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Rejected 76561198068961382 Berbrutalek (SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ๖ۣۜβяμ†αℓ °_°™, Jan 24, 2013.

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  1. This is my Rep Thread. Please make your rep additions as detailed as possible.

    If you are reading this and you are about to post or have posted rep here, thanks! I appreciate your support and I will gladly provide all my support to you as well!
    (Incorrectly tagged "scammer")
    steamID: berbrutalek
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:54347827
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068961382
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198068961382

    Profile Rep: http://steamcommunity.com/id/berbrutalek/allcomments
    As you can see in the above example, my comments I am not a spammer. When I learned that you have to have in order to SourceOp exchange through paypal. As soon as I put it. Today (24 January 2013) glad I got up out of bed and finally verified paypal. For over an hour I tried to enter the source op because he could not remember the password. Finally managed to. Immediately I searched how to remove my second account "Crazy Men: P" which have created a long time ago that men began to exchange with me for the money. Why I wanted to remove them? Since, however, decided that I should start with a clean slate it self. Unfortunately, I had to fall (I have an appointment with my friends). I thought I would end up deleting when I come back but unfortunately the ban waiting for me. I do not deserve ban for spam. I had no bad intentions more it will never happen again, but no one is fooled me several times. Even gave items, non-premium player. Brother even gift :) I've done more than once. Very please unbans It really never happen again. I did not mean to do anything wrong. I'm very sorry and please unbans my account and remove 'crazy men :p' (SOP). Very please and sorry.
    Jak widac wyzej np. w moich komentarzach nie jestem spamerem . Gdy dowiedziałem sie ze trzeba miec SourceOp po to by wymieniac sie przez paypal. Natychmiast go zalozylem. Dzisiaj (24 stycznia 2013 r.) zadowolony wstalem z lozka i w koncu zweryfikowalem paypal . Przez przeszlo godzine staralem sie wejsc na source op gdyz nie pamietalem hasla. W koncu udalo sie. Natychmiast szukalem sposobu zeby usunac moje drugie konto "Crazy Men :p" ktore stworzylem juz dawno po to by ludzie zaczeli sie ze mna wymieniac za pieniadze. Czemu chcialem je usunac ? Poniewaz uznalem ze jednak zaczne sobie z czystym kontem .Niestety musialem spadac (Umowilem sie z kumplami). Myslalem ze skoncze usuwanie jak wroce lecz niestety czekal na mnie ban. Nie zasluzylem na bana za spam. Nie mialem zlych zamiarow wiecej to sie nie powtorzy nigdy nikogo nie oszukalem lecz mnie kilkukrotnie. Nawet dawalem itemy , gracza nieposiadajacych premium. Bratu nawet prezent zrobilem nie raz :). Bardzo prosze o odbanowanie to sie naprawde nigdy wiecej nie powtorzy. Nie chcialem nic zlego zrobic . Bardzo przepraszam i prosze o odbanowanie moich kont a najlepiej usuniecie crazy mena ze strony (SOP). Bardzo prosze i przepraszam.
    I suggest to read in Polish because I could do it in ang some bugs.
  2. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    I would like to clarify something because you probably do not understand what happend.
    You has been marked as a SCAMMER, not a SPAMMER.
    The offense is "Leaving Fake Reputation".
  3. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Sorry, there should be "have", not has.

    You have been marked as a SCAMMER, not a SPAMMER.
  4. Skyrider

    Skyrider Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Dear ๖ۣۜβяμ†αℓ °_°,

    You've been tagged for fake repping yourself on SourceOP of which is one of the things someone would be instantly tagged for. I never tagged you for "spamming". As I've already spoken to you through steam, I'll give a summary.

    You keep mentioning that you wanted to remove the "crazy men" account, but you never contacted us (SourceOP) or created a support thread. Instead, you gave yourself reputation just to speed up the trade process / getting trust (in your words). This is really not the proper way nor does it give you an excuse for this. By far it'll just give you more problems than it's worth. While your intentions may (and I repeat, may) have been harmless, you'd have to understand that this is something we can't take any risks for.

    However.. I'll give you the chance to re-appeal in 8 months. With that, I highly suggest that in those 8 months you wouldn't do anything related that gives you more problems on SteamREP.

    Best regards,
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