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Evidence Provided 76561198063958736 (Spartan101™)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Phale @ VSHighlander, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Phale @ VSHighlander

    Phale @ VSHighlander New User

    76561198063958736 (Spartan101™)

    | steamname: Phale @ VSHighlander
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:32994242
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026254212
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026254212

    | steamname: Spartan101™
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51846504
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063958736
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/onepoundfish
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198063958736

    Chat screenshots are attached below

    Description: Spartan asked me if I wanted anything off of tf2shop for ~$500, said that he would purchase said item(s) which would appear in my inventory after I traded him and gave him whatever he asked for (2 buds and my steaming modest). When I asked why couldn't he just buy the hat and trade it to me in a normal trade, he claimed tf2shop did not work that way and the item(s) would appear in my inventory.

    Side-note: I fear he may have scammed some other players because he provided proof that others had trusted him before in the form of various mid-value items (I was not able to get a screenshot of the trade)

    Spartan101™: hi
    Phale @ VSHighlander: hey
    Spartan101™: may i ask you some thing?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: sure
    Spartan101™: oh sorry never mind
    Phale @ VSHighlander: ohkay then lol
    Spartan101™: lol
    Spartan101™: i might remember it
    Spartan101™: idk
    Phale @ VSHighlander: don't forget it aha
    Spartan101™: ok
    Spartan101™: ok
    Spartan101™: i remember
    Spartan101™: would you like anything thats less than 500$
    Spartan101™: ?
    Spartan101™: from tf2 shop
    Phale @ VSHighlander: ._.
    Phale @ VSHighlander: why
    Spartan101™: and i do this to every one
    Phale @ VSHighlander: tf2shop tend to overprice everything
    Phale @ VSHighlander: tends*
    Spartan101™: they ask i buy and i dont care if im over paying so i can give you lots of buds and a few vintage buds
    Spartan101™: no
    Phale @ VSHighlander: o.o
    Phale @ VSHighlander: what would you want in return
    Phale @ VSHighlander: lol
    Spartan101™: and i get the items then when the trade is complete you would recive all the items i bought you and its your call yes or no?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: erm
    Phale @ VSHighlander: depends
    Phale @ VSHighlander: how does this work exactly
    Spartan101™: i will go in steps ok
    Phale @ VSHighlander: sure
    Spartan101™: step 1. You ask what i buy then i buy it
    Spartan101™: step 2. we make a trade i choose what items i want and you choose what items you want
    Spartan101™: step 3. then when the trade is complete and i have my items then you will recive your items in your inventory
    Phale @ VSHighlander: wow
    Phale @ VSHighlander: where do I report you for scamming?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I have the chat log right here
    Spartan101™: i dont scam
    Spartan101™: and
    Phale @ VSHighlander: wow really?
    Spartan101™: im not done
    Spartan101™: yet
    Spartan101™: step 4. if you dont recive your items i will give you the items back
    Phale @ VSHighlander: OH WOW
    Spartan101™: and some people say yes or no
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I say yes
    Spartan101™: look
    Phale @ VSHighlander: go buy the item first
    Spartan101™: just wait
    Spartan101™: look in trade
    You have accepted the trade request from Spartan101™.
    Spartan101™: what people give me  for over payed items
    Phale @ VSHighlander: ohkay sure I believe you
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I want
    Spartan101™: see
    Spartan101™: well some are
    Spartan101™: seprate
    Phale @ VSHighlander: neat
    Phale @ VSHighlander: okay lemme choose a hat
    Spartan101™: but i got this from other people for buds maxes and unusuals
    Spartan101™: wait
    Spartan101™: may i show you the website?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I'm on it
    Phale @ VSHighlander: lookin' through
    Spartan101™: tf2 shop?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: yes
    Phale @ VSHighlander: aah
    Spartan101™: oh
    Spartan101™: ok
    Phale @ VSHighlander: burning flames hermes
    Phale @ VSHighlander: 499.99
    Spartan101™: and
    Spartan101™: ?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I thought you said under 500
    Spartan101™: ya
    Spartan101™: and more
    Spartan101™: duh lol
    Phale @ VSHighlander: oh well in that case
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I'll take
    Phale @ VSHighlander: replace that
    Phale @ VSHighlander: with
    Phale @ VSHighlander: burning tossle
    Phale @ VSHighlander: that's all
    Phale @ VSHighlander: or maybe the cloudy moon el jefe
    Spartan101™: thats it?
    Spartan101™: just 1 item
    Phale @ VSHighlander: yes
    Spartan101™: so no maxes no vintage max and no vintage buds and buds?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: nope
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I'm good
    Spartan101™: just 1 unusual
    Phale @ VSHighlander: mhm
    Spartan101™: ok
    Spartan101™: will this be ok
    Spartan101™: ?
    Spartan101™: for your 3 or 2 buds and the steaming modest pile of hat
    Spartan101™: ?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: sure
    Phale @ VSHighlander: 2 buds and my modest
    Phale @ VSHighlander: tell me when you have the hat
    Spartan101™: ok brb
    Phale @ VSHighlander: in your inventory
    Spartan101™: let me buy them
    Spartan101™: k done
    Phale @ VSHighlander: why is your inventory private
    Spartan101™: cuz its a surprise :)
    Phale @ VSHighlander: wow
    Spartan101™: what
    Spartan101™: ?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: you should probably set it to public
    Phale @ VSHighlander: before steamrep catches you
    Spartan101™: i know who is a scammer
    Spartan101™: my 2 friends is
    Spartan101™: i neveer talk to them
    Spartan101™: ok wait
    Spartan101™: im in a trade
    Spartan101™: k
    Phale @ VSHighlander: sure
    Phale @ VSHighlander: you haven't paid for the tossle
    Phale @ VSHighlander: it's still on tf2shop
    Phale @ VSHighlander: you should probably buy the only one on there now
    Phale @ VSHighlander: did you buy the hat?
    Spartan101™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Spartan101™: yes
    Phale @ VSHighlander: really?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: that's weird
    Spartan101™: well'
    Spartan101™: i have it
    Phale @ VSHighlander: why is the hat still on shop
    Spartan101™: does that
    Spartan101™: lol
    Phale @ VSHighlander: really?
    Spartan101™: do you buy stuff
    Spartan101™: in there mostly every day
    Spartan101™: ?
    Spartan101™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Spartan101™: accept?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: one sec
    Spartan101™: k
    Spartan101™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Spartan101™ has accepted your request to trade.
    Phale @ VSHighlander: add your hat
    Phale @ VSHighlander: hurry up
    Phale @ VSHighlander: it's crashing
    Phale @ VSHighlander: oh no
    Phale @ VSHighlander: stupid steam tradeing
    Spartan101™: i said it will be in your inventory when the trade is over?
    Phale @ VSHighlander: wow really
    Spartan101™: i said
    Spartan101™: that
    Phale @ VSHighlander: items don't work that way
    Spartan101™: well it does for me
    Phale @ VSHighlander: yea
    Phale @ VSHighlander: nice try
    Phale @ VSHighlander: I'm reporting you
    Phale @ VSHighlander: just sayin'
    Spartan101™: really
    Phale @ VSHighlander: mhmm
    Phale @ VSHighlander: saving chat logs now
    Spartan101™: trust me

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!