana: The rules of it was simple
    11:24 PM - bannana: i Set the rules
    11:24 PM - bannana: and he follows along with the bet
    11:24 PM - bannana: we both agreed before he gotten into the server
    11:24 PM - bannana: we both agreed on the same price
    11:24 PM - bannana: When i entered the server
    11:24 PM - bannana: I picked the demoman
    11:25 PM - bannana: He picked the demoman
    11:25 PM - bannana: and then i told him that we can do other classes
    11:25 PM - bannana: so we changed again
    11:25 PM - bannana: this time to the soldier class
    11:25 PM - bannana: and when i ran out to the open
    11:25 PM - bannana: on goldrush i think
    11:25 PM - bannana: I tried explaining the rules to him
    11:26 PM - bannana: and when i was typing
    11:26 PM - bannana: he killed me
    11:26 PM - bannana: so the bet was that
    11:26 PM - bannana: the first person to 3 kills will win
    11:26 PM - bannana: i was typing at that moment
    11:26 PM - bannana: and i said that it did not count
    11:26 PM - bannana: but he still counted it in
    11:26 PM - bannana: and then it happened again
    11:27 PM - bannana: when i went out
    11:27 PM - bannana: i told him not to shoot me
    11:27 PM - bannana: i was explaining the rules of the bet to him
    11:27 PM - bannana: so he comes and kills me again
    11:27 PM - bannana: saying that he has 2 kills in total now
    11:27 PM - bannana: is that what you want?
    11:27 PM - bannana: the information?
    11:28 PM - bannana: Im sorry but im trying my best to cooperate
    11:28 PM - GLaDOS: explain when and where in the above story did you discuss what was being betted for
    11:29 PM - bannana: before we got into an empty server
    11:29 PM - bannana: i told him
    11:29 PM - bannana: that he needed an entrance fee
    11:29 PM - bannana: and the prize of winning will be a bill's hat
    11:29 PM - bannana: we were still in the trade server at that time
    11:29 PM - bannana: and then
    11:29 PM - bannana: i got out
    11:29 PM - bannana: and got into a empty trade server
    11:29 PM - bannana: empty server*
    11:29 PM - bannana: like goldrush
    11:30 PM - bannana: or dustbowl
    11:30 PM - bannana: a normal map basically
    11:30 PM - bannana: and then we picked a class
    11:30 PM - bannana: I ran out to him
    11:30 PM - bannana: without even hitting him
    11:30 PM - bannana: i began telling him on how the game works
    11:31 PM - bannana: No taking health packs, no going back to base, first person to get 3 kills will win
    11:31 PM - bannana: but
    11:31 PM - bannana: when i was typing at that time
    11:31 PM - bannana: he started to fire rockets at me
    11:31 PM - bannana: killing me
    11:31 PM - bannana: which isnt fair
    11:31 PM - bannana: because it has not started yet
    11:32 PM - GLaDOS: what exactly did you agree upon for an entry fee and when did the trade it
    11:32 PM - bannana: He had a genuine warhead
    11:32 PM - bannana: and a strange rocket launcher
    11:33 PM - bannana: He gave me the genuine warhead first
    11:33 PM - bannana: as an entry fee
    11:33 PM - bannana: and then
    11:33 PM - bannana: we found a server
    11:33 PM - GLaDOS: when in the series of events above did he trade tthe warhead
    11:34 PM - bannana: the traded me the warhead before we started
    11:34 PM - bannana: before i found a empty server
    11:34 PM - GLaDOS: before you were on a server?
    11:34 PM - bannana: when we first agreed to bet
    11:34 PM - bannana: he passed me the entry fee
    11:36 PM - bannana: Can you hear me out on my story?
    11:36 PM - bannana: The main thing is that
    11:36 PM - bannana: I dont know why i deserved the scammer tag
    11:36 PM - GLaDOS: we are not discussing that right now
    11:36 PM - bannana: ok
    11:36 PM - GLaDOS: i first need to determin the order of events
    11:36 PM - GLaDOS: and nothign else
    11:36 PM - bannana: alright
    11:36 PM - bannana: first
    11:37 PM - bannana: he gave me the warhead during the trade server
    11:37 PM - GLaDOS: why did he trade you a rocket launcher?
