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Archived 76561198066296397 Dr. Panda

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Sire Noobishly, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Sire Noobishly

    Sire Noobishly New User

    Victim (me):
    |steamID: Sire Noobishly
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41876127
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044017983
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044017983

    Scammer: Dr. Panda
    |steamID: Dr. Panda
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53015334
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066296397
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066296397

    Description : Scammer tried to scam me of a Unusual Jumper's Jeepcap w/ Bubbles, he offered 34 keys for it, I knew it was too good to be true, as I added him to proceed the trade, he told me that he was buying the keys, then he told me that he had finished buying the keys, a quick look into his backpack shows that there are no keys at all. He was obviously trying to scam me of the unusual, so I told him to provide evidence of the keys by sending me a screenshot of it, however, he avoids my questions multiple times. He also told me that the purchased keys aren't tradable yet, further avoiding the question and asks me if I Want to gift wrap the Unusual to him, To Solidify My proof, He also scammed some guy of a Steaming Knot if you go check his OP trades.

    Conversation [Proof] :
    Dr. Panda: Hmm..... 22:11:06
    Dr. Panda: they are not tradeable 22:11:12
    Dr. Panda: D: 22:11:12
    Dr. Panda: can you wait 3 days or you wanna do gift wrap 22:11:28
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: just a moment 22:12:08
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: I don't see any keys in your Bp. 22:14:15
    Dr. Panda: i just bought them 22:14:40
    Dr. Panda: Check again 22:14:43
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Nope, Can you show me a screenshot of your bp with the keys? 22:15:45
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Don't see it still. 22:15:53
    Dr. Panda: D: 22:16:18
    Dr. Panda: Hm 22:16:37
    Dr. Panda: idk 22:16:58
    Dr. Panda: so 22:17:15
    Dr. Panda: should i use the keys for unboxing or should i give to youz/ 22:17:31
    Dr. Panda: im not sure 22:17:35
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Well, you're in-game, show me a screenshot of the keys, isn't too hard. 22:17:40
    Dr. Panda: Should i use or send them to you/ 22:18:13
    Dr. Panda: C'mon its a simple question 22:18:26
    Dr. Panda: HUH?
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Well, I'll like to sell the jeepcap to you, 22:19:34

    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Well? Do you even have the keys?
    Dr. Panda: yes
    Dr. Panda: i swear i do
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Then show me a screenshot.
    Dr. Panda: im in trade
    You cannot trade with Dr. Panda because they are currently trading with someone else.
    You cannot trade with Dr. Panda because they are currently trading with someone else.
    You cannot trade with Dr. Panda because they are currently trading with someone else.
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Well?
    Dr. Panda: ok
    Dr. Panda: done
    Dr. Panda: trade

    You added Unusual Jumper's Jeepcap 22:29:04
    Dr. Panda: well they are not tradeable 22:29:16
    Dr. Panda: if you want ill gift wra and send 22:29:23
    Dr. Panda: wrap* 22:29:26
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: So, you're telling me you'll gift wrap every single key? 22:29:53
    Dr. Panda: yea 22:30:44
    Dr. Panda: i get the gift wrap from my friend for free 22:30:54
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Every 34 of them? 22:31:29
    Dr. Panda: yu 22:31:34
    Dr. Panda: yup* 22:31:37
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: I still don't see the keys in your Backpack, show me a screenshot of them. 22:32:57
    Dr. Panda: Dude hurry i dont have all day 22:33:07
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: Alright, send me the keys then.22:33:20
    Dr. Panda: Well you might scam me 22:34:39
    Dr. Panda: either take this offer 22:35:04
    Sorceror Noobishly #NoSound: We'll use a middleman from steamrep then. 22:35:04
    Dr. Panda: ill give you a bk 22:35:08
    Dr. Panda: for free 22:35:12
  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, do you have any screenshots to back up your claims?
  3. Sire Noobishly

    Sire Noobishly New User

  4. Null

    Null New User

    He had also attempted to scam me, but unfortunately, I did not take screenshots of the chat.
    He offered my asking price of 16 keys for my s.f. grenade launcher (http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/7989802), and added me, using the same tactic of giftwrapping keys to attempt a scam.
  5. Knight Power

    Knight Power New User

    Glad to see someone posted a thread about this guy... he added me a while ago for my unusual trade but i never traded him because it was awfully fishy. (like he wasn't telling me the truth) So anyways a while later he messages me again about another hat i had bought (Green energy Rack) and tried to scam it off me claiming he could dupe hats... Cmon now, i wasn't born yesterday.
    So here are some nice pics to back it up.
  6. raged pyro

    raged pyro New User

    yep he scammed me to I have been scammed my unusual steaming dread knot... he said he just bought 18 keys and was gonna give it to me.... i gave him the dread knot never got the keys... he saod i would have to give him everything in my bp for it... never got it back. he said he was gonna give away everything away before he got banned i hope i can get a duped dread knot or somthing. i was so stupid i forgot to take pics of that talk
  7. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Ok, an Admin will investigate this in a while.

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