Victim: steamID: ScoTTT steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: SOP forum account (if applicable): VICTIM_FORUM_NAME Scammer: steamID: .,.steamID32: STEAM_0:0:66666666666 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: SOP forum account (if applicable): SCAMMER_FORUM_NAME Screenshots: - Pictures of chat (required) - Trade window if relevant (please keep the practice of chatting in normal chat, and just only trade in the trading window). - Screen shot of profile page if the offender is impersonating admins, middleman, or trusted traders. (showing steam community link, pic, nickname, friends and groups) Description: This person made a deal to buy my unusual courier for money. He then said he had a lot of rep on his steam account. He didnt deliver his promist. Copy a transcript of the chat below that. For readability: Put the text between [ code ]text here [ /code ] tags, remove the spaces within the brackets and it will show up the same as this part of the text.