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Invalid 76561198059755001 Jigglebob (SR scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Flurfoo, Apr 7, 2013.

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  1. Flurfoo

    Flurfoo New User

    |steamID: Jigglebob from State Farm
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49744636
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059755001
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059755001

    Hi, first off I just have to say I do not know my customURL (sorry). I have been marked as a SR scammer for changing my name to that of an admin's. This occured approximately 8-10 months ago. I was acting very immature, and looking back, I see that what I have done was completely unacceptable. I sincerely apologize for what I have done, and I am now trying to be as mature as possible (I'm 15). I have been marked as a UTC scammer as well, but I don't recall why. Is it possible to find out the reasoning behind this scammer tag, and to appeal to it? I have gone to http://manncotrading.com/index.php/board,12.0.html , but i could not find any sort of scam/ban appeal. What I really don't want is some incident caused by my lack of maturity (at 14 years old) to affect my steam account for the rest of my life. If anything can be done, I would greatly appreciate it. If not, I completely understand. Thank you very much for taking your time to read my appeal.
  2. Flurfoo

    Flurfoo New User

    I'm really sorry about this, but I accidentlely put my name as "Jigglebob" on the thread title, instead of "Jigglebob from State Farm."
  3. Sissel

    Sissel New User

    Yo bro you can wait a long time i got too a thread about scammer and still got no responde from any admin
  4. SudasGalva

    SudasGalva New User

    Flurfoo: although you have an SR tag, all other tags must be appealed first on their respective forums, in this case your UTC tag. The Mann Co Trading link you provided (from the how-to guide) links directly to the ban appeal forum, so I'm not sure what you meant when you said you couldn't find anything. If you mean you couldn't find a UTC sub-forum, it's because Mann Co Trading took over UTC, so all UHC/UTC tags now fall under their jurisdiction. You will find the appeal forum here: http://manncotrading.com/index.php/board,12.0.html

    Sissel: some appeals can take months due to the backlog of reports and the small admin staff. Patience is required, and you have only had your appeal up for half a week.
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