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Declined 76561198063521494 (๖ۣۜThe Random Thought Man)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Alloid, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Alloid

    Alloid New User

    ๖ۣۜThe Random Thought Man
    |steamID: Alloid
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43089280
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046444289
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheAlloid
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046444289
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): (None)

    |steamID: ๖ۣۜThe Random Thought Man
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51627883
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063521494
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRandomThoughtMan
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198063521494
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): (None)

    Screenshots: I do not have access to screenshots right now, as I only recorded the chat log.

    Description: He told me he was raffling away a strange hunstman, and an (untradable?) unusual familiar fez. Long story short, he told me he had others waiting on him, and that any unusual or a strange festive was an
    "Instant win." I entered it into the raffle, he unadded me from his friends list later and began to pretend he didn't know me. Classic.

    Chat log:
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Sweet (:
    Alloid: do you have a v. kunai?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Nope.avi
    Alloid: beggars bazooka?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I think.
    Alloid: can I buy it? :3
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Sure
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Do you want to enter also?
    Alloid: sure, why not
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Okay, here's the entries:
    ๖ۣۜGavin: 1 ENTRY - 1 weapon
    ๖ۣۜGavin: 1 ENTRY - 1 weapon
    ๖ۣۜGavin: s✿✿✿
    Alloid: ?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: 1 ENTRY - 1 weapon
    5 ENTRIES - 1 noncraft hat
    10 ENTRIES - 1 strange
    20 ENTRIES - 1 vintage
    25 ENTRIES - 1 craftable hats
    35 ENTRIES - 1 genuine
    250 ENTRIES - 1 key
    INSTANT WIN - 1 unusual
    Alloid: anyone enter a key?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Two or three people
    ๖ۣۜGavin: There's about 1200 entries
    Alloid: anyone do strange?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Of course
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I've told you, 1200+ entries total
    Alloid: well
    Alloid: I meant per person
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Oh
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Well number 1 person has about 800
    Alloid: k
    ๖ۣۜGavin: If you add "The Peacmaker", Festive Knife, and the botkiller, I'll guarentee you an automatic win.
    Alloid: how much is a s. huntsman worth right now
    ๖ۣۜGavin: 25 keys
    Alloid: oh
    Alloid: festive strange + big kill are worth more than 25 keys (a bud)
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Hmmm
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Let me tell you what
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Add everything I asked, and the day of the raffle, I'll say "And since the winner added so much, I'll give him.... 10 keys!"
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I'll give you the strange hunstman and 10 keys
    ๖ۣۜGavin: In the raffle
    Alloid: nah :P
    Alloid: hold on
    ๖ۣۜGavin has accepted your request to trade.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Yes?
    Alloid: I just wanna enter some and then buy a beggar's bazooka
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Okay...
    ๖ۣۜGavin: There's proof I have it btw
    Alloid: can you show me the fez?
    Alloid: error
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I can't, it's untradable
    ๖ۣۜGavin is now Online.
    Alloid: ._.
    Alloid: jow
    Alloid: *how is an unusual untradable
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I traded it.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: It's an error hat
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Don't ask me, Idk
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I got it cheap
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I think it's worth more if its untradable
    Alloid: I have to think
    Alloid: lemme buy the bazooka first
    ๖ۣۜGavin has accepted your request to trade.
    Alloid: I'm uncertain
    Alloid: D:
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Well I'm giving you a limit of 30 seconds to make a decision
    ๖ۣۜGavin: It's 49 minutes until raffle and 20-30 people are trying to trade me badly
    Alloid: k
    ๖ۣۜGavin: So yes or no?
    Alloid: No, I guess :c
    ๖ۣۜGavin: :(
    Alloid: I just like my knife
    ๖ۣۜGavin: How about something else?
    Alloid: and I think the unusual will be too hard to trade
    Alloid: what would that be
    ๖ۣۜGavin: hold on
    ๖ۣۜGavin: lol trying to find first guy who traded me
    Alloid: he had it?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I got 20 remember
    ๖ۣۜGavin: 20 trades
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Had to find the first one who traded me
    Alloid: yea
    ๖ۣۜGavin is now Offline.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    ๖ۣۜGavin is now Online.
    Alloid: what was that other thing you talked about
