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Archived 76561198061940927 (-=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by blendmaster345, Apr 19, 2013.

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  1. blendmaster345

    blendmaster345 New User

    |steamID: blendmaster345
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39858415
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039982559
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/blendmaster345
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198039982559

    |steamID: -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50837599
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061940927
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061940927

    'Proof' of the value of the item he gave me: http://i.imgur.com/8E9uGTq.png
    Chat: http://i.imgur.com/QkvIGkR.png
    Tf2 Outpost offer: http://i.imgur.com/dwf4ueM.png

    So, basically, I was selling a pyro unusual on tf2 outpost. Thiss guy offered me a level 200 botkiller. He posted some 'proof' saying that it was worth a lot. After the trade, he blocked me. I asked my friend what I should do, and he told me that level 200 botkillers were only worth about a key.

    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: hey
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: you there?
    blendmaster345: Sorry
    blendmaster345: Hi
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: trade?
    blendmaster345: Yup
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™ had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    You have accepted the trade request from -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™.
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™ had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    blendmaster345: Thanks!
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™ has not responded to your trade request.
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: yeah enjoy
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: my way of selling it is offering it
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: making trades dont really work
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: thanks again!
    blendmaster345: Of course!
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: i can keep you added if you have any questions
    blendmaster345: Ok!
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™ is now Online.
    blendmaster345: So, why is it worth more as a le 20? Th level cap for botkillers is 200.
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™ is now Online.
    blendmaster345: I am so so so so sorry
    blendmaster345: But I think I am going to have to ask if I can trade back
    blendmaster345: Hello?
    blendmaster345: You there?
    blendmaster345: Uh, dude?
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™ did not respond to the trade request.
    -=VḺℛ$=- KiϞg Ṩḉiṗio™: please read my profile, i dont give refunds sorry
  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Unfortunately this seems to be a shark report, Steamrep doesn't directly ban on these kind of reports but they're appreciated. However I'll have to archive your report due to this.

    I invite you, to report this kind of event into outpost and/or other trade servers such as Mann Co trading and Outpost, who handle them.

    Regardless, thank you for your report!
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