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Accepted 76561198058447257 xSamyaza (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by xSamyaza, Jul 11, 2012.

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  1. xSamyaza

    xSamyaza New User

    steamID: xSamyaza
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49090764
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058447257
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xSamyaza
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198058447257

    I'm falsely believed to fake rep somebody. I put a “+rep” on a trader's page(which scammed somebody else later) because of a legitimate trade, which had nothing to do with the scam.

    The thread regarding the scammer which I was believed to have given fake rep: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/scammed-out-of-a-bills-hat-paypal-promise.7219/
    However, I wasn’t able to access that page, so I found this google cache of the page(if that's to any use): http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...aypal-promise.7219/ &cd=2&hl=da&ct=clnk&gl=dk

    In the thread above, you can see that a guy was scammed, and the scammer thus became banned. Later, various bans were issued to people who had repped him on his steam profile, which was believed to give him fake rep. I was among those, however, my +rep wasn’t fake.

    I can prove, that It was a from a legitimate trade that I repped him:

    The comment in question can be seen on the image "proof1.png"(can also be seen in the thread regarding the scammer). The comment was posted on the scammers profile on Jul 2, 2.07 PM.

    This was because of the following trade, which can be seen on the image "proof2.PNG". It can be seen that he sold me a bill for 7 keys + 2 ref. This trade was made Jul 2, 2.06 PM.

    Therefore, my "+rep" was made just a minute after a legitimate trade.

    If somebody wishes me to +rep them after a good, succesful trade, I usually comply. That's where my "+rep" comes from.

    Thanks for your time.

    Attached Files:

  2. xSamyaza

    xSamyaza New User

    I would just like to clarify: I was only recently made aware of SteamRep and the various communities which trade tf2 items for cash. Therefore, I wasn't really aware of the significance of giving "+rep". If I knew this before, I wouldn't have given +rep out so easily.

    Also, another guy appears to have been given the same judgment as me by giving rep to the exact same scammer: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561197990826764-nukleone-sr-scammer.7416/
  3. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I will quote what I wrote for nukleone to you. Also I forgot to add, if this appears again, a permanent caution or scammer tag may be issued. So please be more careful in the future.

    Also item to item trades are usually 'successful' aren't they? Unless there's a bug in steam trade because in the end there is an automated exchange of items. You got your bills hat, he got his keys and refined.
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