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Archived 76561198062006784 ∑™∂åHøø∂ #YOLO (SR SCAMMER)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by AF2 | Rawrimadino, Sep 28, 2012.

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  1. AF2 | Rawrimadino

    AF2 | Rawrimadino New User

    steamID: ∑™∂åHøø∂ #YOLO
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50870528
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062006784
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062006784
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062006784

    Hi I am here to appeal to a judgement that was reported a month or so ago. I only just started tf2 In April 2012, I was fairly new to this game. I only started trading because I wanted new items. I soon encountered a very friend guy ( at the time), http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069386737/. This man was very nice to me and was willing to buy my festive set. He offered some steam money but I don't do paypal trading so I quickly said no. But he said he was willing to trade keys if I could find someone who was selling them for paypal. So I was on the search to find somebody. I encountered many people but they weren't interested. Then I found this guy on TF2 Outpost http://steamcommunity.com/id/samhudson333. He was very kind and was willing to talk to the guy I was helping out.
    samhudson333: hey
    3:37 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: hi
    3:37 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: I have a friend that wants to buy
    3:37 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: do you go first?
    3:37 PM - samhudson333: if hes got a lot of rep and isn't buying too many, I can
    3:38 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: he's buying 18
    3:38 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: is that ok?
    3:38 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: He just wants to buy my festive set
    3:38 PM - samhudson333: whats the rep like?
    3:38 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: nothing wrong
    3:38 PM - samhudson333: i mean the amount
    3:38 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069386737/
    3:38 PM - samhudson333: am I trading with you or him?
    3:38 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: him
    Your chat with AF2 | Rawrimadino is now a multi-user chat.
    AF2 | Rawrimadino has been invited to chat.
    ©Adolf Critler has been invited to chat.
    ©Adolf Critler entered chat.
    Sunday, August 19, 2012
    3:39 PM - ©Adolf Critler: hello people
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: u there
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: sam
    3:40 PM - samhudson333: so AF2 has a steamrep cautionary status, and critler has no rep
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: u there
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: i have no rep
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: because im quite new
    3:40 PM - samhudson333: I can overlook the cautionary, but I can't go first, and paypal has to be verified
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: aft has nothing to do with it
    3:40 PM - ©Adolf Critler: he is just who im trading the keys to adter
    3:41 PM - samhudson333: alright
    3:41 PM - ©Adolf Critler: so hows the trade going down then
    3:41 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: I'm the middleman
    3:42 PM - samhudson333: my paypal is [email protected]
    3:42 PM - ©Adolf Critler: ok
    3:42 PM - samhudson333: you're not the middle man, that's for sure
    3:42 PM - ©Adolf Critler: lmfao
    3:42 PM - ©Adolf Critler: ok so can u go first
    3:42 PM - samhudson333: you have no rep, there's no way I'll go first
    3:42 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: LOL
    3:42 PM - samhudson333: we can use a steamrep verified middleman
    3:42 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: C'mon guys can we all agree
    3:42 PM - ©Adolf Critler: i cant
    3:43 PM - ©Adolf Critler: i got scammed from a middleman before
    3:43 PM - ©Adolf Critler: i dont like using em
    3:43 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: guys...
    3:43 PM - AF2 | Rawrimadino: lets cooperate
    3:43 PM - ©Adolf Critler: ikr
    3:44 PM - ©Adolf Critler: im goin to bed in 1 sec
    3:44 PM - ©Adolf Critler: so hurry up
    3:44 PM - samhudson333: you don't have rep, so you either have to go first or use a middleman
    ©Adolf Critler left chat.
    3:44 PM - samhudson333: alright, steamrep reporting you both
    Image (note: Image contains more of the chat, that I forgot to copy over. Sorry, brain fart)
    I was trying to sell my festive set and I didn't want anyone to get angry and leave. And they mentioned something about a middleman. At the moment I didn't have many ideas of what a middleman was but I thought they were people who just were on neither side so I said to myself I think I can do that. But I didn't notice that middlemans had to be verified. He did not even explain to me what a VERIFIED MIDDLEMAN WAS But After a couple months I think Adolf got angry he couldn't buy any and scammed them off of me. I'm terribly sorry if about being a fake middleman. I didn't know they had to be verified and the Caution status. I felt bad and gave the stuff back + more. I hope this gets accepted because I cannot trade anywhere anymore. IT feels as if I'm over with trading. But please accept this, I have a feeling that Adolf critler tried to pull me into this because he knew that I had a lot more items than him. He even ended up scamming me.
    Screenshots of me giving back items to the person I scammed : http://i.imgur.com/sSwh0.png

  2. LeGigabyte

    LeGigabyte Banned on SteamRep

    SteamRep does not unmark people if it is proven that they have scammed, not even if you try to change or if you give back the items right after you scam.

    This picture you took could be a fake, and the person that you scammed and gave items back to could be an alt or a scammer friend of yours.
  3. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello, please respond if you are still seeking this appeal. I will help handle it if so.

    I need you to provide a list of any Steam/TF2 alternate accounts you have for starters.
  4. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Archiving this as you have not responded in the past 2 months.
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