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Archived 76561198057767101 (Demon)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by .P[S]1d3Я ॐ, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. .P[S]1d3Я ॐ

    .P[S]1d3Я ॐ New User

    steamID: .PS1d3Я ॐ
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:21909088
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004083905
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/annes3200
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198004083905

    steamID: DemoN
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:48750686
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057767101
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ryazancdima
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198057767101

    Tryed to scam me using a CS GO beta gift, saying several times it was full game.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    segunda-feira, 10 de Setembro de 2012
    20:45 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: hi
    20:45 - DemoN: hi
    20:46 - DemoN: you can give the game Alan Wake Franchise ?
    20:46 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: give?
    20:46 - DemoN: yes gift
    20:47 - DemoN: ?
    20:47 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: are kidding me?
    20:48 - DemoN: you can give gift
    DemoN had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:49 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: no
    20:49 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: i can trade
    20:49 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: not give
    20:49 - DemoN: cs go
    20:49 - DemoN: ?
    20:49 - DemoN: will go
    20:50 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: what are you saying?
    20:50 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: you want to trade?
    20:50 - DemoN: cs I can give gift
    20:50 - DemoN: cs GO
    You have accepted the trade request from DemoN.
    20:51 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: are you ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed?
    20:51 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: that is a beta cs go
    20:51 - DemoN: when activate her she will be complete, because in her the key is
    20:52 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: hum?
    20:52 - DemoN: I give one's words
    20:53 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: i don't undertstand you
    20:53 - DemoN: by my troth she is complete, when you activate her
    20:55 - DemoN: you wake to put a game
    20:55 - DemoN: Alan Wake Franchise !!!
    20:55 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: nop
    20:55 - DemoN: Alan Wake Franchise
    20:56 - DemoN: we were finished speaking on her
    20:56 - DemoN: we were finished speaking on her
    20:56 - DemoN: ALF
    20:57 - DemoN: Alan wake franchise
    20:57 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: nop
    20:57 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: that is a beta gift
    20:57 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: not cs go complete
    20:57 - DemoN: for me the same was, and I play the key is there present!!
    20:58 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: it's beta, not full
    20:58 - DemoN: бля, I then how that I play
    20:58 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: what?
    20:59 - DemoN: I play her norms, the same gift set
    21:00 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: i don't understand qhat you say
    21:00 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: but that gift you have thaere
    21:00 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: there*
    21:00 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: it's a beta cs go, not foull cs go
    21:00 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: full*
    21:00 - DemoN: full!!!!!
    21:00 - DemoN: !!!!
    21:00 - DemoN: !!!!
    21:00 - DemoN: let us interchange
    21:00 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: no
    21:01 - DemoN: иди нахуй
    21:01 - DemoN: lol
    21:01 - .PS1d3Я ॐ: let us ban your acc for trying to scam
    DemoN is now Offline.

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