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Accepted 76561198068197107 (Anton)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Jimmy Rustler, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Jimmy Rustler

    Jimmy Rustler New User

    steamID: Jimmy Rustler
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:45996217
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052258163
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/suirisx
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198052258163

    steamID: Anton
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53965689
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068197107
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Antonbooo
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198068197107

    Picture of chat: http://i.imgur.com/8yyDN.png
    Trade Window: http://i.imgur.com/6GFQK.png
    PayPal E-Mail: [email protected]

    I was added about 3 am this morning, and he was offline when I accepted his invite. Later in the afternoon before we spoke, I was added by someone else saying he was a scammer. I did not complete the trade, but I did lure him far enough to get some information and know that he would take my hat first.

    Chat Transcript:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Jimmy Rustler: hey
    Anton: Hey there
    Jimmy Rustler: you added me sometime this morning?
    Jimmy Rustler: sorry, was asleep/idle at the time
    Anton: I added you because i was interested in one of your unusuals i believe
    Jimmy Rustler: ahhh yes
    Jimmy Rustler: the sunbeams merryweather?
    Anton: I was just wondering if you would take Paypal as a form of payment?
    Jimmy Rustler: I have done cash transactions, and would accept paypal for my hat, yes
    Anton: Ok cool
    Anton: what would you do for it?
    Jimmy Rustler: How much would I like for it? 7.5 buds, at $30 per bud
    Anton: i count buds at around 32 $ ea
    Jimmy Rustler: ...Then you'll be paying $15 extra
    Jimmy Rustler: ._.
    Anton: True
    Jimmy Rustler: $225 or $240, I'd assume $225?
    Anton: Hm.
    Anton: Yeah i think i can do that
    Anton: i've got 760$ atm just lost 40$ buying buds :\
    Jimmy Rustler: Ahhhh :/
    Anton: Darn scammers.
    Jimmy Rustler: Ah
    Anton: How would we do this MM?
    Jimmy Rustler: Could I have your PayPal e-mail to know who to expect payment from?
    Anton: [email protected]
    Anton: whats yours
    Jimmy Rustler: [email protected]
    Anton: OK
    Jimmy Rustler: Anyways
    Jimmy Rustler: Walk me through what we're going to do?
    Anton: I'm not all to sure myself what i'm going to do lol
    Jimmy Rustler: Alright xD
    Anton: SO, yeah i'm not really sure how we will do this :o
    Jimmy Rustler: Sooo ^^
    Anton: It's ready to be sent :o
    Anton: http://i.imgur.com/GI08i.png
    Jimmy Rustler: Alrighty
    Jimmy Rustler: Let me know when you're ready
    Jimmy Rustler: And how will this go down?
    Anton: Im not sure :o
    Jimmy Rustler: Heh, only time I've ever used PayPal in this game is for buying a few keys
    Anton: I've bought about 7 unusuals :o
    Anton: via Paypal
    Jimmy Rustler: Wow, nice.
    Anton: But i sold one lol
    Jimmy Rustler: Wait, are you sending to paypal_donations or paypal-donations?
    Jimmy Rustler: We've had past transactions where they don't go through for people using the wrong symbol
    Jimmy Rustler: ...Half of them my fault for giving the wrong symbol
    Anton: [email protected]
    Jimmy Rustler: It's a normal dash, not an underscore
    Anton: O
    Anton: ok
    Anton: i will change it
    Jimmy Rustler: Okay, well I'm going to play a match, let me know how/when this will go down
    Jimmy Rustler: Not too sure, new to the paypal-hat market
    Anton: OK
    Anton: i just don't know if i send first or o.O
    Anton: 225 $ is alot :o
    Jimmy Rustler: Yeah >.<
    Jimmy Rustler: So where did you find out about my hat?
    Anton: I'm not even too sure lol
    Anton: it was like
    Anton: late at night
    Anton: around 4 am
