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Rejected 76561198062125627 DIV|MacMiller (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by DIV l MacMiller, May 14, 2012.

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  1. DIV l MacMiller

    DIV l MacMiller New User

  2. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    steamID: Mac Miller <3
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50792642
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061851012
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/124567123344135
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061851012

    this ain't you?

    steamID: Scattman
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50681697
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061629122
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hackbuster3000
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061629122

    nor this?

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    how about steamID: Mason
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30672155
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021610038
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/gig603
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198021610038

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  3. DIV l MacMiller

    DIV l MacMiller New User

  4. polyvore

    polyvore Retired Staff

    Add me. I will handle this appeal.
  5. DIV l MacMiller

    DIV l MacMiller New User

    I am the appealer.
  6. polyvore

    polyvore Retired Staff

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Tuesday, May 29, 2012
    7:37 PM - polyvore: hi
    7:37 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Hey man.
    7:38 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Okay, so you wanted to talk
    7:38 PM - polyvore: sec
    7:38 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Okay.
    7:40 PM - polyvore: http://steamcommunity.com/id/124567123344135/namehistory
    7:40 PM - polyvore: not you?
    7:40 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Nope
    7:40 PM - polyvore: so why do you use the same ip as him
    7:40 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i dont have the same IP
    7:40 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i shouldnt
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i know him IRL but i dont play on that acc every day
    7:41 PM - polyvore: who is he
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: My friend
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: why?
    7:41 PM - polyvore: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061851012
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: He used to be part of my clan
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i kicked him out
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: becuase of the scamming
    7:41 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: which got me marked
    7:43 PM - polyvore: when did you play with him?
    7:43 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: A while back
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    7:45 PM - polyvore: does the name scatman sound familiar
    7:45 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah.
    7:45 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: that was his scammer name
    7:46 PM - polyvore: does he still play?
    7:46 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah i th ink he still scams
    7:46 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: we dont talk much anymore
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    7:48 PM - polyvore: i see
    7:49 PM - polyvore: do you have any other accunts?
    7:49 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah. im raelly sorry for what he has done
    7:49 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i have a Vac Banned one
    7:49 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: that i hvaent been on
    7:49 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i gave to my buddy
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    7:49 PM - polyvore: could you find it and show me the page?
    7:49 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah.
    7:49 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kokokillah
    7:51 PM - polyvore: why is it tradebnaned?
    7:51 PM - polyvore: *trade banned
    7:51 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Im not sure, i dont remember wether it was me or my friend
    7:53 PM - polyvore: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xaznzftwx/
    7:53 PM - polyvore: who is this
    7:53 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: I have no idea.
    7:54 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: like i honestly have no idea
    7:55 PM - polyvore: when did you give it away
    7:55 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: oh, months ago
    7:55 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: definitly last year
    7:55 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i cant frankly remember when
    7:55 PM - polyvore: who was your friend that you gave it to? does he have a steam account?
    7:56 PM - polyvore: (other than that one)
    7:56 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: that is his steam
    7:56 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: he dosent use it often though
    7:56 PM - polyvore: so not the tsame dude as scattman?
    7:56 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: No
    7:57 PM - polyvore: alright
    7:57 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: again, im really sorry for all the trouble i caused
    7:57 PM - polyvore: so you've only been playing tf2 for a couple of months?
    7:57 PM - polyvore: since april
    7:57 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah basicaly
    8:01 PM - polyvore: how often do you hang with scattman? you said you dont talk to him much anymore?
    8:01 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah, not much anymore
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: he came over yesterday for a lil
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: but for a school project
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: he did show me his steam BP tho
    8:02 PM - polyvore: oh
    8:02 PM - polyvore: do you go mostly to his house, or to yours
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Mine
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: wait no
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: hmm
    8:06 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: it's about equal
    8:07 PM - polyvore: how often did you go over to his place, around the last motn
    8:07 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: around 2-3 times a week
    8:07 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: we do school work togeather
    8:07 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: usually play some TF2 after
    8:09 PM - polyvore: alright
    8:09 PM - polyvore: most of this checks out, just a few more questions
    8:09 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Okay.
    8:10 PM - polyvore: i just need you to post in your SR appeal thread once, to confirm the identities
    8:10 PM - polyvore: that you are the appealer
    8:10 PM - polyvore: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198062125627-div-macmiller-sr-scammer.4309
    8:10 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Done ;)
    8:11 PM - polyvore: and you're at home, i presume>?
    8:11 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    8:12 PM - polyvore: well that throws a wrench into things, doesn't it
    8:13 PM - polyvore: because scattman has always logged in from the same ip
    8:13 PM - polyvore: yet you claim that you're different people
    8:13 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah we are
    8:13 PM - polyvore: but he's been logging in on your ip for like, a year
    8:13 PM - polyvore: on lots of accounts
    8:13 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: wait i dont see hopw thats possible.
    8:14 PM - polyvore: http://steamcommunity.com/id/eewwqqga/ and now this?
    8:14 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah thats his new account
    8:14 PM - polyvore: basically - you've lied to me for the last 40 minutes
    8:14 PM - polyvore: created on your computer
    8:14 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: unless he has my ip?
    8:14 PM - polyvore: but you dont live together, ya?
    8:15 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: we have same internet provider
    8:15 PM - polyvore: but you dont live together
    8:15 PM - polyvore: i have verizon
    8:15 PM - polyvore: my neighbor has verizon
    8:15 PM - polyvore: we dont have the same
    8:15 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah but we technically live togeather
    8:15 PM - polyvore: orly
    8:15 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: he lives in my basement
    8:15 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: hes 18 lol
    8:16 PM - polyvore: 8:01 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Yeah, not much anymore
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: he came over yesterday for a lil
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: but for a school project
    8:16 PM - polyvore: as in, h ecame upstairs
    8:16 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah lol
    8:16 PM - polyvore: i guess
    8:16 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: ..
    8:16 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: we dont really hang out as hes always with other friends...
    8:17 PM - polyvore: 8:02 PM - polyvore: do you go mostly to his house, or to yours
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: Mine
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: wait no
    8:02 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: hmm
    8:06 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: it's about equal
    8:17 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah cuz were in same house.
    8:18 PM - polyvore: your statements dont match
    8:18 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: how so.
    8:19 PM - polyvore: 'equal' going between houses?
    8:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: yeah.
    8:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: he techniqually is in my house
    8:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i just dont consider it like that personally
    8:23 PM - polyvore: so when did he start living with you
    8:23 PM - polyvore: or living in your house, i suppose - since you don't consider him living with you
    8:23 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: 2 years ago
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    DIV l MrMacMiller ♥ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    9:18 PM - polyvore: after careful review, i dont think i can grant this appeal
    9:18 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: why not.
    9:18 PM - polyvore: the facts dont add up and neither does your trustworthiness here
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: any way i can change it...
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: beacause it really wasnt me
    9:19 PM - polyvore: apologies but i cannot believe that you and 'scattman' are different
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: and its not fair to me that im banned from everything
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: because of this website
    9:19 PM - polyvore: neither is it fair to your victims that you scammed them.....
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: i didnt scam them!
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: and you dont have proof that i did
    9:19 PM - DIV l MrMacMiller ♥: so this isnt fiar
    9:21 PM - polyvore: yeah i kind of do
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