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Invalid 76561198061184362 One Day (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by One day we will see, Mar 10, 2013.

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  1. One day we will see

    One day we will see New User

    |steamID: oiroxas
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50459317
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061184362
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/******f✿✿✿turd
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061184362
    Alright im posting this again because i made a post about 5 months ago and havent had a responce since. The reason im coming back to this is because im now banned from http://www.tf2outpost.com. I was on the site and i went to my trades and it said i was banned and i had to come here and appeal it. so im back here again. I'm going to just put the same information that was in my old thread because thats all i have except now i have the fact that i was randomly banned from outpost for no particular reason. "(Well I'm appealing my scammer status. There was a guy that i was trading with and hes an admin here apparently. i was trading a bud for 27 keys. (the admin is Diego) and i had a pair of gifted buds (which I'm fairly new to "high level" trading) so i did not know that gifted buds were worth less. i had actually recently traded for them for 27 keys, and i had no idea that they were worth less. so i sent him a trade request and told him id be back momentarily and to just go ahead and put the keys up. (the reason i had to go was because my mom was calling me) and i came back and i put the buds up for trade and he started saying all this stuff about screenshots and that he was reporting me for trying to scam him for gifted buds (which at the time i was extremely confused) so i was asking him what was the difference between regular and gifted and he never answered me and he just ended the trade and un friend ed me. Then later that night a guy added me for a trade and was wondering how i got my scammer status and i had no idea at the time i had it. so i looked at the steamrep thing and i was a scammer. And the guy then did not want to trade with me and left. Then i went to the site and added an admin and talked to him (you are the one) and he told me to come here and do this. I dont have any evidence to support my case about this except my words. so please atleast consider taking it away or talking to me about it. thank you for your time.)" is my old tread content. So if someone could actually read my thread this time it would help me alot because now i dont even have the ability to go to any trade servers or outpost so i have no way to trade at all. Thanks again for your time and i hope you get to me this time.
  2. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

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