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Invalid 76561198066205914 (SR scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Hidanone, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. Hidanone

    Hidanone New User

    | steamname: Hidanone
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52970093
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066205914
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/YouMadBroYolo
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066205914

    So I have been marked as a scammer today for acting as a Valve Employee. The thing is. It is false. My friend were pranking on me. But I don't know what kind of r*****ed person would prank on me. 2 of my friends http://steamcommunity.com/id/Altan "Altan" and http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021402484/ "xypher". Altan said to me to scam Xypher. He just said to me to TRY scam him but don't really scam him. So I joined the party and played along. The guy Xypher was Altans friend. So I did tried to scam (I really wouldn't steal his items). As you can see how Xypher is behaving is SO obvious. I knew he was fake but I played along. So I ended up in a trade when Xypher has all his stuf on the trade. Xypher pretenden he was a 12 year old kid and acted all dumb and his type writing was dumb aswell. In the end Xypher said to me that he's gonna report me and that he is not 12 (duh). So Altan and Xypher were trying to make me marked as a scammer. But this is not just an prank, this is serious. Xypher and Altan have now deleted me, all because they wanted to mark me as a scammer. So I want my Scammer mark gone and also that Xypher and Altan are being prosecuted, because this could've end very bad. And seriously, who can be that stupid to think that I'm a valve employee/admin. He was clearly faking it. As you can see in my evidence. Xypher is not 12. His English is perfect. He was trolling me and ruining my tf2 carreer. And on Xypher's thread when he reported me as scammer you can see that his English was REALLY bad but in his scam report his English was perfect. And he is still on my friend list and we still talk daily to eachother joking and laughing (evidence and the translation are below), because everyone would've deleted their scammer and block them but Xypher didn't. We are that kinda friends who are trying to f*** eachother up (yeah I know, it's weird) but he ACTUALLY did manage to get me marked.

    Note: The evidence is in Dutch so I will try to translate them.

    Hidanone: That Xyphen
    Hidanone: a f****** joke was.
    Altan: gagagagagagag (in my country this is something like trolling.)
    Hidanone : I am not that stupid
    Hidanone : Because nobody can be so stupid (Xypher acted as a 12 year old kid with VERY bad writing.)
    Hidanone: and seriously
    Hidanone: why does it say
    Xypeher: Wut?
    Altan: ?
    Hidanone: That i've scammed more people. (I never did)
    Xypher: hu wat?
    Altan:aaaiiii mb (MB stands for mooi boy which means pretty boy)
    xypeher : prettyboy
    Hidanone : do i have to make a judge appeal again? (and here I am)!
    Xypher: Scammen is haram! (Which means a SIN in the Islam)
    Altan: not allowed eh?
    Hidanone: print screen (i took a print screen)
    Hidanone Judge Appeal (here i am)
    Hidanone: and everything will be forgotton (I hope)
    Hidanone: Ha
    Xypher : go ahead
    Altan: Allah is mad at you
    Xypher: we are not saying that you didn't scammed anybody :p
    Xypher: :pPPPP
    Hidanone: no
    Hidanone: you guys are admitting it
    Hidanone: that it is a joke

    As you can clearly see is that Xypher (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021402484/) and
    Altan (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Altan) were clearly trolling me and now I have an Scammers mark.

    I really want them to be punished because this can clearly ruin my trading life and not only that but they were also abusing the report system.

    And on the screenshots you can see the chat with me Altan and Xypher and also Xypher showed me HIS chat with me and you can see on the other chat tab that he was talking with Altan. So Altan was telling Xypher what he must do so they can frame me.
    And on the other evidence when I am just talking with Xypher you can see that we're still friends. If I really scammed him then people would've deleted me and blocked me, but he didn't. We're still joking around (We are friends who are trying to make each other screwed in TF2, yeah that kinda friends).
    Translate of the chat

    Hidanone : Bro
    Hidanone : If you could choose
    Hidanone : between Paris Hilton or Britney Spears in 2007
    Hidanone : Which one would it be?
    Xypher : None
    Hidanone : you must
    Hidanone : or your parents will die
    Xypher : lol
    Hidanone : choose nigguh
    Hidanone : *Cough* *Cough* both *cought* *cough*

    So we're still friends, but he frames me and I want him punished and Altan for trying to mark me as a scammer. I re-uploaded this thread because the other one has some problems and not enough evidence (the chat was close so I couldn't post some evidence). He was still on my friend list 6 days after the scam and we were still talking regularly about women and games and such. If I really tried to "scam", he would've deleted me but he didn't.

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    STOP making duplicate appeals, you already have one pending.
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