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Archived 76561198064131373 (Vegeta Scrap Banking)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [ PHS ] cows with guns, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. [ PHS ] cows with guns

    [ PHS ] cows with guns New User

    steamID: God (me)
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/longluan
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=longluan
    SOP forum account (if applicable): longbe96

    steamID: Vegeta Scrap Banking
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064131373/
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/scammername
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198064131373
    SOP forum account (if applicable):

    - Most of the chat we wrote in Vietnamese, so I will translate that to you.

    Description: So, I had a collection of 73 vintage uber-saws and this guy offered me 20$ for them. Since he speaks Vietnamese, and has many rep on his profile page, I thought he can trust him, but then he ran away with my items, they are not worth much, but It took me a lot of time and hard work to build up that much uber-saws

    The chat log I will translate to English
    [ code ]Saturday, August 25, 2012
    9:23 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: hey
    9:23 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: Vintage Ubersaw
    9:23 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: money
    9:23 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: thought about that ?
    9:23 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: ???
    9:24 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: :????????
    9:24 PM - God: send the money first
    Vegeta Scrap Banking had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    9:24 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: nope
    9:25 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: check out my rep
    9:25 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking:check*
    9:25 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking:let me see yours
    9:25 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: who has fewer will go first
    9:26 PM - God: why suddenly you want to buy ubersaws for 20$ ?
    9:26 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: /
    9:26 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: collect
    Vegeta Scrap Banking had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    9:26 PM - God: i'm not going first :V
    9:26 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: /
    9:27 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: then no
    9:27 PM - God:I got scammed many time, lost my unusual and bill's
    9:27 PM - God: creepy as f✿✿✿
    9:27 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: umm
    9:27 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: i have 2 bill's
    9:27 PM - God: then trade the bill's for my ubersaws
    9:27 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: terrira for all ur vintage uber?
    9:28 PM - God: terria is a cheap ass
    9:28 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: /
    9:28 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: if you dont like it then ok
    9:28 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: i trade with paypal a lot
    9:28 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: have
    9:28 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: even
    9:28 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: rep trade key and bill also
    9:29 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: ok
    9:29 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: it's up to you
    9:29 PM - God: 1 bill's hat is 7-8$
    9:29 PM - God: why not trade 2 bill's
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking:i bought for 30 key days ago
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: aslo
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: i only have white and black bill
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: 21$
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: trade 20$ is quicker
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: if it's not ok then fine
    9:30 PM - God: 2 bill's for ubersaw + 1 key ?
    9:30 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: no
    9:31 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: i dont sale item
    9:31 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: tui only buy with $
    9:31 PM - God: paypal verified yet ?
    9:31 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: yep
    9:32 PM - God: how much are you gonna trade for ?
    9:33 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: all
    9:33 PM - God: how much money ?
    9:33 PM - God: took me ages to collect
    9:33 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: 25$
    9:34 PM - God: my paypal account is [email protected]
    9:34 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: yes
    9:35 PM - God: must be sent by paypal gift
    9:35 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: ok
    9:40 PM - God: send the money
    9:40 PM - God: gift ok
    9:40 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: ok
    9:42 PM - God: nothing yet
    9:42 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: wait
    9:42 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: i'm working on it XD
    9:44 PM - God: what take you so long ?
    9:44 PM - God: ???
    9:46 PM - God: hey hey hey hey hey
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: gotta clean my house
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: wont
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: remove
    9:46 PM - God: send it now :|
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: give me 2 hours
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: this is
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: neighbor's computer
    9:46 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: they clean house
    9:47 PM - Vegeta Scrap Banking: gotta go home
    9:47 PM - God: it doesn't take ages to send money with paypal ><
    Vegeta Scrap Banking is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    Vegeta Scrap Banking is now Offline.
    [ /code ]
  2. [ PHS ] cows with guns

    [ PHS ] cows with guns New User

    Please mark him, and is there any way i could get my collection back ? It's very valuable to me.
  3. [ PHS ] cows with guns

    [ PHS ] cows with guns New User

  4. [ PHS ] cows with guns

    [ PHS ] cows with guns New User

    He returned the items to me thank to my two friend that threaten to report him to steam support, so i got my items back, but he has been scamming a lot of game and items from other people too, so please mark him.
  5. [ PHS ] cows with guns

    [ PHS ] cows with guns New User

  6. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    TF2 Outpost already marked him as a scammer with their tags.Thanks for the report. :)