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Invalid 76561198066497169 (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Rodeo22, Jul 7, 2012.

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  1. Rodeo22

    Rodeo22 New User

    steamID: Rodeo22
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53115720
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066497169
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066497169

    Wanted to buy this man's unusual:

    he accepted the deal and i added the middleman vintage cobra. After some discussion the seller sends me a link to my steam rep and informs me that i am now marked as a scammer. As it turns out i unknowingly added the wrong middleman and accidentally got an impersonator. I just started playing team fortress two and had heard about unusual trading and how one can buy unusuals thru pay-pal and did not realize the dangers of doing so.
  2. Skyrider

    Skyrider Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hey Rodeo22.

    As you already mentioned, you are just started playing. But I also noticed that your steam account creation date is on July, 5. Just 3 days later you already started to do money trades. And in my opinion, it's almost impossible to unknowingly add the wrong person and I still wish to know where on earth you added him. Many trading websites clearly mention SteamREP.
  3. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Its pretty simple actually,
    the impersonation account and a 2nd account have been tied to this same user, I mean really, what are the odds?
    impersonation accnt:
    Ohh guess what? YES, YES, that is the same account he was reported for working with originally! And he didn't know? PFTT.

    99% chance this is his main (or at least current account)

    marking his alts,

    thread should have been SR not SOP also he will have to appeal with op first now, blame jb for that one,
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