    11:37 PM - bannana: hear me out firsyt
    11:37 PM - bannana: first*
    11:37 PM - bannana: Warhead, on trade server he was going for only a few keys
    11:37 PM - bannana: BUT
    11:37 PM - bannana: When we finally entered the trade server
    11:38 PM - bannana: after telling him which class to use, add me as a friend,
    11:38 PM - bannana: when we finally entered a normal map
    11:38 PM - bannana: A normal map
    11:38 PM - bannana: to bet
    11:38 PM - bannana: He had won a raffle
    11:38 PM - bannana: from only cross
    11:39 PM - bannana: it was a strange rocket launcher
    11:39 PM - bannana: Im not so sure when he had won it
    11:39 PM - bannana: but i said that he can stand a chance to win a bills hat to increase the stakes
    11:39 PM - bannana: since i was saving up my keys for a steam game
    11:39 PM - bannana: so i said
    11:40 PM - bannana: "hey, you could win a bill's hat if you increased the stakes"
    11:40 PM - bannana: and then he was alright with it
    11:40 PM - bannana: so he traded me the strange rocket launche
    11:40 PM - bannana: and we got into our classes
    11:41 PM - bannana: yes
    11:41 PM - bannana: is that what you wanted to know?
    11:42 PM - GLaDOS: you alredy told him the prize was a bills hat
    11:42 PM - bannana: yes
    11:43 PM - GLaDOS: why have him give you an additional rocket launcher?
    11:43 PM - bannana: I told him that in order to win the bills had
    11:43 PM - bannana: the genuine warhead was not enough
    11:43 PM - bannana: and it was only for a few keys
    11:43 PM - bannana: bills at that time was worth 10 keys each
    11:44 PM - bannana: he gave me an additional rocket launcher in order to go for the bill's hat
    11:45 PM - GLaDOS: you never mentioned that until now,
    11:45 PM - bannana: That was because you wanted me to go into detail
    11:45 PM - bannana: the whole bet was the rocket launcher + warhead for the bills
    11:45 PM - bannana: as clearly stated on my appeal
    11:47 PM - GLaDOS: why then did you accept the hat in the first place?
    11:48 PM - GLaDOS: w/o additional colateral
    11:48 PM - bannana: Because we were going for only a few keys
    11:48 PM - bannana: i dont remember how many
    11:48 PM - bannana: i think it was 6-7
    11:50 PM - GLaDOS: why was your profile private during that time?
    11:50 PM - bannana: Are you sure it was private?
    11:50 PM - GLaDOS: yes
    11:51 PM - bannana: Im pretty sure lots of people have private profiles
    11:51 PM - bannana: I don't like people looking through my backpack on trade servers
    11:51 PM - bannana: asking me if im selling my hats
    11:51 PM - bannana: It gets annoying sometimes when youre just trying to play
    11:52 PM - GLaDOS: did you remove the user?
    11:52 PM - bannana: which user?
    11:52 PM - GLaDOS: the one who you were betting with
    11:52 PM - bannana: i do not have him on my friends list now of course
    11:52 PM - bannana: not after what they did to me
    11:52 PM - GLaDOS: not what I asked
    11:53 PM - bannana: i had him on my friends list at the time of the bet
    11:53 PM - bannana: of course i did
    11:53 PM - GLaDOS: READ my question again please
    11:53 PM - bannana: if not i couldnt have been able to contact him
    11:53 PM - bannana: you mean after the bet?
    11:53 PM - GLaDOS: 11:52 PM - GLaDOS: did you remove the user?
    11:53 PM - bannana: could you be a little more specific?
    11:54 PM - bannana: yes i did remove the user
    11:54 PM - bannana: but when are you talking about?
    11:54 PM - GLaDOS: when did you remove the user?
    11:54 PM - bannana: i removed him when the bet was over
    11:55 PM - GLaDOS: why did you remove him?
    11:55 PM - bannana: because he kept claiming that he had won the bet
    11:55 PM - bannana: even though i tried many times to reason with him
    11:55 PM - bannana: he seemed very young
    11:55 PM - GLaDOS: did you block the user?
    11:55 PM - bannana: no i did not
    11:56 PM - bannana: in fact
    11:56 PM - bannana: he blocked me
    11:56 PM - bannana: when i tried adding him again
    11:56 PM - bannana: it said error
    11:56 PM - GLaDOS: why would you try to readd him if you removed him?
    11:57 PM - bannana: because he was making rumors about me on trade servers
    11:57 PM - bannana: telling everyone to not trade with me
    11:57 PM - GLaDOS: when?
    11:57 PM - bannana: i think it was before onlycross contacted me
    11:57 PM - bannana: not sure
    11:57 PM - bannana: this happened months ago
    11:58 PM - bannana: people started calling me a scammer when ever i entered a trade server
    11:58 PM - bannana: in the subsequent days
    11:58 PM - bannana: i think he had a lot of friends
    11:59 PM - GLaDOS: so give me a timeframe?
    11:59 PM - GLaDOS: 1 day?
    11:59 PM - GLaDOS: 1 year?
