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Archived 76561198065432052(Kuchiki Rukia [๖ۣFuC])

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Atlas Telamon, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Atlas Telamon

    Atlas Telamon New User

    |steamID: Atlas Telamon
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52583162
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065432052
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065432052

    |steamID: Kuchiki Rukia [๖ۣFuC]
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57576739
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075419206
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198075419206



    Trader was met on a trading server ( and offered upon a Strange Huntsman for $54. We debated briefly upon who would go first, and decided we would go at the same time. The e-mail was given once in trade, for the funds were to be sent through Paypal. Once traded, however, this was not the case. The funds were not transferred and the trader blocked me.

    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Hey
    Atlas Telamon: Hi.
    Atlas Telamon: Sorry about that.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Will you sell it for money?
    Atlas Telamon: ........uhhhh.
    Atlas Telamon: No.
    Atlas Telamon: Sorry.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Please
    Atlas Telamon: If you trade in that money for keys, then yeah.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: ill make it 54
    Atlas Telamon: 54 dollars?
    Atlas Telamon: :\
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: yes
    Atlas Telamon: 1 sec.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Hello?
    Atlas Telamon: Yeah.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: So
    Atlas Telamon: There are sites allowing you to trade money for keys.
    Atlas Telamon: If you can just do that for me, that'd be peachy?
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Well
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Maybe
    Atlas Telamon: Well, let me see if I can set up the paypal.
    Atlas Telamon: Give me a minute.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Ok
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Would you go first
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: if i add more
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: or
    Atlas Telamon: how about you go first.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Well
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: We both have little
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: +Rep
    Atlas Telamon: I'd prefer you go first.
    Atlas Telamon: You're the one who wants it.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: It go's both ways
    Atlas Telamon: I mean, I don't play sniper that much, haha.
    Atlas Telamon: Here, how about I hold an item of yours until you give me the money?
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: No thanks
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: we go at the same time
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: ?
    Atlas Telamon: Sure.
    Atlas Telamon: 1 sec, let me see if the account can receive funds.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Ok
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: I've been looking for one
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: For a wile
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: So thanks mate
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Ready?
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Got the meail?
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Email*
    Atlas Telamon: I got the Email.
    Atlas Telamon: Yeah.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Ready?
    Atlas Telamon: Yep
    You cannot trade with Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] because they are currently trading with someone else.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: oK
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Ok
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC]: Thanks man
    Atlas Telamon: Welcome.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    Kuchiki Rukia  [๖ۣFuC] is now Offline.
  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello, can you provide a screenshot of your trade history and a screenshot of your paypal showing you didnt' receive the funds¿
  3. Atlas Telamon

    Atlas Telamon New User

  4. Atlas Telamon

    Atlas Telamon New User

    Sorry about the dual post.
  5. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    That would work, an SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  6. Atlas Telamon

    Atlas Telamon New User

    Thank you very much.