    Anton: i think
    Jimmy Rustler: Ahhhh
    Anton: maybe reddit
    Anton: maybe outpost
    Jimmy Rustler: ^
    Jimmy Rustler: Yeah
    Jimmy Rustler: I listed it there
    Anton: one of those Lol
    Jimmy Rustler: Hey, want to join my game?
    Anton: sure
    Anton: i think its full atm
    Jimmy Rustler: Ahhh
    Jimmy Rustler: I think it might be
    Anton: ill put it on auto retry
    Jimmy Rustler: kk
    Anton is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Jimmy Rustler: Anyways
    Jimmy Rustler: Ready to do this?
    Jimmy Rustler: How did you do it before with the other hats?
    Anton: Well
    Anton: the first one
    Anton: i bought
    Anton: my noble
    Anton: i sent first
    Anton: but that was because he has alot alot of rep
    Anton: but other 5 they went first basically
    Jimmy Rustler: Oh
    Jimmy Rustler: I have no rep, what do we do?
    Anton: IDK
    Anton: you see i have another vintage merryweather
    Anton: mine is steaming
    Anton: i really want to do add to the collection
    Anton: =D
    Jimmy Rustler: ahhh it says smoking but okay
    Anton: yes
    Anton: smoking
    Jimmy Rustler: you need an aspect with the beams one ^^
    Anton: sorry
    Anton: LOL
    Anton: steaming and smoking
    Anton: honostly look same
    Anton: to me
    Anton: and i confuse them
    Jimmy Rustler: ^ same
    Anton: But anyways, you want to see my PP balance to prove i have the $?
    Jimmy Rustler: Nah, it's cool
    Anton: Alright
    Jimmy Rustler: Anyways, let's get this over with?
    Anton: Alright. how do you want to do it mate
    Jimmy Rustler: I dunno, you're the experienced one, you'd have to walk me through some parts
    Anton: Hm.
    Anton: I just don't know if i can send 225 $ first :O it's alot of money to risk :\
    Jimmy Rustler: You're suggesting I trade my hat to you, then you send it?
    Anton: Not really i'm not suggesting anything
    Anton: I don't believe you trust me enough for that
    Jimmy Rustler: So what do we do? x.x
    Anton: IDK :\
    Jimmy Rustler: I'll let you decide
    Anton: IDK mate
    Anton: if you trust me enough i suppose we could do it like that
    Anton: but take in mind i wouldn't risk 6 of my unusuals and alot of stuff to try to scam someone
    Jimmy Rustler: Ahhhh
    Jimmy Rustler: Okay
    Anton has accepted your request to trade.
    Anton: wait
    Anton: email
    Anton: is with -
    Anton: or _
    Jimmy Rustler: dash, [email protected]
    Anton: Ok
    Anton: so i did have it right
    Jimmy Rustler: wait, bathroom
    Jimmy Rustler: h/o
    Anton: OK
    He also hit my friend, before he tried to hit me: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198068197107-anton.8483/

    To help, he added me at 3am, he scammed my friend before he accepted, and then I accepted afterwards to get information.
  2. Jimmy Rustler

    Jimmy Rustler New User

    He just talked to a friend and said this:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Shang: If you can..add this to your report:
    Shang: Anton: hi?
    Shang: Hi.
    Shang: Umm don't unadd me or block me please,
    Shang: I just wanted to know, why did you do what you did?
    Anton: for $
    Shang: It isn't worth it >.<
    Shang: But you are already banned on Tf2outpost.. and will be banned off trade and steam
    Shang: None of your items would be tradable..
    Shang: >.>
    Shang: it isn't worth it bro
    Anton: It's called transfering.
    Shang: They get alts -.-
    Anton: to a different account.
    Shang: look..
    Shang: I can give you a link
    Anton: Ok
    Shang: to where you can see an items history..
    Anton: but tell me this
    Anton: i have a alt
    Shang: Ik
    Anton: standing well
    Shang: ok
    Anton: with 10 + scammed unusuals
    Anton: been good for 2 months or so.
    I think between this, reddit, a suspisicous profile, and another report it should be easy to wrap up.
  3. Bus

    Bus New User

  4. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Already marked and making sure alts are marked. Thanks for the report.:)