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Declined 76561198057136814 (F0X LFT-HL (spy))

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [Ark] Portponky, Nov 1, 2013.

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  1. [Ark] Portponky

    [Ark] Portponky New User

    | steamname: [Ark] Portponky
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20692197
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001650122
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/portponky
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198001650122

    | steamname: F0X LFT-HL (spy)
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48435543
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057136814
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198057136814


    This person tried to convince me I had accepted a deal on his hat which I did not do. A mild scam / deceptive trade practice, as some sites warn or ban for redacting on accepted trades.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    01 November 2013
    [Ark] Portponky: hi
    [Ark] Portponky: HELLO
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): hi
    [Ark] Portponky: you added me
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): ??\
    [Ark] Portponky: You added me
    [Ark] Portponky: probably for an unusual
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): ill check
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): sorry it has been a rough day
    [Ark] Portponky: no problem
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Could you send me a link to your olutpost?
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): just be wuicker
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): quicker
    [Ark] Portponky: oh, sure
    [Ark] Portponky: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/15353564
    [Ark] Portponky: and
    [Ark] Portponky: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/15388058
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Oh
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Could you add by any chance?
    [Ark] Portponky: uh, I'm not looking to upgrade at the moment
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Like
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Add
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Buds
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): or
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): keys
    [Ark] Portponky: to what?
    [Ark] Portponky: I have some buds and keys
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Well my unusual is 4.2
    [Ark] Portponky: oh right
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): and your modest is 3.2
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Its white paint also
    [Ark] Portponky: oh right
    [Ark] Portponky: I don't remember seeing your offer sorry
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Its a different
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): account
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): you accepted my offer
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): for a Green energy l' inspector
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): your modest
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): + 1 bud
    [Ark] Portponky: I did?
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Yeah
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): I have it logged on a recording
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): If you want me to send it
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): So can you do the trade now?
    [Ark] Portponky: can you show me where I accepted this?
    [Ark] Portponky: doesn't sound like something I would do
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Well you did
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Ill try to get it to you
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): And when you get it
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Will you accept the trade?
    [Ark] Portponky: well probably not because I'm gathering buds... trading buds away would be the opposite of what I'm trying to do
    [Ark] Portponky: I'm just worried I messed up on outpost
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Well if you accepted my offer and you day no
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): then
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): wow
    F0X LFT-HL (spy) is now Offline.
    [Ark] Portponky: yeah that would be pretty bad
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): [Ark] Portponky: well probably not because I'm gathering buds... trading buds away would be the opposite of what I'm trying to do
    F0X LFT-HL (spy): Bye
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