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Hold on a sec
    ๖ۣۜGavin: okay
    Alloid: ?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Dude
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Would you please do you strange knife?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Festive knife
    ๖ۣۜGavin: That's it
    Alloid: for?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: No more
    Alloid: oh
    ๖ۣۜGavin: For the Strange Huntman
    ๖ۣۜGavin: And the Unusual
    Alloid: what was that other item you talked about
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I forgot
    ๖ۣۜGavin: trade me
    ๖ۣۜGavin had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Alloid
    ๖ۣۜGavin had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Alloid: hmm
    ๖ۣۜGavin: C'mon dude
    Alloid: Wait
    ๖ۣۜGavin: It's a really good deal for you
    Alloid: do you have gift wrap
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I'm going to buy it at 6PM
    ๖ۣۜGavin: When the raffle starts
    Alloid: lemme just look
    Alloid: your inventory is private
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Yeah, I know.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: C'mon dude
    ๖ۣۜGavin: If not, I'll just give the opportunity to someone else
    Alloid: so, unusual burning fez
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yep
    Alloid: and strange huntsman
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yes
    Alloid: I'll pass, sorry :c
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Hmmm
    Alloid: if the fez was tradable
    Alloid: I'd do it
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Hmm
    ๖ۣۜGavin: If you do it..
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I'll add 5 keys.
    Alloid: that you already have?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: That im buying with giftwrap
    ๖ۣۜGavin had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Man, I'm fighting for you here
    Alloid: well
    ๖ۣۜGavin had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Alloid: you're sure you'll get the keys
    Alloid: and the wrap
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yes
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yes
    You have accepted the trade request from ๖ۣۜGavin.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: lol n00b u got sc@mmed and h4xed
    ๖ۣۜGavin: just kidding, just kidding
    Alloid: thought so
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yeah
    ๖ۣۜGavin: lol
    Alloid: so, know when the server will open
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Okay, I will
    Alloid: I mean do you know :P
    Alloid: or what IP
    ๖ۣۜGavin: oh
    ๖ۣۜGavin: When I buy the stuff
    Alloid: which is in 15-16 minutes?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yeah
    Alloid: please don't forget.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I won't
    Alloid: If I'm not there, I died, or something else happened
    ๖ۣۜGavin: okay
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I'll go with dead
    Alloid: eh
    Alloid: got a server?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: hold on lol
    ๖ۣۜGavin: gotta buy stuff
    ๖ۣۜGavin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Alloid: got it?
    Alloid: Did you buy the stuff?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: no, I'm just in a server real quick
    ๖ۣۜGavin: You can go to a different one, it might be later
    Alloid: ...
    Alloid: how much later
    ๖ۣۜGavin: About an hour
    Alloid: ...
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Sorry dude
    Alloid: I'm really hoping you're not scamming
    Alloid: people can get banned from trading for that
    ๖ۣۜGavin: i'm not
    Alloid: and have items revoked
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I'm not!
    Alloid: just saying
    Alloid: If I'm not there when it happens, just trade me later
    Alloid: how many other people have entered
    ๖ۣۜGavin: I'm busy
    Alloid: trading?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: no
    Alloid: sorry, meant scrapbanking
    Alloid: how many others have entered
    Alloid: Maybe I should withdraw...?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: no
    Alloid: why not?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: Just... no
    (I see him selling it for keys)
    Alloid: Excuse me
    Alloid: You're selling it?!
    ๖ۣۜGavin: no
    Alloid: Yes.
    Alloid: You just offered it for keys on this server.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: i know
    Alloid: And you said "offer"
    Alloid: looking pretty fishy
    Alloid: I withdraw my offer in the raffle.
    Alloid: Looks suspicious, now.
    Alloid: And your inventory is private
    Alloid: hey
    Alloid: can you equip your unusual fez?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: WHAT?
    Alloid: just so I can see.
    Alloid: that's proof for me.
    ๖ۣۜGavin: traded knife
    Alloid: what?
    Alloid: the Strange festive?
    ๖ۣۜGavin: yep
    Alloid: ...
    Alloid: And
    Alloid: You're a scammer to me unless you show me the unusual fez you promised.
    ๖ۣۜGavin is now Offline. (He un-added me right here)
  2. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    We apologize for the amount of time it has taken us to review your report. We've recently received a large volume of reports and have not been able to process them all in a timely fashion.
    Unfortunately we can't do anything without screenshots.