    11:59 PM - bannana: a couple of days
    11:59 PM - bannana: occasionally
    11:59 PM - bannana: some people will tell me that im a scammer
    Sunday, May 13, 2012
    12:00 AM - bannana: it was harassment
    12:01 AM - GLaDOS: how many other steam accounts do you have?
    12:01 AM - bannana: this is my only one
    12:01 AM - bannana: I was introduced to tf2 by a friend
    12:02 AM - bannana: not a old player
    12:04 AM - bannana: umm
    12:04 AM - bannana: glados?
    12:04 AM - GLaDOS: what?
    12:04 AM - bannana: could we talk about the ban?
    12:04 AM - bannana: the tag*
    12:04 AM - GLaDOS: we arnt there yet
    12:05 AM - bannana: do you have any contact with sneeza?
    12:05 AM - bannana: or the outpost people?
    12:05 AM - GLaDOS: why?
    12:05 AM - bannana: because i was banned from trading from their site
    12:05 AM - bannana: after they realised i had a scammer tag
    12:06 AM - GLaDOS: where do youlive?
    12:06 AM - bannana: so i was thinking if you could help me out
    12:06 AM - bannana: i live in asia
    12:06 AM - GLaDOS: how many other people live with you?
    12:06 AM - bannana: Is that nessesary?
    12:06 AM - bannana: thats a bit too personal
    12:07 AM - GLaDOS: what other steam accounts do you have or can be linked to you?
    12:07 AM - bannana: None
    12:07 AM - bannana: this is my only steam account
    12:10 AM - bannana: I'm sorry but are you in charge of the appeals handled at steamrep?
    12:11 AM - GLaDOS: Im one of the appeal admins
    12:11 AM - bannana: alright
    12:11 AM - bannana: is there any questions?
    12:12 AM - bannana: any more questions?
    12:13 AM - bannana: hello?
    12:14 AM - GLaDOS: you mentioned you spoke to onlycross?
    12:14 AM - bannana: only for a short period of time
    12:14 AM - GLaDOS: about what?
    12:14 AM - bannana: he added me
    12:16 AM - bannana: I'm not sure
    12:16 AM - bannana: I think it was about him asking me why i scammed him or something
    12:16 AM - bannana: apparently was a good friend of him
    12:16 AM - GLaDOS: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198056940123-eeeeeeeeeek6.1583/
    12:16 AM - GLaDOS: was that the chat?
    12:17 AM - bannana: I think so
    12:17 AM - bannana: Can i ask you a question?
    12:17 AM - bannana: Why did the admins accept their report even though there was no screenshot whatsoever?
    12:17 AM - bannana: of the entire bet event
    12:17 AM - GLaDOS: where are your screenshots then?
    12:18 AM - bannana: why would i have any screenshots?
    12:18 AM - bannana: and if he did not have any screenshots
    12:18 AM - bannana: why am i banned?
    12:18 AM - bannana: tagged*
    12:18 AM - bannana: would'nt this report be rendered void?
    12:18 AM - GLaDOS: there is plenty to warrent a report
    12:18 AM - bannana: All it says is that he trade me a couple of items
    12:18 AM - bannana: If that was the case
    12:18 AM - bannana: Can i just give a random person some items
    12:19 AM - bannana: and take a screenshot of it
    12:19 AM - bannana: and send it as a report?
    12:19 AM - GLaDOS: its possible
    12:19 AM - bannana: Then what if the person has a personal grudge against me?
    12:19 AM - bannana: and didnt really like me?
    12:20 AM - bannana: Does that mean my my steam account is ruined?
    12:20 AM - GLaDOS: and why would some random person you have a grudge against would you dule with them?
    12:20 AM - bannana: I did not duel with onlycross
    12:20 AM - bannana: Please analyze the evidence
    12:20 AM - GLaDOS: im not talking about onlycross
    12:20 AM - bannana: it was cyrus
    12:21 AM - bannana: onlycross was the one who had a grudge against me
    12:21 AM - GLaDOS: he only made a report how is that relivant:
    12:21 AM - bannana: Huh?
    12:21 AM - bannana: exactly
    12:22 AM - bannana: how is his report relevant?
    12:22 AM - GLaDOS: no
    12:22 AM - GLaDOS: thats not what I asked
    12:22 AM - bannana: Then what did you ask?
    12:22 AM - GLaDOS: what makes you think that onlycross has a grudge against you./
    12:22 AM - GLaDOS: ?
    12:22 AM - bannana: because i made low offers on his trades
    12:23 AM - bannana: back then
    12:23 AM - bannana: Im sorry to say this but
    12:23 AM - bannana: i do not feel that this conversation is taking this matter anywhere
    12:24 AM - GLaDOS: what conversation?
