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Accepted 76561198066369905 Frostbyte99 (SR CAUTION)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Frostbyte99™, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Frostbyte99™

    Frostbyte99™ New User

    | steamname: Frostbyte99
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53052088
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066369905
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066369905

    (Please read the entire thing because I will explain what happened!)
    I was just playing TF2 when a anonymous account with a picture of a steam logo and with the name "Steam" on him/her messaged me through steam, saying that I could get free games by clicking on a link and then put my steam usernameID and password + email address and password. Unfortunately because of my stupidity that time I fell for it, and in a few minutes I got logged out of steam, unable to log back in. (this happened in march 3, 2013)

    Okay so, luckily I got my accounts back, when I contacted steam support. I showed them all my purchases and the credit card codes that I used in steam. So in a week I retrieved my account. But then I found out that the hacker was sending people messages, the same messages that got me, one of my steam friends reported me to steamrep and here it is: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198066369905-frostbyte99.24294/...
    I added him back, and told him what happened. Btw the hacker also deleted some of my friends, that includes him. Anyway i'm glad no one fell for it when he sent messages to my friends like that. I also told most of my friends to not click the link that the "Hacker" sent them and get hacked.

    As of now I am very limited in trading, not anyone trusts me, plus I can't even use tf2 outpost, etc because of my steamrep. I am not a scammer, just a victim of a hacker who made me look like a scammer / hacker.

    Add me in steam if you wan't to talk to me about it STEAMID: Frostbyte99. I will be really honest with all of the questions you are going to ask me from now on. For all who red my appeal thank you very much! Forgive me if my english is bad, i'm japanese/ spanish/ filipino. Once again thankyou. 1DZktMD.png
  2. Frostbyte99™

    Frostbyte99™ New User

    This is in tf2outpost, because it looks like i'm banned permanently without getting my tag in steamrep removed...
  3. Mrs TS

    Mrs TS New User

    I am 110% sure the admins/mods will want proof of your contacting Steam Support.
    Please post any conversations you had with them, blocking out any personal information.
  4. Frostbyte99™

    Frostbyte99™ New User

    Sure, here is the conversation I had with steam support.

    Steamrep appeal#1.jpg

    (Btw I got my account back at march 12 ^)


    Steamrep appeal#2.jpg


    steamrep appeal#3.jpg

    This is all i've got, they sent me back my username and password for my hacked steam account through gmail and got my account back . Sorry about the march 3 thing, it was march 8..

    steamrep appeal#4.jpg

    Unfortunately I lost the e-mail from steam support that had my username and password on but im glad that I still had this with me. I hope this is enough evidence / proof that I really got hacked and also that im not a phisher, hacker, scammer, etc. I'm not any of those.
  5. Bluedemon

    Bluedemon Retired Staff

    Accepted. Already processed.