    12:24 AM - bannana: ...
    12:24 AM - bannana: This
    12:24 AM - bannana: right now
    12:24 AM - GLaDOS: what is the issue?
    12:24 AM - bannana: of me getting a tag?
    12:24 AM - bannana: scammer tag?
    12:24 AM - GLaDOS: thats because im still trying to figure out what really happened
    12:25 AM - bannana: But are you willing to remove the tag and talk to sneeza regarding outpost after this?
    12:25 AM - bannana: When you figure out what happened?
    12:25 AM - GLaDOS: only if your appeal is granted
    12:25 AM - GLaDOS: why are you trying to get ahead of yourself?
    12:26 AM - bannana: I'm not trying to get ahead of myself
    12:26 AM - GLaDOS: we arnt thre yet as I said many many tiems now
    12:26 AM - bannana: What is the main thing that is stopping your from removing this tag?
    12:26 AM - bannana: and when will we get there?
    12:26 AM - GLaDOS: who is appealing you or me?
    12:26 AM - bannana: i am
    12:26 AM - GLaDOS: good.
    12:27 AM - bannana: Alright
    12:27 AM - bannana: so?
    12:27 AM - bannana: may i ask for your age?
    12:27 AM - GLaDOS: for?
    12:27 AM - bannana: Curious
    12:28 AM - GLaDOS: how many other steam accounts do you have?
    12:28 AM - bannana: Didnt i already tell you?
    12:28 AM - bannana: None
    12:28 AM - GLaDOS: how many other steam accounts do you use?
    12:28 AM - bannana: i said none
    12:28 AM - bannana: this is my only steam account
    12:29 AM - GLaDOS: how many other accoutns can be possibly linked to you?
    12:29 AM - bannana: NONE
    12:29 AM - bannana: which part of "NONE" do you not understand?
    12:29 AM - bannana: you asked that question 5 times already
    12:29 AM - GLaDOS: maybe then their is a reason why?
    12:30 AM - bannana: why?
    12:30 AM - bannana: Can we move on
    12:30 AM - bannana: ?
    12:31 AM - bannana: You already know what has happened
    12:31 AM - bannana: Please make a judgement
    12:32 AM - GLaDOS: when you spoke to onlycross why did you tell him you wanted to give cyrus back his items?
    12:32 AM - GLaDOS: or the keys for that matter
    12:32 AM - bannana: I never said that
    12:32 AM - bannana: Where are you getting all your information?
    12:32 AM - bannana: and why is your profile private?
    12:32 AM - bannana: are you even a SR admin?
    12:33 AM - GLaDOS: the screenshot that you said was your chat with onlycross
    12:33 AM - bannana: jesus christ
    12:33 AM - bannana: are you even willing to remove the tag for that matter?
    12:33 AM - bannana: or are you trying to convict me?
    12:33 AM - GLaDOS: are you going to answer?
    12:33 AM - bannana: may i ask for your age?
    12:34 AM - bannana: i do not want an inexperienced admin handling this situation
    12:34 AM - bannana: You have a clearly low linguistic ability
    12:34 AM - bannana: Spelling errors, Sentence structure and abitlty to converse
    12:34 AM - bannana: I'm sorry but if this is what im getting for an admin
    12:35 AM - bannana: I'd rather stay tagged
    12:35 AM - bannana: You clearly have no intent of untagging me
    12:35 AM - bannana: Any comments?
    12:36 AM - bannana: or are you just going to stay silent?
    12:36 AM - GLaDOS: are you going to answer the last question I asked?
    12:37 AM - bannana: No, because you clearly have not answered mine
    12:37 AM - bannana: How old are you?
    12:37 AM - GLaDOS: 37, how old are you?
    12:37 AM - bannana: Right
    12:38 AM - bannana: My age is "Go f✿✿✿ yourself you indecisive inbred prick"
    12:38 AM - GLaDOS: guess we are done then,
    12:38 AM - bannana: Thank you for looking through my appeal
    12:38 AM - bannana: and get back at me once you reach puberty age
    12:38 AM - bannana: Cool?
    12:40 AM - bannana: you heard me?
    12:40 AM - bannana: Hello?
    12:41 AM - bannana: Too pissed s✿✿✿ to talk huh?
    12:41 AM - GLaDOS: mad?
    12:41 AM - GLaDOS: no
    12:41 AM - GLaDOS: lol
    12:41 AM - GLaDOS: you wish
    12:41 AM - bannana: Youre not making any sense bro
    12:41 AM - bannana: good luck
    bannana is now Offline.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2014
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